As Predicted, Shepard Smith Goes Home

Smith was definitely the first crack in the wall as Fox turned RINO.

Now Napolitano and Cavuto are refusing to bend over, and the network is full-blown radical extreme pinko commie socialist Hitler Nazi Fascist Stalinist commie.

What's wrong with these guys? Don't they know they're supposed to obediently toe the party line?

AON! AON! AON! They know how to do it! Only give us stuff we like!
Smith quite because fox reported the news and couldn’t handle tucker and Hannity telling them truth .. poor guy lol

I listen to all and most Americans trust Fox News
B#llsh!t. Are you hearing voices from the WH again Jit?
Smith was definitely the first crack in the wall as Fox turned RINO.

Now Napolitano and Cavuto are refusing to bend over, and the network is full-blown radical extreme pinko commie socialist Hitler Nazi Fascist Stalinist commie.

What's wrong with these guys? Don't they know they're supposed to obediently toe the party line?

AON! AON! AON! They know how to do it! Only give us stuff we like!
Smith quite because fox reported the news and couldn’t handle tucker and Hannity telling them truth .. poor guy lol

I listen to all and most Americans trust Fox News
B#llsh!t. Are you hearing voices from the WH again Jit?
No just the ratings
Smith was definitely the first crack in the wall as Fox turned RINO.

Now Napolitano and Cavuto are refusing to bend over, and the network is full-blown radical extreme pinko commie socialist Hitler Nazi Fascist Stalinist commie.

What's wrong with these guys? Don't they know they're supposed to obediently toe the party line?

AON! AON! AON! They know how to do it! Only give us stuff we like!
Wanted to get invited to those Hollyweird parties.
Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.

I hope you are not one of those people who think we should all be FORCED to hear the anti-Trump, anti-American, leftwing nastiness the networks shove out even if we don't want to. Of course people don't want to read and hear a lot of nonsense they don't believe in: it would be a criminal waste of time.

Right: Fox viewers want our version of reality, and we're entitled to just that, and in fact we won't settle for anything else. No, we don't want to hear nonsense that does not fit our worldview. And this is our right. And attention is the real currency of the modern world, so if we don't get what we want, we turn off the devices, and they don't get to make money off us. For that reason, I think we'll continue to get the point of view we want.
I listen to all and most Americans trust Fox News
My goodness.
  • Average daily Fox viewership: 2.4 million
  • Current population: 327 million
This is the kind of shit these people believe. How can you have a normal, adult conversation with people like this?
Millions of toddlers have cable? Lol dumb ass lol Most Americans with cable choose Fox News
Most Americans have cable. You can't even make THAT claim. Not even CLOSE.

When was the last time you demonstrated original, independent thinking? Ever? Have you ALWAYS been a Borg?
Sorry, but if you are hated by your primary demographic you won't be around for long.
Just ask Megan Kelly.

And, hate is such a destructive, primitive force.
Betraying your viewers tends to cause that.
Well, I guess that depends on what your viewers want. Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.
That's a warped view of it.
The truth is.....Fox used to be the only network that covered everything. CNN and MSNBC censor their news to only show the leftist view. Fox is drifting slowly left but still trying to keep their viewers.
It's not going to work the further left they go.
After all....what is a conservative. A conservative is someone who resists change....and thus has issues with leftist ideology like Socialism and Communism.
Socialism and Communism can only exist in a country that is disarmed and unable to effect change.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?
Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.

I hope you are not one of those people who think we should all be FORCED to hear the anti-Trump, anti-American, leftwing nastiness the networks shove out even if we don't want to. Of course people don't want to read and hear a lot of nonsense they don't believe in: it would be a criminal waste of time.

Right: Fox viewers want our version of reality, and we're entitled to just that, and in fact we won't settle for anything else. No, we don't want to hear nonsense that does not fit our worldview. And this is our right. And attention is the real currency of the modern world, so if we don't get what we want, we turn off the devices, and they don't get to make money off us. For that reason, I think we'll continue to get the point of view we want.
I'm one of those people who think it's a very good thing to be curious and honest. To be empathetic and understand the perspective of others. To find ways to collaborate and innovate for the good of the country that we share. To refuse to hide from each other simply because we don't all think the same way.

Those who choose to shield themselves from, and distort the opinions of, those who dare to disagree with them are isolating themselves from reality. That, as we see, manifests in artificial divisions and a breakdown in the fundamental communication that we need to exist as a dynamic society.

Now, it's just us vs. them. I don't wanna know. The other guys are evil and stupid. Don't listen to them. Just beat them. Party over country. We have given in to those who have a vested professional interest in seeing us angry and divided, who don't want us to understand anything outside our little worldview.

I honestly don't know how a reasonable, intelligent adult can think that's a good thing. But here we are.
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Sorry, but if you are hated by your primary demographic you won't be around for long.
Just ask Megan Kelly.

And, hate is such a destructive, primitive force.
Betraying your viewers tends to cause that.
Well, I guess that depends on what your viewers want. Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.
That's a warped view of it.
The truth is.....Fox used to be the only network that covered everything. CNN and MSNBC censor their news to only show the leftist view. Fox is drifting slowly left but still trying to keep their viewers.
It's not going to work the further left they go.
After all....what is a conservative. A conservative is someone who resists change....and thus has issues with leftist ideology like Socialism and Communism.
Socialism and Communism can only exist in a country that is disarmed and unable to effect change.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?
This is a very strange response.
First of all WTF is AON?
Second....what makes you think that you ever get the full UNDISTORTED STORY from CNN or MSNBC???

Fox covers stories that CNN and MSNBC refuse to cover.
If they (CNN and MSNBC) do cover a story....there is little or no negative coverage of Democrats in their presentation. It's always "Orange Man Bad".

On the other hand.....I have issues with the way Fox is moving to the left.....and because of that they are beginning to lose the trust of their viewers. Not because they're being fair and balanced but because they're repeating Dem talking-point as if they are legitimate when we all know from other sources that they aren't.

And, hate is such a destructive, primitive force.
Betraying your viewers tends to cause that.
Well, I guess that depends on what your viewers want. Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.
That's a warped view of it.
The truth is.....Fox used to be the only network that covered everything. CNN and MSNBC censor their news to only show the leftist view. Fox is drifting slowly left but still trying to keep their viewers.
It's not going to work the further left they go.
After all....what is a conservative. A conservative is someone who resists change....and thus has issues with leftist ideology like Socialism and Communism.
Socialism and Communism can only exist in a country that is disarmed and unable to effect change.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?
This is a very strange response.
First of all WTF is AON?
Second....what makes you think that you ever get the full UNDISTORTED STORY from CNN or MSNBC???

Fox covers stories that CNN and MSNBC refuse to cover.
If they (CNN and MSNBC) do cover a story....there is little or no negative coverage of Democrats in their presentation. It's always "Orange Man Bad".

On the other hand.....I have issues with the way Fox is moving to the left.....and because of that they are beginning to lose the trust of their viewers. Not because they're being fair and balanced but because they're repeating Dem talking-point as if they are legitimate when we all know from other sources that they aren't.
Is that a "yes" or a "no"?
Betraying your viewers tends to cause that.
Well, I guess that depends on what your viewers want. Since Fox's viewers want their version of reality served the way they want it, and since they don't want to hear about things that don't serve their worldview, Fox has to walk a tightrope between responsible journalism and con artistry.

I'll never understand why so many people just want half the story.
That's a warped view of it.
The truth is.....Fox used to be the only network that covered everything. CNN and MSNBC censor their news to only show the leftist view. Fox is drifting slowly left but still trying to keep their viewers.
It's not going to work the further left they go.
After all....what is a conservative. A conservative is someone who resists change....and thus has issues with leftist ideology like Socialism and Communism.
Socialism and Communism can only exist in a country that is disarmed and unable to effect change.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?
This is a very strange response.
First of all WTF is AON?
Second....what makes you think that you ever get the full UNDISTORTED STORY from CNN or MSNBC???

Fox covers stories that CNN and MSNBC refuse to cover.
If they (CNN and MSNBC) do cover a story....there is little or no negative coverage of Democrats in their presentation. It's always "Orange Man Bad".

On the other hand.....I have issues with the way Fox is moving to the left.....and because of that they are beginning to lose the trust of their viewers. Not because they're being fair and balanced but because they're repeating Dem talking-point as if they are legitimate when we all know from other sources that they aren't.
Is that a "yes" or a "no"?
It's really not a yes or no answer.

If you insist on one..........the answer is no. But don't stop reading. Okay?

However, I don't think any single outlet covers the whole story.
They are only able to cover the part of the story that their producers allow them to cover.
But in least Fox covers more of the story than CNN or MSNBC.
It's really up to us to decide if Fox is full of shit or not.
CNN and MSNBC has removed all doubt with their advocacy for only one side of the story.
Very little of their coverage can be considered at face value because they have shown that they have an agenda which removes their credibility.
I listen to all and most Americans trust Fox News
My goodness.
  • Average daily Fox viewership: 2.4 million
  • Current population: 327 million
This is the kind of shit these people believe. How can you have a normal, adult conversation with people like this?
Millions of toddlers have cable? Lol dumb ass lol Most Americans with cable choose Fox News
Most Americans have cable. You can't even make THAT claim. Not even CLOSE.

When was the last time you demonstrated original, independent thinking? Ever? Have you ALWAYS been a Borg?
Yes basic tv
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?

Naaaaaah. Can't be done, too much bias. You seem to think there IS a truth ---- and the left has it. I'm aware that all "facts" are just opinions that someone badly wants to be accepted by his/her listeners. The more they call them facts, the more they ….. well, just aren't.

I have a lot of personal rules about news reading or listening since the media catastrophe of 2016: No speculation, no polls, no irrelevant foreign news (no "naked savages news" if it's about ridiculously improbable areas of the world!). Et cetera. No horrific anti-Trump bashing -- that gets me reaching for the remote fastest, and that's all ---------- ALL ---------- the evil leftwing channels do. Those carryings-on aren't "the other side," they are just ugly.

And so much of it is factually wrong. I have a new rule since Iran shelled our base: believe NOTHING about any breaking news story for at least 24 hours. First 30 missiles, then 15, then 12...…'s like that with every story. They just make it up.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?

Naaaaaah. Can't be done, too much bias. You seem to think there IS a truth ---- and the left has it. I'm aware that all "facts" are just opinions that someone badly wants to be accepted by his/her listeners. The more they call them facts, the more they ….. well, just aren't.

I have a lot of personal rules about news reading or listening since the media catastrophe of 2016: No speculation, no polls, no irrelevant foreign news (no "naked savages news" if it's about ridiculously improbable areas of the world!). Et cetera. No horrific anti-Trump bashing -- that gets me reaching for the remote fastest, and that's all ---------- ALL ---------- the evil leftwing channels do. Those carryings-on aren't "the other side," they are just ugly.

And so much of it is factually wrong. I have a new rule since Iran shelled our base: believe NOTHING about any breaking news story for at least 24 hours. First 30 missiles, then 15, then 12...…'s like that with every story. They just make it up.
For wingers on both ends, "The Truth" is nothing more than "stuff I agree with". So no, that's not what I'm after in that context.

I didn't used to think that just asking the media to show the full story was asking too much, especially when I was in the business for 18 years. But we've gone in a far worse direction -- now, those who choose to expose themselves only to "their" media are not only getting a distorted picture, they're also being denied critical information.

And even worse than THAT, they don't seem to MIND. THAT'S what has me concerned.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?

Naaaaaah. Can't be done, too much bias. You seem to think there IS a truth ---- and the left has it. I'm aware that all "facts" are just opinions that someone badly wants to be accepted by his/her listeners. The more they call them facts, the more they ….. well, just aren't.

I have a lot of personal rules about news reading or listening since the media catastrophe of 2016: No speculation, no polls, no irrelevant foreign news (no "naked savages news" if it's about ridiculously improbable areas of the world!). Et cetera. No horrific anti-Trump bashing -- that gets me reaching for the remote fastest, and that's all ---------- ALL ---------- the evil leftwing channels do. Those carryings-on aren't "the other side," they are just ugly.

And so much of it is factually wrong. I have a new rule since Iran shelled our base: believe NOTHING about any breaking news story for at least 24 hours. First 30 missiles, then 15, then 12...…'s like that with every story. They just make it up.
For wingers on both ends, "The Truth" is nothing more than "stuff I agree with". So no, that's not what I'm after in that context.

I didn't used to think that just asking the media to show the full story was asking too much, especially when I was in the business for 18 years. But we've gone in a far worse direction -- now, those who choose to expose themselves only to "their" media are not only getting a distorted picture, they're also being denied critical information.

And even worse than THAT, they don't seem to MIND. THAT'S what has me concerned.

For wingers on both ends, "The Truth" is nothing more than "stuff I agree with".
That just another way to describe someone as being gullible and not able to do any independent research to find out what exactly is the truth.

Course.....when somebody constantly lies to you and thinks they're getting away with it like Democrats do every day...clearly they aren't telling you the TRUTH.
Or when a political party has to cheat to win elections by "resettling" millions of foreign voters in battleground states so they can swing elections....clearly they aren't being honest.
After all.....Blacks are too poor and dumb to obtain proper I.D.
Never mind all of the Central Americans and Muslims they've planted all over California, Texas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to name a few.
Yep....the GOP sucks...but they ain't got nothing on the Democrat/Communist party.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?

Naaaaaah. Can't be done, too much bias. You seem to think there IS a truth ---- and the left has it. I'm aware that all "facts" are just opinions that someone badly wants to be accepted by his/her listeners. The more they call them facts, the more they ….. well, just aren't.

I have a lot of personal rules about news reading or listening since the media catastrophe of 2016: No speculation, no polls, no irrelevant foreign news (no "naked savages news" if it's about ridiculously improbable areas of the world!). Et cetera. No horrific anti-Trump bashing -- that gets me reaching for the remote fastest, and that's all ---------- ALL ---------- the evil leftwing channels do. Those carryings-on aren't "the other side," they are just ugly.

And so much of it is factually wrong. I have a new rule since Iran shelled our base: believe NOTHING about any breaking news story for at least 24 hours. First 30 missiles, then 15, then 12...…'s like that with every story. They just make it up.
For wingers on both ends, "The Truth" is nothing more than "stuff I agree with". So no, that's not what I'm after in that context.

I didn't used to think that just asking the media to show the full story was asking too much, especially when I was in the business for 18 years. But we've gone in a far worse direction -- now, those who choose to expose themselves only to "their" media are not only getting a distorted picture, they're also being denied critical information.

And even worse than THAT, they don't seem to MIND. THAT'S what has me concerned.

I have come to believe you simply want rightists to feel they have to listen to and accept all the hateful polemics of the leftwing news media ---- to be "balanced," see.

There is no "critical information." There is just propaganda. I'm not playing this crooked game.
When you watch Fox or AON, do you believe you're getting the whole, undistorted story?

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the other side of that story might be?

Do you WANT to know and fully and accurately understand the other side of the story?

Naaaaaah. Can't be done, too much bias. You seem to think there IS a truth ---- and the left has it. I'm aware that all "facts" are just opinions that someone badly wants to be accepted by his/her listeners. The more they call them facts, the more they ….. well, just aren't.

I have a lot of personal rules about news reading or listening since the media catastrophe of 2016: No speculation, no polls, no irrelevant foreign news (no "naked savages news" if it's about ridiculously improbable areas of the world!). Et cetera. No horrific anti-Trump bashing -- that gets me reaching for the remote fastest, and that's all ---------- ALL ---------- the evil leftwing channels do. Those carryings-on aren't "the other side," they are just ugly.

And so much of it is factually wrong. I have a new rule since Iran shelled our base: believe NOTHING about any breaking news story for at least 24 hours. First 30 missiles, then 15, then 12...…'s like that with every story. They just make it up.
For wingers on both ends, "The Truth" is nothing more than "stuff I agree with". So no, that's not what I'm after in that context.

I didn't used to think that just asking the media to show the full story was asking too much, especially when I was in the business for 18 years. But we've gone in a far worse direction -- now, those who choose to expose themselves only to "their" media are not only getting a distorted picture, they're also being denied critical information.

And even worse than THAT, they don't seem to MIND. THAT'S what has me concerned.

I have come to believe you simply want rightists to feel they have to listen to and accept all the hateful polemics of the leftwing news media ---- to be "balanced," see.

There is no "critical information." There is just propaganda. I'm not playing this crooked game.
You keep making this about Left vs. Right. I'm not dividing this into Left and Right. I'm not an ideologue. I think BOTH ends are killing us. I'm against the ENDS.

I think that (a) the "media" does the country a great disservice by serving up only partial and often-distorted information to please their partisan constituency, and that (b) we -- including left wingers and right wingers -- have lost virtually all empathy for anyone who dares to disagree with us: CDZ - A very simple question

And that's what's causing our deepening divisions.
You keep making this about Left vs. Right.

I keep making it about Left vs. Right because it IS about Left vs. Right. That's what has happened. That's the change, and I don't like it either: I can remember when people freely wore campaign buttons and had bumper stickers, and nobody fought, but the simple wearing of a MAGA baseball hat now leads to being beaten up by leftist crazies. People are afraid to say what side they are on in public. Nevertheless, most people have figured out what side they are on.

When the American Revolution was going on, there were Yanks, Tories, and fence sitters. You are a born fence sitter, at best, but that was no time to refuse to choose a side and this isn't either.

I personally believe you are a Leftist who is trying to subvert the Right from an unusual direction, but this constant shaming us that we won't OBEY whatever the Left wants us to do and think and say ---this is not going to work.

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