Are The USMB RWers Willing To Admit That Herb Cain's Been Lying About Settlementgate?

He has given generally unclear statements.

But as you left wing fubars did to Scooter Libby, you persist now in confusing a mere lapse in memory with dishonesty.

The complained of alleged "incidents" were roughly 12 years ago.

If they were bullshit THEN, it would seem to follow that there would not be much incentive for any CEO to have paid much attention to the shenanigans at that time and, thus, less of a reason to remember that bullshit, now.

What's really quite sad is how fully you expose yourself as a mere partisan hack.

I know. I know. Don't cry, kid. You REALLY REALLY REALLY want to believe the worst of all conservative bogeymen. There there.

Couple of blatantly deceptive positions about your post..

1. You're suggesting that Herb's suffering from a lapse of memory and not, in fact, lying.

2. You'r suggesting that the sexual harassment charges brought against Herb and the ensuing settlement agreements were or are non-existent.

Do I have that right?

I am not implying jack or shit, there, Malcolm Ex-Lax. I am saying that it is perfectly possible that Herman Cain doesn't recall the specifics of a couple of bogus claims from a dozen years ago. You can't establish otherwise, thus YOU (despite your willingness to do it anyway) cannot establish that he has lied about anything. You don't know, so your claim that he has lied is dishonest of you. Not a shock.

Your second bullet point is also false. I haven't implied or suggested that the claims weren't resolved by way of some settlements. [Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.] I have heard that they were made to go away by way of some agreements which included severance and no acceptance by either side of any blame or responsibility for any alleged wrong doing AND by confidentiality.

By the way, if the Restaurant Association reached a setlement deal with the women, and if Mr. Cain wasn't a signatory to those agreements, it is quite possible that he had effectively no knowledge about the "deals" beyond maybe the fact that it had all been resolved. Can YOU now show me any evidence at all that Mr. Cain knew of the details or that he was a signatory?


I know you can't.

You have real problems letting honesty deter you from posting your attack pieces. Here in the real world we have a name for folks like you. We call you guys "liars."
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With all the various "versions" of his stories, backpeddles and what's not you guys have been STAUNCHLY supporting him. That's fine, you want to wrap your arms around a blatant harasser and molester, more power to you if you think that will strengthen your cause.

However, are you willing to admit that the man has been lying through his teeth about this thing from beginning? Or are you that dishonorable?
Are you libtard lying pos willing to admit that obamaturd has been and still is lying? Until that happens , no. It is all bull about Cain. Why did it not surface until he led in the polls? Because it is typical dimwit strategy.
Are usmb lwingers going to admit that clinton lied under oath and should have resigned in shame for what he did?

since I know the answer is no, clinton was like john the bapist, you know, the guy just before the messiah came, he could do no wrong....

I leave you with; Who gives a rats ass about something that happened 12 years ago?

Aside from useless morans, that is.

Hmmmm..... clinton was like john the bapist, you know, the guy just before the messiah came. Are you trying to say Bush was the "Messiah"? :eusa_pray: I've heard him called many things but not that.

Nope, you're right. Clinton should not have resigned. If Bush's performance as POTUS was only HALF as good as Clinton's I would have ordered up a dozen blowjobs for him.

And thus proving that all the liberal bullshit about Cain, is just that, bullshit.

You can't demand standards when you have none.

I'm not the one demanding "standards". It's the "Wingnut Family Values" crowd.

If the guy really does have the solutions to our problems and knows how to get them passed in Washington then I couldn't give two shits about his personal life.
With all the various "versions" of his stories, backpeddles and what's not you guys have been STAUNCHLY supporting him. That's fine, you want to wrap your arms around a blatant harasser and molester, more power to you if you think that will strengthen your cause.

However, are you willing to admit that the man has been lying through his teeth about this thing from beginning? Or are you that dishonorable?
Are you libtard lying pos willing to admit that obamaturd has been and still is lying? Until that happens , no. It is all bull about Cain. Why did it not surface until he led in the polls? Because it is typical dimwit strategy.

This idiot is the perfect example of the fact that Cain has reached that level of worship on the Right where it no longer matter what he does or says, these people will support and defend him.
I was having dinner last night with friends, two of them who are lawyers (married to each other) one of which is an Obama supporter. We talked about Herman Cain. Her thoughts mirrored mine, that Cain didn't speak the whole story in the beginning, because 1) he didn't know the whole story and 2) he most probably was consulting with legal and the NRA regarding the agreement.
She also thinks Cain is burnt toast, not because of what he may have allegedly done, but because he attempted to respond to questions to which he had no full answers. An 'I'm not sure, but will make a statement when I have more knowledge", would have gone a long way, rather than his attempt to fill in gaps.

That's where some believe the 'lying' comes from.
Lack of knowledge and lying are two very different things.

But I am sure many already know that.



Toast because he responded without being in possession of all the facts? You mean like Obama did with that ridiculous 'beer gate' episode? If the fucking POTUS can get away with bullshit, I don't see why we should hold others to a higher standard.

Cain had all the facts. He was there, remember?
You're as dishonest as the bigot in your avatar. First, there was not SETTLEMENT pay it was a serverance pay! Big difference. Second there is NOTHING blatant at all. Anonymous source, secret document, no details, no facts, no nothing!

All this shows is the lengths the leftist media will go to slander a right leaning candidate!

One cannot "admit" something which isn't true.

One can make a claim that isn't true.

Obviously, you are familiar with that kind of behavior -- sadly.

What's sad is how neither of you two, nor any of the many, many, sadly mistaken RWers across this nation are unwilling to admit that Herb Cain, HIMSELF, has given numerous stories and explanations that vastly differ from each other...from day one.

The media has nothing to do with Herb Cain's sexual harassment accusations nor the settlements that followed them in a, now clearly failed attempt to sweep them under the rug.

Personal responsibility boys. You should go tell Herb Cain to...BLAME YOSELF!!!
When the left learns personal responsibility I will surprised. The story is nothing more than a submarine attack because the left is scared of Cain like they are still scared of Palin. No real witness has come forward in person and said anything, all bull as usual from the left.
Harry is about 'this tall, compared to my wife'.
<gesturing at chin level> :eusa_whistle:

awwwwwww... how cute.

i know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but ask yourself if corporations pay a year's salary to women so they won't sue over that?

I have asked myself. And yes, they do. They settle because it's cheaper than a costly legal fight. You're a lawyer, you know that's true. Often, it's not about what is 'right' but what is most cost effective.

You mean like the Paula Jones settlement.
With all the various "versions" of his stories, backpeddles and what's not you guys have been STAUNCHLY supporting him. That's fine, you want to wrap your arms around a blatant harasser and molester, more power to you if you think that will strengthen your cause.

However, are you willing to admit that the man has been lying through his teeth about this thing from beginning? Or are you that dishonorable?
Are you libtard lying pos willing to admit that obamaturd has been and still is lying? Until that happens , no. It is all bull about Cain. Why did it not surface until he led in the polls? Because it is typical dimwit strategy.

This idiot is the perfect example of the fact that Cain has reached that level of worship on the Right where it no longer matter what he does or says, these people will support and defend him.
You are the type of idiot that kisses obamaturds butt and lies on here all the time. Idiot.
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You're as dishonest as the bigot in your avatar. First, there was not SETTLEMENT pay it was a serverance pay! Big difference. Second there is NOTHING blatant at all. Anonymous source, secret document, no details, no facts, no nothing!

All this shows is the lengths the leftist media will go to slander a right leaning candidate!

One cannot "admit" something which isn't true.

One can make a claim that isn't true.

Obviously, you are familiar with that kind of behavior -- sadly.

What's sad is how neither of you two, nor any of the many, many, sadly mistaken RWers across this nation are unwilling to admit that Herb Cain, HIMSELF, has given numerous stories and explanations that vastly differ from each other...from day one.

The media has nothing to do with Herb Cain's sexual harassment accusations nor the settlements that followed them in a, now clearly failed attempt to sweep them under the rug.

Personal responsibility boys. You should go tell Herb Cain to...BLAME YOSELF!!!
When the left learns personal responsibility I will surprised. The story is nothing more than a submarine attack because the left is scared of Cain like they are still scared of Palin. No real witness has come forward in person and said anything, all bull as usual from the left.

So why is Cain accusing Perry of instigating this?
This idiot is the perfect example of the fact that Cain has reached that level of worship on the Right where it no longer matter what he does or says, these people will support and defend him.

The right has simply learned to stop taking bullshit leftwing accusations and smears seriously. It's about time.

It's hard to believe that some turd who voted for the serial rapist Clintoon twice would dare to post such idiocies.
Many, many, sadly mistaken and utterly wrong RWers are believing what their handlers are telling them concerning some "severance" payment. The records all indicate that they're settlement payments.

Being let go and Severance Pay go together.
Retirement and Severance Pay go together.

However, Sexual Harassment and Severance Pay do not go together.

Only a gullible RW lemming would believe that swill.


And that is EXACTLY where Herb The Perv Cain wants them...YEAYUSS!!!
Leftwing and stupid go together, you are a perfect example idiot.
I was having dinner last night with friends, two of them who are lawyers (married to each other) one of which is an Obama supporter. We talked about Herman Cain. Her thoughts mirrored mine, that Cain didn't speak the whole story in the beginning, because 1) he didn't know the whole story and 2) he most probably was consulting with legal and the NRA regarding the agreement.
She also thinks Cain is burnt toast, not because of what he may have allegedly done, but because he attempted to respond to questions to which he had no full answers. An 'I'm not sure, but will make a statement when I have more knowledge", would have gone a long way, rather than his attempt to fill in gaps.

That's where some believe the 'lying' comes from.
Lack of knowledge and lying are two very different things.

But I am sure many already know that.



Toast because he responded without being in possession of all the facts? You mean like Obama did with that ridiculous 'beer gate' episode? If the fucking POTUS can get away with bullshit, I don't see why we should hold others to a higher standard.

Cain had all the facts. He was there, remember?

wrong again, Carbuncle.

We can't "remember" that Mr. Cain was "there" because it has never been established that there ever was such a fairy-tale place where the alleged harassment supposedly took place.

One can only say that Mr. Cain was "there" if one presupposes (as you idiot libs do) that something ever DID take place.

Lacking any evidence of that, and certainly lacking any credible evidence or even the identity of a person responsible enough to make the claim based on allegedly personal knowledge, most rational people would DECLINE to engage in your presupposition.

But you tools WANT it to be true, so you dispense with fairness or logic.

It's clear.
What's sad is how neither of you two, nor any of the many, many, sadly mistaken RWers across this nation are unwilling to admit that Herb Cain, HIMSELF, has given numerous stories and explanations that vastly differ from each other...from day one.

The media has nothing to do with Herb Cain's sexual harassment accusations nor the settlements that followed them in a, now clearly failed attempt to sweep them under the rug.

Personal responsibility boys. You should go tell Herb Cain to...BLAME YOSELF!!!
When the left learns personal responsibility I will surprised. The story is nothing more than a submarine attack because the left is scared of Cain like they are still scared of Palin. No real witness has come forward in person and said anything, all bull as usual from the left.

So why is Cain accusing Perry of instigating this?
Do not know, but it smells more of dimwit campaign practices to me. Especially when it is a non issue. You guys supported the pervert lying clinton and had sex in the oval office. Idiots.
So to your mind, it's okay to make unsubstantiated accusations and never be held to account?

Frankly, we still don't know what it is that Herman is supposedly alledged to have done, other than "gestures" and "innappropriate remarks" at events where everyone was drinking.

since Political Correctness has gotten somewhat out of Control,you can no longer tell some Women you see that she looks nice.....if its at work some of these Woman call that Sexual Harassment......"he was saying things trying to hit on me"......

And what amazes me is that the one who is most likely to take offense is the one who comes to the office dressed like she's going to go out clubbing after work.

i was delivering mail once to an office,the receptionist had a great could not help glancing at it.....i was afraid if she saw me checking it out she would say im a pervert....:lol:.....what the hell is a guy to do in that situation?..... :dunno:
I liked Cain before he played the race card with his 3-3-3 crap for "certain" zip codes, his stupidity regarding foreign policy issues and his cover-up of his past antics.

Pretty much, he is a fast-talking pizza man trying to sell his BS pizza on your front porch after he ran over your lights along the driveway and scratched your car.