As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.

I know, and you have to wonder. You also have to wonder why the hell you would take a three month baby to the cinema and not hire a babysitter like any responsible person would.
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.

Change your settings. It's only 33 pages in my browser...;o)
There are lots of jingoistic sayings designed to control your thinking like that one, read 1984 sometime...

you are controlled by language, if they tell you a lie over and over and over, pretty soon it becomes the truth

You are obviously speaking from experience.

try thinking for yourself for once...try asking yourself why is it conz are always in lockstep and libs never are

why conz are 1000 times more likely to be guilty of fraud, stealing elections, etc

jesus man, both parties are corrupt, but man, get a grip

Something tells me you are one of those people who would break into a home, is that why you don't want people armed?
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.
You act as if you are surprised that a 6 year old was there with parent ? All I can say to this is, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS OR SO", because it is in no way unusual now for this kind of thing to be going on in America, as the 60's hippy's had won their revolution long ago.

Did you arrive in a time machine where you had once stepped into such a device, from a period where this sort of thing would have shocked parents and the nation big time back in your day? I mean if a 6 year old could have entered a theater that was playing a movie that would have been considered R-rated easily back in those days, yes people would have been livid let alone shocked. We keep falling and failing, but no one seems to know why anymore, now isn't that strange and shocking ? I know why, but it has become unpopular to say amongst a sea of devils these days, so we get what we get, and the rest is just history.
What is the movie rating on Batman? Was the theater following the rules? LIke I said before, show me a preteen out past midnight with the parent and I'll show you a selfish parent
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.

I know, and you have to wonder. You also have to wonder why the hell you would take a three month baby to the cinema and not hire a babysitter like any responsible person would.
If you have to wonder, then you have been absent from the human race for the last 30 years or more..
There has not been 100,000 gun deaths in the US. In 2011, the last year for which there are complete numbers there were 13,000 in round figures.

The statistics don't mention how many of these are suicides, or how many result from law abiding citizens are protecting themselves from criminals.

Underneath all of the arguments for gun control is the meaning that criminals should be armed and law abiding citizens should not be. Criminal activity is an understandable pathology. Self protection is a violent deliberate act.
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There has not been 100,000 gun deaths in the US. In 2011, the last year for which there are complete numbers there were 13,000 in round figures.

Obama Reminds Supporters: 'I

The statistics don't mention how many of these are suicides, or how many result from law abiding citizens are protecting themselves from criminals.

Underneath all of the arguments for gun control is the meaning that criminals should be armed and law abiding citizens should not be. Criminal activity is an understandable pathology. Self protection is a violent deliberate act.

That quote should have read, "I...I...I...uh....uh...I...uh..."

Miserable stuttering Clusterfuck in Chief.
No it doesn't. Where would you get that idea from? It doesn't work against a plea of incapacity or even insanity. This kind of planning goes to premeditation which might mean he was crazy for quite a while before he committed the murders.

READ THE POST, I WROTE I HOPE! Yes, the mental capacity to plan could be a factor in determining capacity.

You might hope, but you would still be wrong. Having the ability to plan isn't even a consideration much less a factor in determining sanity. You are making the mistake in thinking that a person that is insane is incapable of thinking clearly enough to formulate a plan. The insane actually plan quite well. They are more meticulous in their plans than someone who isn't insane. A person who is insane has no distractions to their plan.

James Holmes will most likely never stand trial for his crimes. He gets arraigned tomorrow where he will be formally charged. Likely his attorney will ask for and get a competency hearing that will find Holmes (like Jared Loughner before him) incompetent to stand trial and there it will sit.
Incompetant ???? Why can't they use the planning and actions of this gunman to determin competency, regardless of what he acts like now or after the fact, and this in order to try and save himself or his own skin ?

I say hang him by the neck until death, just like they did during the wild west times, in which was the very reasoning for the punishment used in respect to the word "wild" as in a slick deviant criminal who has become out of control. If people act like wild animals (predators) who will kill the innocent, then they should be removed by lethal punishments that which suit the crimes in which they had committed. Let it be knownst to anyone else who thinks in these ways, that it will not be tolerated, and the punishment shall meet the crime in degree of when rendered in justice there of.
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.

I know, and you have to wonder. You also have to wonder why the hell you would take a three month baby to the cinema and not hire a babysitter like any responsible person would.
If you have to wonder, then you have been absent from the human race for the last 30 years or more..

Does Colorado regulate baby sitters like California.

Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

How will parents react when they find out they will be expected to provide workers' compensation benefits, rest and meal breaks and paid vacation time for…babysitters? Dinner and a movie night may soon become much more complicated.

Under AB 889, household “employers” (aka “parents”) who hire a babysitter on a Friday night will be legally obligated to pay at least minimum wage to any sitter over the age of 18 (unless it is a family member), provide a substitute caregiver every two hours to cover rest and meal breaks, in addition to workers' compensation coverage, overtime pay, and a meticulously calculated timecard/paycheck.

Failure to abide by any of these provisions may result in a legal cause of action against the employer including cumulative penalties, attorneys' fees, legal costs and expenses associated with hiring expert witnesses, an unprecedented measure of legal recourse provided no other class of workers – from agricultural laborers to garment manufacturers. (On the bright side, language requiring an hour of paid vacation time for every 30 hours worked was amended out of the bill in the Senate.)
Thanks for that link. I think it is worth quoting in full.

The Swiss have the right idea about firearms

Switzerland is the safest country in the world to live in. It is not because it is a neutral country or anything of that sort.

I believe it is due to the fact that each male citizen is required to keep a firearm in his home.

When every male citizen of Switzerland turns 20 years old, he is issued a fully automatic assault rifle.

Every male citizen is on call to defend his homeland if his country calls on him.

The Swiss people and firearms go together like peanut butter and jelly. Olympic-style target shooting is Switzerland's national sport and it is not uncommon at all to see a regular citizen on a train, bus, or just walking down the street with a rifle slung over his shoulder.

The policy in Switzerland requiring a firearm in every home is one of the main reasons the Nazis didn't invade Switzerland in World War II.

Had the Nazis invaded, there would have been far more German blood running through the streets than Swiss blood.

Switzerland is the toughest place in the world to be a criminal because if you plan on breaking into someone's house, you are guaranteed that the owner of the home has a firearm and is trained to use it.

If you think that Americans are obsessed with preserving the Second Amendment, you haven't seen anything until you've been to Switzerland.

The SecondAmendment in the U.S. Constitution was inspired by Switzerland's policies. If the Swiss did not have the same policies in the 17th century, it is quite possible that the Second Amendment would not exist in the United States today.

Most kids in the United States play Little League baseball or youth football.

Most kids in Switzerland participate in local shooting competitions and join shooting clubs when they are 10.

America's national pastime is baseball; Switzerland's pastime is precision target shooting.

In Switzerland, there is less than one homicide for every 100,000 citizens each year, and in 99 percent of the cases, a firearm is never involved.

There are a mere 26 robbery attempts each year for every 100,000 citizens.

The majority of these robberies are committed by foreigners and do not involve firearms.

Violent crimes are virtually nonexistent, yet every home has a firearm in it. Surprised?

It is written in Swiss law "The high number of firearms per capita does not lead to a high rate of violent crime." This is etched in stone in Switzerland.

Switzerland is one of the most peaceful countries in the world. The rest of the world needs to take a hint.

Rich Wehr is a resident of Jasper, Ind.
If that's true (and I have no reason to doubt it) it is very interesting and begs a question.

What is the Swiss secret that makes bearing arms in Switzerland a blessing whereas in the USA it's a mixed blessing if not a curse considering all the gun crime?

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides,[5] with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths.

I've never been to Switzerland so this is just from what I have read such as here.

Welfare and dependency in Switzerland

SWITZERLAND is not often thought of when we discuss the welfare state. In many respects it is not a welfare state. There is, for example, no national health service and most of the population is covered by voluntary health insurance. There is also no central program to provide a minimum guaranteed income for all of the population (other than for the aged and infirm) as found in England, Norway, and Sweden. Unlike the major European welfare states, the Swiss federal government defers in much greater measure to local autonomy. But in one critical respect it has achieved what the United States and European nations traditionally defined as welfare states have not: It has all but eliminated “welfare dependency,” or intergenerational poverty, and it has done this in a strikingly different manner than other developed societies. Whether Switzerland has lessons to offer the troubled welfare states of Europe or the United States is another question. But first, let us describe how Switzerland deals with the poor, and how it shapes policies to encourage self-sufficiency and to prevent the development of dependent people in its population.

The Swiss don't seem to have allowed to arise an under-class, separated into ghettos, marginalized, outcast and neglected except for by the state which mass-produces welfare benefits in an impersonal way.

Rather Swiss society is neighbourly, communal and cohesive. Local government is interventionist with individuals who are trending in an anti-social direction who get their non-conformist issues nipped in the bud and every effort made to bring wayward individuals back into the mainstream. Dropping out is not encouraged.

Since everyone is drafted to be in the one Swiss culture there aren't the other subcultures arising. I would be very surprised if there is Swiss gangster-rap music for example. :D

This says to me that a well-regulated militia which successfully realises the people's right to bear arms must mean regulation of the whole person into the one cohesive culture, making the militia member bearing arms integral to the community and to society.

What won't work is having lone wolves with guns or alienated gangsters with guns - that's not a well-regulated militia and that's not the way to allow the people to bear arms.
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The Swiss don't have a legacy of slavery where there is an entire race that believes they are owed something from society. Nor do they have mexicans that believe Switzerland is still mexico and they are owed a livelihood from the "thieves" that stole it.
There are lots of jingoistic sayings designed to control your thinking like that one, read 1984 sometime...

you are controlled by language, if they tell you a lie over and over and over, pretty soon it becomes the truth

You are obviously speaking from experience.

If my brother had been sitting behind that nut in that theater and had pulled out the concealed weapon he is licensed to carry, the gunman might be dead and the innocent murder victims alive today.
It could be that there is a need for more of the good citizens (deputized) and carrying concealed, just like we had to place air-marshalls on the planes now, because we don't know when the next terrorist (unknown identity) might try and stand up for his cause and act stupid anywhere and at anytime in America, whether homegrown or foriegn now.

Anywhere where large crowds do gather at events in tight closeted places, (constituting a fish in a barrel situation), there should be a law that states (where security is warranted), that it shall be required by law (security will be hired), and if not then permits won't be issued and business liscense will be revoked, and this all due to non compliance if it is determined that non-compliance was or is the case when an event is scheduled or had been operated without security in place during any such events that would require such compliance under the law that would now be written because of.
I know. All those multi-loading rock throwing devices that were deliberating designed to kill humans should be banned.

Unlike the AK47 or M16, which were primarily designed as hood ornaments for 67 Mustangs...

Say Gump, which kills more people in a year in the USA, AK47's or Ford Mustangs?

Would it surprise a sheep shagging socialist like you to learn that automobiles are the #1 weapon in homicide in America? And yes, I'm sure that Obama would love to outlaw the private ownership of motor vehicles by the commoners, however the justification isn't based on homicides but on Gaea worship.
The Swiss don't have a legacy of slavery where there is an entire race that believes they are owed something from society. Nor do they have mexicans that believe Switzerland is still mexico and they are owed a livelihood from the "thieves" that stole it.
Just some of the complications this nation faces, in which it cannot peoperly be compared to the others in the world by, so why do we try and compare, instead of fixing what we have here by our own minds and know how ? Oh I know, the federal government stands in the way, because it thinks it has been right, even though it has been wrong, which is why we see what we are seeing in this nation right now to date.
Does Colorado regulate baby sitters like California.

Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

How will parents react when they find out they will be expected to provide workers' compensation benefits, rest and meal breaks and paid vacation time for…babysitters? Dinner and a movie night may soon become much more complicated.

Under AB 889, household “employers” (aka “parents”) who hire a babysitter on a Friday night will be legally obligated to pay at least minimum wage to any sitter over the age of 18 (unless it is a family member), provide a substitute caregiver every two hours to cover rest and meal breaks, in addition to workers' compensation coverage, overtime pay, and a meticulously calculated timecard/paycheck.

Failure to abide by any of these provisions may result in a legal cause of action against the employer including cumulative penalties, attorneys' fees, legal costs and expenses associated with hiring expert witnesses, an unprecedented measure of legal recourse provided no other class of workers – from agricultural laborers to garment manufacturers. (On the bright side, language requiring an hour of paid vacation time for every 30 hours worked was amended out of the bill in the Senate.)

Stupid fucking communists.

It astounds me what a shit hole my state has become since the communists took over.
I know. All those multi-loading rock throwing devices that were deliberating designed to kill humans should be banned.

Unlike the AK47 or M16, which were primarily designed as hood ornaments for 67 Mustangs...

Say Gump, which kills more people in a year in the USA, AK47's or Ford Mustangs?

Would it surprise a sheep shagging socialist like you to learn that automobiles are the #1 weapon in homicide in America? And yes, I'm sure that Obama would love to outlaw the private ownership of motor vehicles by the commoners, however the justification isn't based on homicides but on Gaea worship.
Don't worry, if the demon-crats or the repentigans could get us all wrapped up into a tight little box soon enough, and if it means everything is under attack in America in order to do so, then we will see more added to the list of things to lose or be taken away by government in America, just as soon as it the government figures out how.
There are lots of jingoistic sayings designed to control your thinking like that one, read 1984 sometime...

you are controlled by language, if they tell you a lie over and over and over, pretty soon it becomes the truth

You are obviously speaking from experience.

If my brother had been sitting behind that nut in that theater and had pulled out the concealed weapon he is licensed to carry, the gunman might be dead and the innocent murder victims alive today.

It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.
You act as if you are surprised that a 6 year old was there with parent ? All I can say to this is, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS OR SO", because it is in no way unusual now for this kind of thing to be going on in America, as the 60's hippy's had won their revolution long ago.

Did you arrive in a time machine where you had once stepped into such a device, from a period where this sort of thing would have shocked parents and the nation big time back in your day? I mean if a 6 year old could have entered a theater that was playing a movie that would have been considered R-rated easily back in those days, yes people would have been livid let alone shocked. We keep falling and failing, but no one seems to know why anymore, now isn't that strange and shocking ? I know why, but it has become unpopular to say amongst a sea of devils these days, so we get what we get, and the rest is just history.
Little kids being at these films is one thing, but them being there at midnight is a whole other story. They should be in their beds fast asleep by then.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if you don't like that I show some responsibility unlike other people in this sick word, then maybe I am not the one who has the problem.

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