As Expected, Fox Blames Obama For Ft. Hood

An armed MP confronted him.

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault.

One armed MP - that is the key right there.
Just one or a few does not work.
If the whole base was armed like they used to be, it would not have been as bad, or maybe would not have happened at all.
If you have hundreds of guns pointing at you rather than just one gun, chances are you will be killed or you will lay down your weapon, which ever comes first.

The lefties ideology of gun free, locking them up or banning of sales is not working.
Seems like they would want to try something new and something that works. Not the same thing over and over again for the last 40 or so years.

Oh, so instead of "a good guy with a gun" the nutters now want roaming herds of armed goons.
"You" have been saying all along that if there were armed people at the sites of shootings, the shootings wouldn't happen.

There have been armed people at many of the sites of shootings and the shootings still happen.

Obviously, THAT is what does not work.

You should realize that all military personnel are very well trained in firearms.
Not roaming herds of armed goons.
Big difference in a armed few and armed many.
Anyone who uses guns is well trained, most of them are not goons.
You will always have some that are stupid, but that doesn't mean you restrict the majority's 2nd amendment rights because we have a few stupid people.

By using the word gun nuts or nutters is what makes people believe in the gun grabbers ideology. Too many in this nation are played by those word games.
Oh, so instead of "a good guy with a gun" the nutters now want roaming herds of armed goons.

So now our soldiers, those charged with defending our country, are "goons".

Whatever dude.

"You" have been saying all along that if there were armed people at the sites of shootings, the shootings wouldn't happen.

There have been armed people at many of the sites of shootings and the shootings still happen.

Obviously, THAT is what does not work.


NO ONE is saying crazy fucks wouldn't do crazy things if people were allowed to arm themselves. We're saying that the crazies are only stopped by a good guy with a why would you want to delay the time it takes to get that good guy to the scene. Stated differently, the crazy guy would be stopped sooner, meaning less casualties, not that shootings wouldn't happen.
Fox is lame as fuck

Heeeey, there's a powerful retort. The logic, the reason...the manner in which you dissect an argument and counter with irrefutable specificity. Really impressive...:doubt:

...for a 13 year old boy on a schoolyard playground.

I didnt know there was supposed to be a profound logical thesis written surrounding fox being lame or not. I missed the memo that it was a pressing philosophical discussion.

Msnbc is lame as fuck, too.

Your post i just quoted was lame as fuck, too.

Lonestar is a boss though tbh.

Thanks for making my point, again.
Come on dude. There are many women out there who would put a bullet right bertween the eyes of a rapist.


You seriously don't understand how rapes take place then.

A rapist doesn't generally walk up to a woman and pronounce, "I am going to rape thee"..

It's an ambush attack, generally in a parking lot or garage.

Most women would be keeping the gun in a purse..making it unavailable until the rapist is done and goes through it.

I train women in self defense with handguns and they are trained to walk with their hand on their weapon and their first shots are taken before they ever take their weapons out of the purse. I would imagine most women who carry have been taught this technique.

Women are smarter than you give them credit for.

It's not a question of being smart or not.

No woman should have to fear being raped. The reality is..they get raped.

The other reality is, in most cases? A woman with a gun is not going to prevent that.
One armed MP - that is the key right there.
Just one or a few does not work.
If the whole base was armed like they used to be, it would not have been as bad, or maybe would not have happened at all.
If you have hundreds of guns pointing at you rather than just one gun, chances are you will be killed or you will lay down your weapon, which ever comes first.

The lefties ideology of gun free, locking them up or banning of sales is not working.
Seems like they would want to try something new and something that works. Not the same thing over and over again for the last 40 or so years.

Oh, so instead of "a good guy with a gun" the nutters now want roaming herds of armed goons.

"You" have been saying all along that if there were armed people at the sites of shootings, the shootings wouldn't happen.

There have been armed people at many of the sites of shootings and the shootings still happen.

Obviously, THAT is what does not work.

So now our soldiers are goons?

The fellow involved in that shooting was an Iraqi war veteran.

Not sure how you feel about him.
Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story

Must be Bush's fault eh?

I think you're right. Bush should have changed procedures after the first Ft Hood shooting to ensure this never happened again.

This is Bush's 4th term and he should have learned by now. I'll be glad when a new president comes along that will take responsibility for what happenes on his watch cause this Bush guy sure isnt.
No woman should have to fear being raped. The reality is..they get raped.

The other reality is, in most cases? A woman with a gun is not going to prevent that.

Even if you could provide a shred of evidence to support that conclusion, what makes you think it's your decision to make?

p.s. My wife, who is trained and highly proficient with a sidearm and other methods of self defense wishes for me to convey this to you: "Who in the hell does he think he is to tell me what I'm capable of preventing?"

She also utter an expletive that need not be repeated...:lol:
The fellow involved in that shooting was an Iraqi war veteran.

Not sure how you feel about him.

I feel he is another criminal that did not obey the rules of the gun free zone which meant innocent people were unable to defend themselves. Consequently, we have more victims than we should have as they waited for someone to show up to save their asses.
You seriously don't understand how rapes take place then.

A rapist doesn't generally walk up to a woman and pronounce, "I am going to rape thee"..

It's an ambush attack, generally in a parking lot or garage.

Most women would be keeping the gun in a purse..making it unavailable until the rapist is done and goes through it.

I train women in self defense with handguns and they are trained to walk with their hand on their weapon and their first shots are taken before they ever take their weapons out of the purse. I would imagine most women who carry have been taught this technique.

Women are smarter than you give them credit for.

It's not a question of being smart or not.

No woman should have to fear being raped. The reality is..they get raped.

The other reality is, in most cases? A woman with a gun is not going to prevent that.

An armed woman has less fear than an unarmed woman.

Guns Prevent 3,600 Rapes a Day

It's easy for you idiots to spout off nonsense and ignore the facts. Most call that disease "liberalism".
Oh, so instead of "a good guy with a gun" the nutters now want roaming herds of armed goons.

"You" have been saying all along that if there were armed people at the sites of shootings, the shootings wouldn't happen.

There have been armed people at many of the sites of shootings and the shootings still happen.

Obviously, THAT is what does not work.

So now our soldiers are goons?

The fellow involved in that shooting was an Iraqi war veteran.

Not sure how you feel about him.

A veteran who had never seen combat.
Oh, so instead of "a good guy with a gun" the nutters now want roaming herds of armed goons.

"You" have been saying all along that if there were armed people at the sites of shootings, the shootings wouldn't happen.

There have been armed people at many of the sites of shootings and the shootings still happen.

Obviously, THAT is what does not work.

So now our soldiers are goons?

The fellow involved in that shooting was an Iraqi war veteran.

Not sure how you feel about him.

Well if you were intelligent, which we all can see you aren't, you would know that luddly wasn't talking about the shooter but all the soldiers on base.

I don't have any feelings about the shooter, he got his just due, too bad it was at the expense of others. I do however feel for those he killed and injured.
Well last I heard Obama is still President

so Bush was blamed for the whole world falling apart but again Obama isn't ever the blame

poor poor Obama..He should of never accepted this dare people BLAME HIM for anything

If you can't figure out the difference then you should quit now.
This was rhetorical. I know you can't figure it out.
but remember folks, Obama get CREDIT for killing Bin Laden

poor sheep of Obama's just don't know which way to bow or wail from day to day

If you can't figure out the difference between the two you should stop...I know you won't but then again you are mother fucking stupid
Heeeey, there's a powerful retort. The logic, the reason...the manner in which you dissect an argument and counter with irrefutable specificity. Really impressive...:doubt:

...for a 13 year old boy on a schoolyard playground.

I didnt know there was supposed to be a profound logical thesis written surrounding fox being lame or not. I missed the memo that it was a pressing philosophical discussion.

Msnbc is lame as fuck, too.

Your post i just quoted was lame as fuck, too.

Lonestar is a boss though tbh.

Thanks for making my point, again.

That you have no point. We know this.
I didnt know there was supposed to be a profound logical thesis written surrounding fox being lame or not. I missed the memo that it was a pressing philosophical discussion.

Msnbc is lame as fuck, too.

Your post i just quoted was lame as fuck, too.

Lonestar is a boss though tbh.

Thanks for making my point, again.

That you have no point. We know this.

Another one that can't stay on topic. If you have something to add about the shooting at Ft Hood, then by all means, let's hear it. Otherwise, nobody needs your childish taunts.
Someone needs to go to a gun show and toss a string of firecrackers into the crowd. Once the shooting stops, FOX & Friends will interview 46 different Republicans who swear that they were the one who stopped the bad guys.

There wouldn't be 46 republicans there. The would have all run off to their mommies for protection.
Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story
. I blame Bill Clinton for starting it and Obama for not ending the no carry regulation on military bases.

Ya can say Clinton banned guns on bases all you want, that just won't make it true. Bush did.
Someone needs to go to a gun show and toss a string of firecrackers into the crowd. Once the shooting stops, FOX & Friends will interview 46 different Republicans who swear that they were the one who stopped the bad guys.

There wouldn't be 46 republicans there. The would have all run off to their mommies for protection.

Brilliant insight there, just brilliant...:doubt:

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