Arizonians Can Make A Difference


Sep 23, 2010
Calling for amendments to the Constitution to fix everything is not something I favor; however, there are three fixes that are a matter of life and death for Americans if they hope to remain a free people.

1. Pass H.R. 75

A constitutional amendment is not required to withdraw from the United Nations, while booting UN bums out of this country should be a walk in the park compared to:

2. Repealing the XVI Amendment.

Anytime politicians talk about “reforming the tax code” they are lying. Repealing the XVI Amendment is the one and only way to reform the tax code. That is why repealing the tax on income is never mentioned by Washington liars or in state capitals.

3. Repealing the XVII Amendment.

I never heard a wannabe US Senator, or a sitting senator, talk about repeal. On the other hand, repealing the XVII Amendment is often hinted at by wannabes although they never come right out and say the dreaded word REPEAL. John McCain’s challenger is the latest:

A conservative challenger to Arizona Sen. John McCain says the time has come to retire the five-term Republican both for his “dismal record” and simply for being in Washington too long.

Former GOP state Sen. Dr. Kelli Ward is mounting a spirited challenge to McCain leading up to Arizona’s U.S. Senate primary on August 30, just one day after McCain turns 80 years old.


Ward has two major reasons for trying to #RetireMcCain as her campaign’s hashtag proclaims: the senator’s record and his entrenched position in Washington’s political class.


“Our country was never designed to have a political ruling class that stayed in power for decades. So it’s time to pass that torch and I want to give him the best eightieth birthday present ever – the gift of retirement,” said Ward.

The 47-year-old Ward says Arizona voters will not have to worry about chasing her out of Washington in 30 years.

“I am running on the term limits pledge. I will not stay in Washington longer than two terms. I think 12 years in Washington, D.C., is probably more than enough time for anyone to start an agenda, accomplish a lot of it and pave the way for the next generation to take the torch,” said Ward.​

A voluntary term limit promise is not as firm as repealing the XVII Amendment. Pledge or no pledge you have to hook up politicians to a tow truck to get them out of there. Once perks and power take hold they have no trouble convincing themselves the country needs them. Dr. Ward would be more convincing if she promises to push for repealing the long-serving amendment.

Just to be clear, I would vote for Dr. Ward over John McCain based on his record alone:

She says the world is not safer as a result of John McCain’s 34 years in Washington, especially in light of his support for numerous overseas interventions. She believes McCain has more in common with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy.

“They share the foreign policy of invade the world, invite the world. Invade the world through nation building and expensive occupation, invite the world through opening our borders and bring people into our country.

McCain challenger says it's retirement time
Posted By Greg Corombos On 08/20/2016 @ 7:02 pm

McCain challenger says it’s retirement time

I cannot say how sincere Ward is, or how much she knows about the XVII Amendment. (It was never ratified.) I can say that long-serving Democrat senators implement more of their personal agenda than any five presidents you can name. Ninety–five percent of the New World Order’s plan for the world is being instituted by long-serving Democrats and RINO traitors in the Senate. Traitors control the Senate —— and the Constitution by extension —— simply because of their seniority. By the time well-meaning senators get a second term they are already part of the problem.

The damage to the country done by long-serving senators is multiplied a thousand times by the tens of billions of dollars of campaign advertising television networks rake in every 2-4-6 years. Ask yourself this:

What do you think media parasites will do for billions when senators will say and do anything for another term? Answer: Manipulate every election and every issue.

You might also ask yourself how much harm average Americans do to themselves when they contribute money to senate races? Answer: Average Americans get more betrayals for their nickels and dimes while wealthy globalists get plenty for their contributions.

You might also ask yourself how much harm average Americans do to themselves when they contribute money to senate races? Answer: Average Americans get more betrayals for their nickels and dimes while wealthy globalists get plenty for their contributions.
Contributing to presidential wannabes is worse. Media maggots and hustlers only get a shot at the money every four years. Please read the entire article for all of the gory details:

For those who want to get rich off of politics, the surest racket is to become the media buyer for a major campaign. For the underwhelming task of actually buying television airtime and print space, one receives a huge commission of 15%. If a campaign spends ten million bucks on television advertising, the buyer gets a million and a half.​

August 21, 2016
What happened to those $ millions from the Bernie Sanders campaign?
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: What happened to those $ millions from the Bernie Sanders campaign?
I agree that career politicians are at least part of why our government is dysfunctional. There are terms limits for President for good reason. There should be term limits for congressmen and Supreme Court Justices. FerChrissSake! we have Ruth Ginzberg falling asleep in a chair drooling on herself. McCain is pushing 80.
There should be term limits for congressmen and Supreme Court Justices.
To MarathonMike: I realize that many Americans think term limits is a solution. I disagree in most instances. I trust the way the Founders set it up. Note that Congress allowed Supreme Court justices like Ginsburg to legislate.

Incidentally, the original Bill of Rights morphed into a government bill of rights; specifically the XVI and XVII Amendments. Giving the type of people in government today the green light to add new amendments will only make it worse.

NOTE: The Eighteenth Amendment was a classic example of the government telling Americans how they must behave. Happily, the Eighteenth was repealed —— the only time a government Right was ever repealed.

The US achieved its greatness long before public sector unions effectively gave lifetime tenure (long-serving) to so many unnecessary bureaucrats. To me, it is self-evident that lifetime tenure in government is the curse of capitalism. Lifetime tenure undermines the desire to excel, to achieve, to acquire society’s rewards through enlightened desire, individual effort, and voluntary contribution. Tenured employment feeds extremely well on taxes generated by capitalism because it flourishes in government at the same time it drains the lifeblood from the very free enterprise system that nurtures it.

In truth, the call for term limits is related to lifetime tenure. Unelected bureaucrats, conspiring with their friends in the Ministry of Propaganda, want term limits imposed on elected officials, but not on themselves or their relatives. Interestingly, the term limits chorus never calls for repealing the XVII Amendment even though repeal would effectively impose term limits on US Senators.

I must admit that I agree with term limits for the president because too much power in the hands of one person for any length of time is always dangerous. The fact that one person can lay a hand on all of that presidential power to begin with is all the more reason to place term limits on presidents.

Eight years is long enough to launch a few clean surgical strikes aimed at collectivism’s strongholds when the day arrives for that first president to openly oppose all of the evils of collectivism. Presidents who take office after Socialism is on the run can pick off the stragglers.

In addition:

The Founding Fathers did not place term limits on presidents and congressmen. For all practical purposes they effectively placed term limits on senators. The NEVER RATIFIED XVII Amendment changed everything for the worse. The XVII Amendment gave the country long-serving pieces of garbage like Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and a number of other Democrats. With the possible exception of FDR no president was able to implement one tenth of his personal agenda the way Kennedy turned almost all of his destructive hatred into legislation. Had he lived longer he would have gotten it all.

I can see limiting the president to eight years in order to guard against:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad man. John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st Baron Acton (1834–1902)
There is one unsolvable problem with the XXII Amendment. Ronald Reagan would surely have gotten a third term. The problem is separating a good man like Reagan from bad men like FDR, Clinton and Hussein.

Frankly, I never understood why senators are allowed to get away with the things the public fears in dictator-presidents. As I said in 2009, Hussein’s Administration is a Senate Administration. Look at the UN-loving traitors that went from the Senate to the Executive Branch if you doubt me.

Finally, media moguls are guilty of the evils done by long-serving senators. Media paymasters would fight to the death before they would allow the XVII Amendment to be repealed. Proof: It is the media that is making serving in the Senate a required gradation to the presidency. It was the media that guaranteed a sitting senator would become president in 2008. It mattered not which party he or she came from.

One Of The Good Ones
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A “Pandora’s box of constitutional mischief” is the phrase the New York Times is using to describe a convention of the states to consider amendments to the United States Constitution. The Gray Lady is in full panic mode over such a convention, having awakened from its Rumpelstiltskinian slumber in respect of America’s supreme law. It’s discovered that we are now six states away from the 34 states needed to call for a states’ convention that would, in the Times’ phrase, be “unprecedented” in our Republic’s history.​

Let’s not lose sight of this:
the original Bill of Rights morphed into a government bill of rights; specifically the XVI and XVII Amendments. Giving the type of people in government today the green light to add new amendments will only make it worse.
Having read the Sun’s editorial several times, I am convinced that a constitutional convention is not about repeal. Indeed, I could not find any of these synonyms for repeal in the editorial:

set aside
declare null and void

Next, monetary powers should mean revenues can only be collected and used for funding clearly defined NECESSARY GOVERNMENT. In short: Today’s definition of monetary powers means the authority to tax income and distribute those tax dollars as our government priesthood decides:

How about, say, the most basic issue we face, the monetary powers? If Congress won’t, maybe the states will end the era of fiat money.​

Editorial of The New York Sun | August 23, 2016

‘Mischief’? - The New York Sun

I am pretty sure that no constitutional amendment is required to abolish The Federal Reserve. The Fed writing IOUs will go a long way toward ending:

fiat money (noun)

Legal tender, especially paper currency, authorized by a government but not based on or convertible into gold or silver.​

I am also sure that the federal government morphed into a fiat —— contrary to what the Founders designed for free people:

fiat (noun)

1. An arbitrary order or decree.

2. Authorization or sanction: government fiat.​

Bottom line: Repealing the tax on income will solve 99 percent of the problems created by the federal government.

The problems in the other one percent can easily be solved by strictly enforcing the original Bill of Rights.

Finally, if a constitutional convention is deemed necessary add an amendment that prohibits the public purse from funding political causes, religions, and charities, for any reason. I’ll wager that you will not hear anybody among the “convention” crowd say a word that will offend the priests, and wealthy touchy-feely parasite freaks, who do quite well on coerced tax dollars.

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