Arizona certifies 2022 election despite GOP complaints

Fucking liar....There are hundreds of affidavits filed by those whe were turned away or witnessed it.
And every one of the people offering those affidavits were given an alternative that might have delayed them, but would have allowed them to cast a vote. If you can prove the delays were intentional, you might have something. So far, that hasn't happened.
If Hobbs held a rally for all her voters, she might fill a star bucks.

AZ shows America the new democracy.

No debates
No campaigns
No messaging

Just 2 vote harvesting operations competing to gather ballots.

I don't live in AZ but I saw Lake on TV many times giving me many reasons that I'd vote fer her!
Saw Hobbs exactly ZERO times, does anyone even know an issue upon which anyone would vote for her?
Ms Lake would be well advised to stfu unless she has firm evidence.

Right, dimwit from another country, as if any evidence would sway YOU. Going into the election, Lake had an 11-point lead in all the polling with mainly a precinct left to count that was something like 80-some percent republican--- --- and still lost.

It came down to weeks and weeks of counting to find JUST enough votes, with some election officials declaring they were being FORCED to vote for Hobb's certification against all sense under threat of prosecution.

And YOU think Kari ought to just STFU?

Asshole twit.
Right, dimwit from another country, as if any evidence would sway YOU. Going into the election, Lake had an 11-point lead in all the polling with mainly a precinct left to count that was something like 80-some percent republican--- --- and still lost.

It came down to weeks and weeks of counting to find JUST enough votes, with some election officials declaring they were being FORCED to vote for Hobb's certification against all sense under threat of prosecution.

And YOU think Kari ought to just STFU?

Asshole twit.

I think the she better do as she's told. 😁
Right, dimwit from another country, as if any evidence would sway YOU. Going into the election, Lake had an 11-point lead in all the polling with mainly a precinct left to count that was something like 80-some percent republican--- --- and still lost.

It came down to weeks and weeks of counting to find JUST enough votes, with some election officials declaring they were being FORCED to vote for Hobb's certification against all sense under threat of prosecution.

And YOU think Kari ought to just STFU?

Asshole twit.

Yes, she should; but she won't. Those folks were threatened with arrest because they were refusing to certify the election in accordance to the law, which did not account for holding up certification over fake cries of election fraud.
I don't live in AZ but I saw Lake on TV many times giving me many reasons that I'd vote fer her!
Saw Hobbs exactly ZERO times, does anyone even know an issue upon which anyone would vote for her?
She’s not batshit crazy
I don't live in AZ but I saw Lake on TV many times giving me many reasons that I'd vote fer her!
Saw Hobbs exactly ZERO times, does anyone even know an issue upon which anyone would vote for her?
Hobbs had like a 1000 followers on Twitter before she ran for governor.
Fucking liar....There are hundreds of affidavits filed by those whe were turned away or witnessed it.
I hate to appear demanding poster Oddball, but.....but your avatar has been requested to provide a link to your assertion above.
I haven't seen you post one.
Are you working on it?
Are you gonna provide it?

I ask, because folks here will think you are just a silly frivolous lightweight if you can't show you got the cards you say you have.
In short, your hand has been called.
Or go.
Don't be a silly frivolous lightweight.
Just sayin'.


"Saw Hobbs exactly ZERO times, does anyone even know an issue upon which anyone would vote for her?"

Oh, hell! THAT one is too easy.
I'm surprised a prolific poster such as 2bfreak doesn't know it.
The "issue" is: She was running against a Trumpian Election Denier.
Hell, she could've been in Hawaii and phoned in her campaign. Maybe she did?
As long as Trump was against Hobbs.....Hobbs was golden.
That's in a Captain Obvious opinion piece in the Gateway Pundit. Duh! ;)

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