Are you homophobic?

I don't hate them irrational or have irrational fear of them so I'm not homophob but I consider them freaks and that there is something wrong with them but I mind my own business and don't tell them to their face I can be even their friend
I got locked up in an adult jail for kicking a cop when 17 and got raped by a queer, and never liked either of them.
I don't hate them irrational or have irrational fear of them so I'm not homophob but I consider them freaks and that there is something wrong with them but I mind my own business and don't tell them to their face I can be even their friend
Good !So happy that you are not homophobic, Just a garden variety bigot
I don't hate them irrational or have irrational fear of them so I'm not homophob but I consider them freaks and that there is something wrong with them but I mind my own business and don't tell them to their face I can be even their friend
Its not natural for a man to want to take it in the Caboose, so you have a point.

But that's nothing new. Some people have chosen this orientation since the days of Sodom.

What's new is that homos want to force everyone to glorify them for this.
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Hi friend! ;)

If you are using the term "freak" as follows, " abnormally developed individual " then I am in complete agreement with your post. However, I don't lump every gay person in any way inferior to homosexual people, intellectually. I do see a high percentage of the ones I know and have known in two liberal states in the US, to be very liberal, thinking with their emotions as opposed to logic when addressing policies used by the government to solve problems that affect the citizens of America.

I know two lesbian women currently and enjoy conversations with them absent of politics. :) They are each very cordial and have a sense of humor. They do not possess the "victim mentality" so many others do.

I can like and respect people of any sexuality as long as I consider them to have good character and I do prefer an absence of any hostility.

Mortie, may you make a great weekend! I like how upfront you are always about anything :)
Nature's basic reproductive pattern, the default one, is female. Whether we are talking flora or fauna, in most cases Nature starts with the female template and then produces the male pattern by alterations ~mutatations ~ of the female.

The female egg has "X" for the female pattern chromosome. The male sperm has the "Y" (or "X")chromosome which codes to make changes/alterations to the female basic pattern, or match it.
X+X usually a female
X+Y usually a male

However, the chromosomes work in conjunction with matching hormones, testosterone or estrogen to make the optimal female or male. Improper amounts of respective hormone to chromosome can result in errors in development, from gestation through adolescence, especially in some physical traits as well as critical sexual orientation effects to the hypothalamus which has a significant role in sexual attraction~orientation.

In the case of male homosexuals for an example, the "switch" that should have have been flipped to "male attraction" doesn't happen and stays stuck with the Base "female attraction".

One of the best books explaining this in more detail is "Brain Sex";

Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women

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Homosexuality doesn't bother me at all. I have friends who are gay, and we don't talk about sexuality at all - just the things we have in common.
I don't hate them irrational or have irrational fear of them so I'm not homophob but I consider them freaks and that there is something wrong with them but I mind my own business and don't tell them to their face I can be even their friend

I think if you look around this message board you'll find lots of people who have "something wrong with them". It's kind of a human trait.

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