Arizona GOP Rep John Kavanagh: "Everybody shouldn't be voting" "Quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes, as well."


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i agree 100 percent. for example, folks with the last name "Kavanaugh" are quality conservatives.

i agree 100 percent. for example, folks with the last name "Kavanaugh" are quality conservatives.

That’s nice. Now let’s pretend we have a constitution. Although frankly I don’t think white supremacists should vote. I won’t get my way either.

you’re welcome
i agree 100 percent. for example, folks with the last name "Kavanaugh" are quality conservatives.

Instead of regulating WHO votes,
It should be regulations requiring people who vote for partisan policies or programs to pay for them.

When you take a group out to lunch, you either agree on a budget or limit, or you let people pay for their own lunch if they want to go over budget and get whatever they want.

You don't have everyone agree to certain limits. And then overrule that where half the people vote for other things and force the others to pay who didn't agree to the rule changes.

Just organize tax policies by party where these disagree. Only charge the public for policies all taxpayers agree to. And allow freedom to fund or defund separate programs, such as social benefits where prochoice and prolife, LGBT or Christian Conservatives can agree to different terms and conditions without imposing on each other.
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notice the tone in Kavanagh's voice. it's a tone of concern, not accusatory. he's concerned for our republic, instead of being racist against a certain group
It's very important to have an educated people, especially when it comes to voting. This is part of the reason the left has shut down schools for the past year, fought against school choice etc
It's very important to have an educated people, especially when it comes to voting. This is part of the reason the left has shut down schools for the past year, fought against school choice etc

The quality of education is very poor in the U.S., both in public and private schools. How can we judge someone's education.? People say that things are in the Constitution that are not and vice versa. Some don't know anything about other countries or other religions. Some don't know anything about how the judicial system operates.

After radical Islamists attacked the U.S. on 9/11, some people attacked Sikhs and Hindus, as well as innocent Muslims. I just read about some moron in Texas who vandalized a restaurant owned by a man who spoke out about the importance of wearing masks and criticized abbott's decision. In spraying nonsense all over the outside of the restaurant, this moron wrote "Go back to China." The owner is obviously an American, but his last name is definitely of Vietnamese origin. He's not of Chinese ancestry. There is even a nutjob on USMB who keeps referring to "Africans" when he is obviously referring to Americans of African descent.

The people responsible for this idiocy vote, but they would rate rather low on any "quality" scale.
nothing to read into here. it's just an opinion. he's not a racist

we just have different opinions, like raindrops are shaped differently
i agree 100 percent. for example, folks with the last name "Kavanaugh" are quality conservatives.

Who makes that determination? You? What makes you or any Republican competdent to make that decision? Republicans have become members of the cult of Trump. Cult members are weak in the head so I can make the case Republicans should be prevented from voting.

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