Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

The shrill stupidity of bripat, one of the poorer voices of the haters, blares forth. Moron.

Africa had immense wealth in natural resources.

Exotic animal pelts, spices, ivory..........Guess who reaped the profits?
White Europeans

Then, on top of that, Europeans found a more valuable resource in Africa.....Slaves to provide free labor

Tough act to follow......But who ended up with the wealth from Gold, Diamonds and Oil in the 20th century?
White Europeans

Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.

The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

Let's be realistic here slick. The ENTIRE history of mankind, white, red, brown, yellow and black is full of stories of one nation/peoples conquering another nation/peoples. It just seems like the black man and the red man are the only ones still whining about it, and yeah, there's a very good chance the Indian would still be living a stone age existence without the influence of the Europeans and the only evidence you need to support this is the fact that as late as the latter years of the 20th century, you know after the white man made it to the moon, they were still finding Amazonian Indians that lived a stone aged existence and there are still tribes in sub-sharan afrca that live a stone aged existence, not to mention the aboriginals in Australia who lived a stone aged existence well into the 20th century. You know you can whine, cry and moan racism, colonialism and all the other isms you want, but that doesn't change history nor the current situation.
Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.

The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

Hmm, What is evolution Alex?
Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.

The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

Yes cultural Darwinism has always existed. Doesn't justify the reigning power gloating over how much better off those that they conquered and abused are.

Do you really expect blacks to thank you for slavery?
The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

Yes cultural Darwinism has always existed. Doesn't justify the reigning power gloating over how much better off those that they conquered and abused are.

Do you really expect blacks to thank you for slavery?

If you're a black living in America today, instead of say Somalia or Zimbabwe, you should be thanking someone, God, your lucky stars, whatever.
And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

Yes cultural Darwinism has always existed. Doesn't justify the reigning power gloating over how much better off those that they conquered and abused are.

Do you really expect blacks to thank you for slavery?

If you're a black living in America today, instead of say Somalia or Zimbabwe, you should be thanking someone, God, your lucky stars, whatever.

Thank you massa!

Thanks for the chains and whippings. Thanks for the lynching and firehoses

Sho glad I ain't in no Africa
If you are a minority, you make sure you are aware of the jtpr312s and the Uncensoreds of the community. You must be sure you are aware of what they are up to, what they are doing, what their economic goals are, and then you legally oppose them every way and everywhere you can. By denying them and the future they think they are owed, they may not learn their errors, but they won't benefit from them.
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Yes cultural Darwinism has always existed. Doesn't justify the reigning power gloating over how much better off those that they conquered and abused are.

Do you really expect blacks to thank you for slavery?

If you're a black living in America today, instead of say Somalia or Zimbabwe, you should be thanking someone, God, your lucky stars, whatever.

Thank you massa!

Thanks for the chains and whippings. Thanks for the lynching and firehoses

Sho glad I ain't in no Africa

That's the spirit breeze. Let me ask you though. Who had you in chains, the DOC? Who whipped you? Who do you even know that was lynched? Who sprayed you with a firehose? If you ever been to africa you'd be on your knees thanking God your great, great, great, great whatever granpappy was working some Souther Plantation of Northern farm that's for dang sure.
Some still haven't evolved. This is your typical obama supporter.

jtpr312 has devolved not evolved. :lol: Oppose his sick kind legally where ever they live, they work, they lurk.
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The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

Yes cultural Darwinism has always existed. Doesn't justify the reigning power gloating over how much better off those that they conquered and abused are.

Do you really expect blacks to thank you for slavery?

Liberals are the greatest promoters of Darwinism. So, if it is acceptable for worms, bugs, birds, minnows and rats, it should be for humans, especially, since according to liberals, humans are worth exactly as much as those critters I mentioned, or even, perhaps, less.

The so-called "reigning power" (I presume you mean those despicable white oppressors) are not gloating about anything. The noise you hear is the whining of those did not measure up to the Holy Scripture of Darwinism.

If you claim that the descendents of American slaves are not as well off as those who still live in Africa, you need a reality check. When the country of Liberia was established, it was for the sole purpose of giving liberated slaves the opportunity to relocate to the land of their roots. The rush there was astonishingly underwhelming.

Social justice is like a pendulum. Since it ignores Darwinism, it is no longer the survival of the fittest. It is now the entitlement of those who were never slaves to everything their greedy hearts desire. And if some cracker dares to point that out, he/she is a RACIST.

The fact that the first black president is a dismal failure is not a reflection on blacks as a whole, it is a reflection of an incompetent boob, whose only "qualification" for the office of the Presidency was one rousing and well-delivered speech, written by somebody else, read off a teleprompter.

Obama was never conquered and abused. His connection to slavery is no closer than that of any and all second generation American. The only difference is that he is immune and impervious to any criticism - at the penalty of being accused as RACIST - is the fact that he is (half) black.

Like I said before: Enough of crocodile tears and unreasonable and unjustified whining.
If you're a black living in America today, instead of say Somalia or Zimbabwe, you should be thanking someone, God, your lucky stars, whatever.

EXACTLY! That's why as a Jew, I thank God for Hitler!

If it wasn't for Hitler, you would not have gotten that nice country


It all worked out in the end, you have nothing to complain about
Leftists are stupid as dirt, which is WHY they are leftists.

So let's break it down for the dumb fuckers:

Slavery BAD


Hacked to death by machete BAD

United States where not AIDS and hacked to death by machete GOOD.

Get it, you fucking morons?

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