Artic Ice Melt breaks reccord

Well you know what they say: "Records are made to be broken."

Besides, Obama said Green House Gas legislation will only slow down an already fragile US Economic Recovery. (His words)

That's why he didn't sign the DOHA Agreement.

Let's just chalk this one up as a loss for you ok?
Consequences matter.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
And Antarctica gets thicker. Happens constantly. Has since this planet had oceans

The antarctic sea ice has essentially already been at a minimum. Yes it's suppose to freeze sea ice, because it only requires -2 degrees C to do so. That's less than 28 degrees F, but there is a little more involved. Instead of dealing with the dynamics, let me simply say all that antarctic sea ice will melt away and melt more than the sea ice.

Up north, there is a very different story. We're going to melt the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS), because we have lost so much snow cover in June and the arctic sea ice is toast. People may think things are solids, but look at an old house! The glass in an old house isn't totally solid and flows due to gravity. Ice flow many times quicker and we're going to melt Greenland much faster than we thought and I'm talking about now or years ahead.

In the mean time, back in Antarctica, I expect a minor ice shelf, compared to the recent past, to calve. The whole events around the west antarctica ice shelf or the west antactica ice sheet (WAIS) are going to accelerate and we're going to get rid of those major accumulations of ice. It doesn't take global warming melting ice, because ice can flow to the oceans and be melted. I don't a shit if idiots believe it or not, it's goint to happen.
This is incontrovertible evidence.

I am quite sure that you do believe that it is incontovertible evidence. did you read the hyperlink to this story? 'Astonishing' Heat Wave Melts 97 Percent of Greenland Ice Sheet - US News and World Report

this story is an example of how climate news is treated in the media. an inversion hangs over Greenland and melts the top few molecules of ice, perhaps a billionth of a billionth of 1% of the ice, yet they say 97% of the Greenland Ice Sheet melted.

the sea ice around Antarctica melts every year because there is nothing stopping it from breaking up and moving into warmer waters to melt. the Arctic is the opposite, an ocean mostly surrounded by land. there have been weather patterns in the last few decades that have blown considerable amounts of ice out of the Arctic basin, where it melts. and yes, thinner ice is more susceptable to the next bad storm, such as 2012 ice which was weakened by the loss of multiyear ice in 2007. there is no reason to believe that if the weather patterns change again that there will not be an accumulation of multiyear ice again. weather is a larger factor in ice loss than temperature, at least in the Arctic basin.
And Antarctica gets thicker. Happens constantly. Has since this planet had oceans

The antarctic sea ice has essentially already been at a minimum. Yes it's suppose to freeze sea ice, because it only requires -2 degrees C to do so. That's less than 28 degrees F, but there is a little more involved. Instead of dealing with the dynamics, let me simply say all that antarctic sea ice will melt away and melt more than the sea ice.

Up north, there is a very different story. We're going to melt the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS), because we have lost so much snow cover in June and the arctic sea ice is toast. People may think things are solids, but look at an old house! The glass in an old house isn't totally solid and flows due to gravity. Ice flow many times quicker and we're going to melt Greenland much faster than we thought and I'm talking about now or years ahead.

In the mean time, back in Antarctica, I expect a minor ice shelf, compared to the recent past, to calve. The whole events around the west antarctica ice shelf or the west antactica ice sheet (WAIS) are going to accelerate and we're going to get rid of those major accumulations of ice. It doesn't take global warming melting ice, because ice can flow to the oceans and be melted. I don't a shit if idiots believe it or not, it's goint to happen.

Agreed, those sheets also serve as ginormous mirrors to reflect photons (heat) back out into space. The less of the ice sheet there is, the more heat remains down here.

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