Arrests and executions......

Garden House Queen

Active Member
Jul 12, 2020
....been hearing about this for quite awhile. It's kinda like "going down the rabbit hole" ....but....then again...just because we don't believe it, doesn't mean it isn't so.

UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!!
There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it.
The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection. Others were just executed.
The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deepstate now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers!

Crap like this ruins any hope for credibility.
From the link:
BREAKING: Former CIA Station Chief Exposes Potential List of Indictments for Obama Era Officials
Note the bold, red words. As much as I believe some crooked shit went down under Obama, this is just gossip.
Actually I would hope, for the sake of this country, our laws and our government, that this is not true that it's already happened or happening.

Anyone that is guilty of a crime, should be arrested, tried & convicted and punishments handed out PUBLICALLY. Cause any government or judicial system that does so SECRETLY is not a system I'd want to live under. Our laws are what makes us Americans and separates us from the dictators and communists of the world and is the very reason we are so great.........and if they skip all that and then just tell us about it after the fact, means we are less than those this country has fought against.

Not only that........but such 'underhanded' dealings with top notch criminals would only divide us further into civil war or anarchy.
Actually I would hope, for the sake of this country, our laws and our government, that this is not true that it's already happened or happening.

Anyone that is guilty of a crime, should be arrested, tried & convicted and punishments handed out PUBLICALLY. Cause any government or judicial system that does so SECRETLY is not a system I'd want to live under. Our laws are what makes us Americans and separates us from the dictators and communists of the world and is the very reason we are so great.........and if they skip all that and then just tell us about it after the fact, means we are less than those this country has fought against.

Not only that........but such 'underhanded' dealings with top notch criminals would only divide us further into civil war or anarchy.

I disagree. In the past laws were smirked at, pissed on. NOW something is happening, persons accountable are held so.

Treason falls under Tribunal. When POTUS signed the executive order on "crimes against humanity, child trafficking, pedos...
I goes global. Check the EO, they are also under tribunal.

No stinking ovomit appointed libbie court involved. The perps get to stay at the lovely resort GITMO. Plea deals are optional and result in life in prison, or you can chose execution.
I disagree. In the past laws were smirked at, pissed on. NOW something is happening, persons accountable are held so.

Treason falls under Tribunal. When POTUS signed the executive order on "crimes against humanity, child trafficking, pedos...
I goes global. Check the EO, they are also under tribunal.

No stinking ovomit appointed libbie court involved. The perps get to stay at the lovely resort GITMO. Plea deals are optional and result in life in prison, or you can chose execution.

Those that are guilty of crimes, should be punished....whether by court or tribunal.....I don't care which. I'm fine with that.....hang em all.

My concern is that it's done in secret........while the media is shouting 'civil unrest', 'covid numbers' and whatever other drivel they dream up, but the public has no idea these arrests or punishments are happening.

Let's just say tables are turned and Obama was doing the rounding up with arrests & executions of Conservatives and the public was 'blissfully unaware' of it until later......wouldn't that enrage you?? It sure would me, because it's not right and it makes those doing it look like a dictator.

Dictatorship and tyranny are what we fight against, not what we become
I disagree. In the past laws were smirked at, pissed on. NOW something is happening, persons accountable are held so.

Treason falls under Tribunal. When POTUS signed the executive order on "crimes against humanity, child trafficking, pedos...
I goes global. Check the EO, they are also under tribunal.

No stinking ovomit appointed libbie court involved. The perps get to stay at the lovely resort GITMO. Plea deals are optional and result in life in prison, or you can chose execution.
Actually.....come to think of it.......IF (big IF here) Trump really was doing these arrests & executions already........there wouldn't be a media blackout on it. They'd be going nuts with new hatefilled headlines.

As for several new changes going on, like the EO(s) and death penalties reinstated.......sounds more like they are getting ready to carry this out.
Dream AND think positive :)
Sure would be nice if we lived in a world where there is not one differerent law for politicians than there is for us where they are allowed to commit crimes everyday we all go to jail for.can you believe that I actually knew someone years ago who seriously believed that there is no differerent laws for politicians than there is for us.? This guy was obviously too afraid of facing the truth how the world really is.

I am betting you or nobody else here has ever met anybody in their life like that who believes in that retarded crap,you haven’t am I right? This guy was so much in denial,he seriously thinks everybody else in the world who thinks that is wrong and he is can understand why I want nothing to do with this guy anymore. How retarded can you get.

I mean his retarded logic was that if biill,Clinton really had all These people murdered off as he did,he would be on trial,sheesh,can you believe that crap? Would be nice if that fairytale land he lives in was real and that’s the way the world really did work
Those that are guilty of crimes, should be punished....whether by court or tribunal.....I don't care which. I'm fine with that.....hang em all.

My concern is that it's done in secret........while the media is shouting 'civil unrest', 'covid numbers' and whatever other drivel they dream up, but the public has no idea these arrests or punishments are happening.

Let's just say tables are turned and Obama was doing the rounding up with arrests & executions of Conservatives and the public was 'blissfully unaware' of it until later......wouldn't that enrage you?? It sure would me, because it's not right and it makes those doing it look like a dictator.

Dictatorship and tyranny are what we fight against, not what we become

Tribunals are not public.

We are not privy to everything goes on, "need to know"

Yes I would like to know too, we will in time.
Sure would be nice if we lived in a world where there is not one differerent law for politicians than there is for us where they are allowed to commit crimes everyday we all go to jail for.can you believe that I actually knew someone years ago who seriously believed that there is no differerent laws for politicians than there is for us.? This guy was obviously too afraid of facing the truth how the world really is.

Yes that would be nice. Politicians always get a free pass. it's not right.
Anyone that is guilty of a crime, should be arrested, tried & convicted and punishments handed out PUBLICALLY. Cause any government or judicial system that does so SECRETLY is not a system I'd want to live under
It's a mental health civil commitment, and it's not in the patient's best interests at the local bar association to contest it. The hospital's privacy policy protects patient rights.
Our laws are what makes us Americans and separates us from the dictators and communists of the world and is the very reason we are so great
We have strong civil commitment laws for involuntary psychiatric treatment and less restrictive alternatives to ensure wayward family members get the mental health drugs they "need" when their thinking is not in line with Democrat Party policy.
It's a mental health civil commitment, and it's not in the patient's best interests at the local bar association to contest it. The hospital's privacy policy protects patient rights.

We have strong civil commitment laws for involuntary psychiatric treatment and less restrictive alternatives to ensure wayward family members get the mental health drugs they "need" when their thinking is not in line with Democrat Party policy.

well, want to try that in plain English?
Sure would be nice if we lived in a world where there is not one differerent law for politicians than there is for us where they are allowed to commit crimes everyday we all go to jail for.can you believe that I actually knew someone years ago who seriously believed that there is no differerent laws for politicians than there is for us.? This guy was obviously too afraid of facing the truth how the world really is.

Yes that would be nice. Politicians always get a free pass. it's not right.

I bet you have never met anybody in your lifetime who seriously thinks that there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us am I correct?

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