Are we ever going to see a return to high playing plant jobs with pension plans, $35 an hour, and double time overtime pay.?

And what about their enormous wealth which has greatly increased, while most Americans see little increase. Plus, their tax rates are in the single digits, thanks to a tax code they devised and an army of tax accountants to find all sorts of loopholes.

No doubt you find nothing wrong with this.
They pay capital gains taxes, not taxes on wages. It is so sad that you have attained your advanced age yet remain so stupid!

Single digit tax rates exist for no one except for 0% for you and your fellow idiots!
Young people don't want to "work" anymore they want everything handed to them, (thanks Joe) The ones that "do" work are influencers making $1,500 for smiling and talking about a product and then get a youtube page and make money off ads and visitors to their page. They don't know what its like anymore to make $10 an hour when companies are paying influencer high pay ...
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My dad, uncle and grandfather worked those types of jobs seen above. Along with many millions of Americans, if not many more throughout the 20th century. It was a pro American job. These folks were building America.

Now today the country is almost entirely different. You have a bunch of stay at home dads. Female headed households. Households with a single woman raising four or five kids especially in the inner cities. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s.

Those types of pictures above represented the bulk of middle-class jobs. You can of course throw in truck drivers Perhaps carpenters as well but people know what I’m talking about here. These were the bulk of the middle-class jobs.

So what is it going to be as we dive into the 21st-century. is the American middle-class going to continue to get worse and worse? Under Joe Biden we’ve seen a doubling in the average cost of a home, and a triple in interest rates on loan, compared to what it was under Trump. The middle class has been struggling for decades, but under Joe Biden it got hit really bad.

Is Joe Biden going to give us a better middle class. That’s an honest and open question to Biden and Trump supporters. What do you think? Do we need Donald Trump back?

Or is there going to be some kind of a great CEO like another Henry Ford or Rockefeller that leads the way.??
Young people don't want to "work" anymore they want everything handed to them, (thanks Joe) The ones that "do" work are influencers making $1,500 for smiling and talking about a product and then get a youtube page and make money off ads and visitors to their page. They don't know what its like anymore to make $10 an hour when companies are paying influencer high pay ...
I frankly don't see the need for any american workers to be making $10 per hour. Let the owner do the garbage work.
Oh man what a perfect post. Says it all. There is nobody fighting for labor. Indisputable fact. Some want labor to work for less that way they pay less for the product. Why? Because they hate American labor.
No...Americans want inexpensive products and don’t care where they come from by and large. The politics of it are complicated but more often than not, anytime there is a choice between something that benefits workers and something that benefits investors, republicans are for the investors. Most obviously, the minimum wage laws are front and center here.
Do you think we will soon have a universal basic income?

In a country of over 330 million people and growing. With robots and artificial intelligence on the rise, what will become of the future?

Will the American middle class disappear at some point?
In 40 years, almost all of us will be dead. Why worry about something you cannot possibly change?
'Investment' is authorizing the activation of resources. People are resources.

It's the productive work of the workers that create wealth that gives the investments value.

What the 'Capitalists' (i.e. 'Opportunists') refuse the realize is that they can invest all they want, but if the workers do not do the productive work, their investment value goes to zero.

That's why Union strikes are so powerful....and why investors hate Unions.
The Princes' War of Succession

"Capitalist" is an example of a factoid use of a word. Because we are made to think that it is the opposite of government ownership, anyone who uses the word in even the slightest negative sense is thought to be a Communist. (Another example is "Zionism." Instead of a name of a movement, it's only used by those opposed to the existence of Israel.)

Besides, both ideologies should be identified as Capitalistism and Communistism. They're both exclusivist cliques. And both were concocted by those born in the same class, whose Daddy's Money gives them a "Born to Be Boss" attitude, which is why they believe they deserve to be totalitarian dictators. The first Capitalists retired early, bought titles. and believed they had the right to control society beyond the grave by setting up their sons to rule through unearned inheritance. These first class-switchers spat on the graves of their own ancestors, who had been excluded from success only because of the restrictive privilege of inheritance.
socialists. They want to completely ignore

They come face to face with reality, however, as soon as they get rid of capitalists and start trying to run a socialized, command economy on their own. Someone must make decisions regarding how we organize resources and labor, how we invest our resources. At the end of the day, or let government agents do it instead (who have a different set of concerns). But somebody's got to do it,
Bootlickers Suffer Brain Damage From the Boot Polish
Lol. So you don’t know anything about what I posted. Got it.
I wouldn’t deal with that poster. He’s a wannabe and an Internet know it all.

He’s one of the biggest trolls I’ve ever seen. I ve had him on Ignore for a few months now yet he keeps on posting in my threads 😂

The Chinese economy has proven you absolutely wrong. It's been a government run economy that's grown at an incredible rate for the past 30 years, and one that provides for all its people, not just the elites.
To Class-Climbing Bootlickers, "It's Not a Job; It's a Position"

How successful would China be if their economy weren't subsidized by outsourcing economic traitors? The incompetent American Bizz Skule Gradchewits can only make profits through the cheapest labor they can find. This wouldn't happen if there were any truth to the slogan, "If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?'
In 40 years, robots will be making our cars. There will never again be a high income jobs at factories for humans on an assembly line.
Yuppies Practice Management by Imagination

The smug Diploma Dumbos with white-collar jobs can be replaced just as easily. In fact, CEOs are also vulnerable to automation. Most of their decisions are "by the book," which can be programmed.
No. Unions (through some fault of their own) have been marginalized and there is nobody fighting for labor. The GOP (primarily) has seen to it that Wall Street is more important than Main Street.
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

The Democrats are from the same pampered clique of snobs. They both believe that blue-collar workers are "losers too lazy to go to college."
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My dad, uncle and grandfather worked those types of jobs seen above. Along with many millions of Americans, if not many more throughout the 20th century. It was a pro American job. These folks were building America.

Now today the country is almost entirely different. You have a bunch of stay at home dads. Female headed households. Households with a single woman raising four or five kids especially in the inner cities. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s.

Those types of pictures above represented the bulk of middle-class jobs. You can of course throw in truck drivers Perhaps carpenters as well but people know what I’m talking about here. These were the bulk of the middle-class jobs.

So what is it going to be as we dive into the 21st-century. is the American middle-class going to continue to get worse and worse? Under Joe Biden we’ve seen a doubling in the average cost of a home, and a triple in interest rates on loan, compared to what it was under Trump. The middle class has been struggling for decades, but under Joe Biden it got hit really bad.

Is Joe Biden going to give us a better middle class. That’s an honest and open question to Biden and Trump supporters. What do you think? Do we need Donald Trump back?

Or is there going to be some kind of a great CEO like another Henry Ford or Rockefeller that leads the way.??

LISTEN TO ME----------->I( am a retired UAW autoworker, and you are NEVER going to see this again; nor should you want to.

How can you; or anyone expect a company/corporation, to project 30 years out in this day and age? Look at what is happening! They are having trouble projecting 30 months out. It should be a wake up call. Which was once the crown jewels of our economy in the USA, are now also rans.

As a country, all we can do is protect our corporations from unfair, outside interference. But you tell me, why would they buy in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

They see the vast majority of Americans being thrown under the bus. They see there is no answer, and we LET it happen.

With the turmoil in the USA, the change in how they deal with investors, would you buy in and put your money on the line?

For me, the answer is no! I am moving away from US securities, and I have a buck 3.80 that says many, many people are too in the open market.

I am here to debate the Golfing Gator, Mac the knife, or anyone else they want to throw at me. It is NOT that I believe Trump is the be all, end all........because nothing could be further from the truth.

But, what is reality is------------>if you vote Democrat, you are screwing your country, your children, your grandchildren, and yourself. There is absolutely no way in hell these people deserve another term in office, and if you can justify voting DEMOCRAT because of the hate you feel for Trump, then good luck to you!
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My dad, uncle and grandfather worked those types of jobs seen above. Along with many millions of Americans, if not many more throughout the 20th century. It was a pro American job. These folks were building America.

Now today the country is almost entirely different. You have a bunch of stay at home dads. Female headed households. Households with a single woman raising four or five kids especially in the inner cities. It wasn’t like this in the 1950s even the 1970s.

Those types of pictures above represented the bulk of middle-class jobs. You can of course throw in truck drivers Perhaps carpenters as well but people know what I’m talking about here. These were the bulk of the middle-class jobs.

So what is it going to be as we dive into the 21st-century. is the American middle-class going to continue to get worse and worse? Under Joe Biden we’ve seen a doubling in the average cost of a home, and a triple in interest rates on loan, compared to what it was under Trump. The middle class has been struggling for decades, but under Joe Biden it got hit really bad.

Is Joe Biden going to give us a better middle class. That’s an honest and open question to Biden and Trump supporters. What do you think? Do we need Donald Trump back?

Or is there going to be some kind of a great CEO like another Henry Ford or Rockefeller that leads the way.??

And we're also not bringing back
Buggy drivers
Picking cotton by hand
Streetlight lighters...

Technology has evolved those jobs into extinction and those remaining are low skill roles.
Most of these workers could have migrated into technical roles but there are those who, like coal miners, simply refuse to recognize the world for what it is.
LISTEN TO ME----------->I( am a retired UAW autoworker, and you are NEVER going to see this again; nor should you want to.

How can you; or anyone expect a company/corporation, to project 30 years out in this day and age? Look at what is happening! They are having trouble projecting 30 months out. It should be a wake up call. Which was once the crown jewels of our economy in the USA, are now also rans.

As a country, all we can do is protect our corporations from unfair, outside interference. But you tell me, why would they buy in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

They see the vast majority of Americans being thrown under the bus. They see there is no answer, and we LET it happen.

With the turmoil in the USA, the change in how they deal with investors, would you buy in and put your money on the line?

For me, the answer is no! I am moving away from US securities, and I have a buck 3.80 that says many, many people are too in the open market.

I am here to debate the Golfing Gator, Mac the knife, or anyone else they want to throw at me. It is NOT that I believe Trump is the be all, end all........because nothing could be further from the truth.

But, what is reality is------------>if you vote Democrat, you are screwing your country, your children, your grandchildren, and yourself. There is absolutely no way in hell these people deserve another term in office, and if you can justify voting DEMOCRAT because of the hate you feel for Trump, then good luck to you!
Thanks for the post. My father and Uncle were UAW members who worked for Ford. My grandfather worked for Bethlehem steel for over 30 years. Wow those were the days. This country ain’t what it used to be.

What do you think the future of the American middle classes? Do you think we will have a basic universal income?

Do you think there will be some kind of a new sector like the other poster talked about. A new sector that perhaps creates millions of jobs for people who want to get into the American middle class?

I’m voting for Donald Trump. I think the Democrat party of today is an absolute disgrace to what it was in the middle of the 20th century. That’s my position on the matter of politics.. but I’m interested in your opinion on what is the future of the American middle-class?

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