Are you one of the 53%

Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

I am.

ETA, I'm talking about Federal Withholding Taxes............just to make myself clear. Some have a problem u n d e r s t a n d i n g. (did I type that slow enough?)

It aint for nothing, everyone pays taxes, just not everyone pays income tax because there income is to low.

That being said I go with Ron Paul here, and that is that none should be paying any income tax. The irs should be abolished and replaced with nothing! We have plenty of other methods of taxation already in place to both run the federal government as it was intended and to get the debt paid.

The key to a prosperus economy is fiscal responsability and a free market. Neither of which we have. Every aspect of our economy is manipulated and inflated by government meddling.
I love all the envy of the poor. If the lower middle class and poor have it so damn good, there is nothing stopping you from leaving your jobs and collecting all those amazing government benefits all day. Live the good life on the government dime!

Nothing like a pack of uneducated sheep all boasting about how they are jealous of the unemployed and poor.

Unemployed and poor is usually a choice, it's not supposed to be a way of life. I'll help anyone that helps themselves, but when the government tells me I have to and I have to more and more, I have a problem with that.

So who really are the uneducated sheep??

LOL, unemployed is a choice? Poor is a choice? Tell me why someone would CHOOSE to be unemployed or poor.

Use realistic examples and scenarios.
I know some people who chose to be unemployed because they feel they can make the same or better on assistance so why work if they can get free money:cuckoo:
Unemployed and poor is usually a choice, it's not supposed to be a way of life. I'll help anyone that helps themselves, but when the government tells me I have to and I have to more and more, I have a problem with that.

So who really are the uneducated sheep??

LOL, unemployed is a choice? Poor is a choice? Tell me why someone would CHOOSE to be unemployed or poor.

Use realistic examples and scenarios.
I know some people who chose to be unemployed because they feel they can make the same or better on assistance so why work if they can get free money:cuckoo:

I dont know a soul like you claim you know.

Where do you live ?

it must be a really horrible place
Gotta hate that 'freedom of speech' thing, huh mo chara?

Defend it from one side, slam it from the other. Such hypocrisy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I don't see where in Jillians post where she tried to prevent someone from speaking. Freedom of Speech does not protect you from criticism of what you say

Those who slammed the TEA Partiers are those celebrating OWS protests. The TEA were accused of all kinds of bullshit... racism, violence, all kinds of crap.... and even when it was proved beyond doubt to be bullshit... they still continued. And yet, now, those self same posters are butthurt that these protesters are not being 'understood'.

What does that have to do with your whining about infringement of freedom of speech? TPs were allowed to march and hold up whatever ridiculous signs they wanted. They were not arrested for it......That is freedom of speech

Freedom of speech also means that you can ridicule anything that someone says whether it is justified or not.
it is an EARNED income credit. Those people getting this $6k back at the end of the tax year can ONLY get back, federal taxes that they have paid in payroll taxes....not a dime more, is my understanding of the EIC.

so, they are not taking your tax monies, but given a break on their own taxes due.

there are other programs that allow it.

Duaghter in law paid in approx 900 got back 3500

Youngest son, paid in approx 1500 got back 2800
do you know what tax breaks and credits they took to allow that?

I am curious....

I know we got a credit for putting money in to our 401k for the past 2 years, which shocked me...but i guess that was part of the stimulus package???

Both college students. I think that was the driver.
there are other programs that allow it.

Duaghter in law paid in approx 900 got back 3500

Youngest son, paid in approx 1500 got back 2800
do you know what tax breaks and credits they took to allow that?

I am curious....

I know we got a credit for putting money in to our 401k for the past 2 years, which shocked me...but i guess that was part of the stimulus package???

Both college students. I think that was the driver.
thanks FA.

now here's the question....

Do you think it is bad that your children received your tax dollars in help?
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

I am.

ETA, I'm talking about Federal Withholding Taxes............just to make myself clear. Some have a problem u n d e r s t a n d i n g. (did I type that slow enough?)

What percent of your gross income do you pay in federal income tax?
How many of you here take the $1000 per child tax credit? That is one of the biggest reasons so many pay no income taxes because it takes $1000 per child right off your tax bill.

Are you willing to give that up and pay an extra $1000 X how many children you can claim on your own tax bill in order to put tens of thousands back in the taxpayer category?
I don't play the class warfare game dude. tell one American and you're telling all of us who pay FEDERAL INCOME TAX.. you cannot cull the herd.. Leecher dude

I pay taxes. I pay federal taxes and local taxes. When the left says they want others to pay their "fair share", they are referring to the rich. If you feel that they're talking to you, then you must be a millionaire. In that case, I don't feel sorry for you (other than for your complete lack of intelligence).

For all the obtuse demonRats.. We all pay local and state taxes and bla bla bla deee daaa. We are talking about the 47% of Americans who pay ZERO FEDERAL INCOME tax and the some who then get a fucking rebate on the ZERO the don't pay and then they scream being demonRATS that others don't pay their fair share.

No you're not. The OP (before it was changed) said that 47% of Americans pay ZERO taxes. The OP was wrong (which is why she changed it). But for you to discount all of the local taxes that those 47% pay speaks volumes. Apparently, you support the federal gov't taking money from people who live below the poverty line. How big gov't of you to feel that way.
So I'm the dunce because you generalized without knowing the facts and perpetuated the lie for 3 pages? If that makes me a dunce then I guess you're a straight up moron.

No, JosefK, it makes you look very, very silly. Like you didn't know what I was talking about. I fixed the OP for you. :D

everyone pays sales tax.. boohoo. I am sure that if there was some way to get out of that they would be demanding no having to pay for that too...

I understood what you meant..... and as far as i am concerned... they don't pay taxes.

As far as you're concerned? :lol::lol::lol: Thank God the world doesn't revolve around your logic. Local taxes are taxes. Sales taxes are taxes. Payroll taxes are taxes. Therefore, those 47% of Americans that you seem to hate do indeed pay taxes.
Horseshit. Whenever libturds talk about raising taxes on millionaires and billionaires, they're actually talking about raising taxes on couples that earn over $250,000

I don't know about "libturds" because I don't even know what that means, but the Senate's recent tax-increase proposal is for a surtax on incomes above a million dollars.

and they are usually small business owners.

True but misleading. This statistic is trotted out to give the false impression that most small business owners make over $250,000. That's not true. Most people who make over $250k are small business owners, but the great majority of small business owners make much less than that. A small business owner who makes more than $250k is a very successful small business owner who can well afford a higher tax bill -- almost a big business owner in fact. We're not talking about a mom & pop store here.
The etymology of "libturd" at USMB: 'lib' is s shortened version of 'liberal', the bastardized US meaning of the term, likely meaning 'bleeding heart' liberal and having little to do with classical liberal.

'Tard' is a shortened version of 'retard'. Not so PC, but PC is not too important at USMB, and often non-PC is in your face here, likely for desensitization for the overly sensitive. Very effective, by the way.

So, that led to a combination of those two diminutive versions of words that actually exist in the English language and we had 'libtard' for a while.

'Turd' is a chunk of poo, as we all know. Given the disdain of many for bleeding heart liberals who are also profoundly stupid, the substitution of 'tard' with 'turd' was a natural evolution.

Thus leading us to the current 'libturd'.


(A PSA brought to you by Si modo - sometimes called 'Si', 'modo', 'SM', 'Sis', 'Si moron' (hats off to ABikerSailor for that one - luvya, man :lol:), and lately 'Cleo' (have no idea what that is))
so, if someone ends up paying $10 dollars in income taxes after all of their write offs and deductions, is that OKAY for those of you on the right that hate the 47% for not owing any fed income taxes?

the person paying 10 bucks is okay while the person owing zero is not okay?
LOL, unemployed is a choice? Poor is a choice? Tell me why someone would CHOOSE to be unemployed or poor.

Use realistic examples and scenarios.
I know some people who chose to be unemployed because they feel they can make the same or better on assistance so why work if they can get free money:cuckoo:

I dont know a soul like you claim you know.

Where do you live ?

it must be a really horrible place

I know 3 people like that, and I assure you there is alot more. I knew one girl that was collecting unemployment in kansas, and was flying to vegas to strip on the weekends. She was making 4,000$ a weekend and still collecting that check. I turned her in to the state, dunno what happened because I stopped talking to her but I did get a reply back from my unemployment fraud office that said simply "we got her".

I would recommend turning in everyone that you know is commiting fraud with the unemployment system. They are robbing hard working people.
Im still looking for the 47% of posters on this board who do not pay taxes

Come on boys...fess up
do you know what tax breaks and credits they took to allow that?

I am curious....

I know we got a credit for putting money in to our 401k for the past 2 years, which shocked me...but i guess that was part of the stimulus package???

Both college students. I think that was the driver.
thanks FA.

now here's the question....

Do you think it is bad that your children received your tax dollars in help?

They have gotten help, both sides of the family. I dont think it should happen with taxes. If they need additional help, shouldnt that be handled through grants and loans?
do you not ALL try to take as many legal deductions and credits that you can so to get your taxes down as low as possible?

I'm shooting for it! every year that i have done taxes, my goal is to pay zero! :D so far, no such luck, but that's my goal...and i believe it is the goal of everyone who does their own income tax return.
It's sad when Republicans refer to half of America as "debris". They actually believe one out of two Americans just "live it up" from government money. Sad.

Sorry, did I miss something.

I didn't see the word debris used anywhere in this thread up to this point.

Is there a reason you do this kind of thing ?
Both college students. I think that was the driver.
thanks FA.

now here's the question....

Do you think it is bad that your children received your tax dollars in help?

They have gotten help, both sides of the family. I dont think it should happen with taxes. If they need additional help, shouldnt that be handled through grants and loans?
I dunno? what's the difference? gvt grants and loan guarantees etc for college still come out of the tax payer's pocket.....or are on the tax payer's shoulder until the loan is repaid in full???

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