Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump

Flake is a flake. The corruption runs deep. Plus he seems to be a delusional Yahweh worshipping nutcase weirdo. Why they fuck do the retards in Arizona vote for neocon douchebags?
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump
He is apparently worried about the Latino vote, but this is a mistake. According to a recent Gallup poll Hillary only leads Trump 43% to 29% with 28% undecided among Hispanics born in the US, which is the overwhelming majority of Hispanics who can vote.
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump
The real GOP is dropping off in preparation for the next election. They tried the overt racist approach and it has failed. They see the writing on the wall and have to get back to pretending they arent racists.
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Wow! Sounds like a true tried and trusTED conservative (TM)!


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Isn't Flake the other Mormon who is running with the Mike Lee Mormon crowd? Have I got the right guy here? Correct me if I'm wrong. Part of the whole Mormon deal for open borders?
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.

Actually its a no brainer. I was shocked at first to realize that they are not of a Christian faith but a faith unto their own aka a cult. This is not to disparage any of the many good people who belong to this cult.

But when I was looking into the White Horse Prophecy that Glenn Beck was declaring that Cruz was the leader of I discovered oh so many things about the cult of Mormonism. Spooky shit. And I am talking really good people that I know.

But far out stuff that they actually believe in.

ETA: makes Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos look like a day time novel. No guff.
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.

Check out the Utah Compact. Open borders for their colonies in Mexico and the legalization of polygamy.
And by the way for anyone reading my posts I am no holy roller and I've been a mega sinner in my time so I'm not coming at this conversation as a holier than thou kinda chick.

Only from the Word.
I picked this one up years ago from the library, a good read on Mormon Fundamentalist.
I agree about the good Mormon people, but this concerns the not so good people.


Thanks for the links. I lived among the Amish in South west Ontario and when we decided to go off the grid these good souls were heaven sent to us to help us make the transition. From going from just being good customers for eggs they opened their hearts and their way of life to us so that I could pull off a turkey dinner on a wood stove to doing a stir fry on an open fire. I made the error for many years of sort of lumping all of them together. Oh my they are not one and the same.

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Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.

Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.

Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?

And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?

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Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.

Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.

Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?

And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?
Thats interesting. What is whacked out about their religion as opposed to other religions?

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