Arrest mde in Mississippi church arson

Why does it matter if he's black?

Because if he were white you'd automatically label him a tea party Trump supporter. That's why.
Cellblock at play. westwall is, of course, impressed.


The fact is of course that the Alt Right has incorporated most of the social and cultural taboos of white supremacism.

If you guys above are staying away from that, well, good on you.
Arson Suspect in Hopewell Baptist Church Fire Scrawled with "Vote Trump" is African-American

Arson Suspect in "Vote Trump" Hopewell Baptist Church Burning is African-American


A suspect has been arrested in the fire-bombing of an historic Black church in Greenville, Mississippi last November which sparked fears of a resurgence of racist, KKK, and Neo-Nazi violence. The suspected arsonist, Andrew McClinton of Leland, Mississippi, wrote "Vote Trump" on the side of the church. McClinton is African-American.

The attack prompted a nationwide wave of outrage in which the attack was partly blamed on "incendiary rhetoric" by Donald Trump. The Washington Post reported the next day:

"Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons called the fire a “hateful and cowardly act,” sparked by the incendiary rhetoric of GOP nominee Donald Trump during his presidential campaign." READ FULL
That's exactly what Jake the snake does.
Are you that stupid that it needs to be spelled out? The libtards immediately said Trump was "encouraging" racist violence. It got huge coverage. The truth, not so much.

So the actions of a single black man dismiss the months and months of Trump's on-air rants at his rallies? Fascinating.

Give a single example of a racist rant. You libtards are all the more pathetic because you believe your own lies.
The news is filled with more lies than truth.

We are building a monolithic culture of distrust.

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