As Biden Sends Another $2.6 Billion To Ukraine He Tells Oversight Committee To Forget Oversight Of Ukraine Aide -'Its War!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It sure sounds like President Biden, set to send another $2.6 Billion to Ukraine on Monday, just told the House Oversight Committee:

1. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine...

...Despite the fact that military weapons intended for Ukraine ended up in the hands if African terrorists

...Despite the fact that a ponzi-like criminal scheme designed to reroute tax dollars intended for Ukraine into Democrat politicians' (& McConnell's) pockets was uncovered / exposed

2. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine DURING A WAR.
- There should be no oversight of an administration during a war?! Even when the Commander and Chief has been proven to be a corrupt, criminal rotting bag of compromised oatmeal,

Should there be oversight of this ad.inistration with it sending hundreds of billions of dollars in cash, supplies, and munitions to a foreign country ti fight a proxy war against Russia?

Of course, we do. It’s taxpayer-funded equipment and systems that going to Ukraine!'

BTW...Did Joe Biden just admit the US is fighting a war in Ukraine?!

I have to laugh at Republicans having no oversight of the trillions we spent in Afghanistan but demand an accounting of every bullet sent to Ukraine
I have to laugh at Republicans having no oversight of the trillions we spent in Afghanistan but demand an accounting of every bullet sent to Ukraine
There should have been oversight on that spending. And since the vast majority of that number was DOD spending there was. Try again.
It sure sounds like President Biden, set to send another $2.6 Billion to Ukraine on Monday, just told the House Oversight Committee:

1. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine...

...Despite the fact that military weapons intended for Ukraine ended up in the hands if African terrorists

...Despite the fact that a ponzi-like criminal scheme designed to reroute tax dollars intended for Ukraine into Democrat politicians' (& McConnell's) pockets was uncovered / exposed

2. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine DURING A WAR.
- There should be no oversight of an administration during a war?! Even when the Commander and Chief has been proven to be a corrupt, criminal rotting bag of compromised oatmeal,

Should there be oversight of this ad.inistration with it sending hundreds of billions of dollars in cash, supplies, and munitions to a foreign country ti fight a proxy war against Russia?

Of course, we do. It’s taxpayer-funded equipment and systems that going to Ukraine!'

BTW...Did Joe Biden just admit the US is fighting a war in Ukraine?!

10% to the Big Guy

Must fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation
Omnibus....The "gift" that keeps on giving through portable funding.....So which agency did Tater and the neocons get this 2.6 billion from? The House sure didn't approve it.

Remember when Trump tried moving money around for the comparative chump change (11B) it would have cost to build a wall to secure our southern border?

The House will be right to tell Tater and The Turtle to go fuck themselves on the debt ceiling limit.....You have all that Omnibus funding to give the corrupt Ukes then move some around to cover our debt.
There should have been oversight on that spending. And since the vast majority of that number was DOD spending there was. Try again.

I have to laugh at Republicans who hid the spending on our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars we actually sent troops.

But Biden resisted the temptation to send troops and just sent weapons.

Republicans demand an accounting of every bullet

WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans will have the power to block aid to Ukraine if they win back control of Congress, but they are more likely to slow or pare back the flow of defense and economic assistance than stop it, analysts said.

They might also use support for the Ukrainian war effort as leverage to force Democrats to back Republican priorities such as clamping down on immigration across the southern border with Mexico.

Analysis: U.S. Republicans aim at Ukraine aid but unlikely to block it

Nope, it seems they only want to rant about Drag shows.
I have to laugh at Republicans who hid the spending on our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars we actually sent troops.

But Biden resisted the temptation to send troops and just sent weapons.

Republicans demand an accounting of every bullet

They should live up to their promise and stop it all.
I have to laugh at Republicans who hid the spending on our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars we actually sent troops.

But Biden resisted the temptation to send troops and just sent weapons.

Republicans demand an accounting of every bullet
What’s your issue with there being oversight of billions of dollars we are sending to a foreign country?
It sure sounds like President Biden, set to send another $2.6 Billion to Ukraine on Monday, just told the House Oversight Committee:

1. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine...

...Despite the fact that military weapons intended for Ukraine ended up in the hands if African terrorists

...Despite the fact that a ponzi-like criminal scheme designed to reroute tax dollars intended for Ukraine into Democrat politicians' (& McConnell's) pockets was uncovered / exposed

2. There should be no Oversight checks on the Biden administration's never-ending aid to Ukraine DURING A WAR.
- There should be no oversight of an administration during a war?! Even when the Commander and Chief has been proven to be a corrupt, criminal rotting bag of compromised oatmeal,

Should there be oversight of this ad.inistration with it sending hundreds of billions of dollars in cash, supplies, and munitions to a foreign country ti fight a proxy war against Russia?

Of course, we do. It’s taxpayer-funded equipment and systems that going to Ukraine!'

BTW...Did Joe Biden just admit the US is fighting a war in Ukraine?!

Biden the moron had us in a proxy war with Russia.

What a complete fucking asshole.

And WE have a woketard fucking military.

Great. Just great.
War is not run by accountants
1, we aren’t fighting a war just funding it.

2, Since we US entities) arent controlling the money the taxpayers have a right to know where that money is going. The taxpayer has that right regardless but US entities are directly accountable to Congress so there’s (should be) some amount of oversight built in.

3, Ukraine is a well known for its corruption and we don’t have the type of long standing relationship like the UK or Germany.

4, I’m still not understanding your objection to Congress providing oversight to ensure the funds intended to fight this war are actually going to that end. I thought this was the most important conflict in our lifetime. Shouldnt we want to ensure as many dollars as possible are going to actually fight it?
I have to laugh at Republicans who hid the spending on our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars we actually sent troops.

But Biden resisted the temptation to send troops and just sent weapons.

Republicans demand an accounting of every bullet
Who controlled Congress more during the GWOT was it the Ds or the Rs?

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