Are the Effects of Covid 19 Being Hidden?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Day after day we see the unavoidable rise of the total "cases" and deaths attributed to this Pandemic. But is this an honest picture of the effects? OF COURSE the numbers are going to increase every day; why is this news?

We have had 6.8 Million total "cases." But what about those who have tested positive and (a) never got sick, (b) got sick and have fully recovered, (c) no longer test positive? What is the importance of the 6.8 Million number? Wouldn't the more relevant number be the number of people who are currently infected? Is there even any attempt to ascertain that number and keep it updated?

We have had, at latest count by the CDC, 208 thousand or thereabout deaths.

But what about the demographics of those deaths? I saw a headline the other day saying that the number of deaths will be trending upward now that schools and college campuses are opening.

This strikes me as bullshit. Healthy people under thirty are not in any significant danger of death from this disease. Few of them even get sick. How many thousands of football players (all ages) have been doing everything one would want to avoid, but have you seen even one of them getting seriously sick? Maybe a couple of them. And when it does happen it is national news. And when there is a minor outbreak on a particular team they suspend activities for a while, but in my readings it has NEVER been associated with people actually getting sick.

Being 71 years old, I am not saying that geezers kicking the bucket are insignificant, but the AP's story this morning quoted some moron as saying that these 200,000 deaths is the equivalent of sixty-seven "9-11's," which is INSANE. 9-11 took out thousands of people who mainly were in the prime of life, in their most productive years, and who had spouses, kids, grandchildren and others who depended on them. This Pandemic is mainly taking out people for whom NONE of this is the case. Most of them are simply hanging out in Old Folks Homes waiting to die anyway, and Covid 19 accelerates that date by a year or two.

But I can't say that definitively, because THE INFORMATION IS NOT READILY AVAILABLE!!!

Why not? Why is no one publishing the demographics, in detail, of the thousands who are dying every day? Is it because if the public knew, they would realize that the deaths are, relatively speaking, no big deal? It's not the equivalent of a "9-11" every day. Not even close.
I agree. You hear general statements about largely old, obese, diabetic people being the most effected but those details are rarely provided. My pet peeve is you almost never hear about the number hospitalized which would seem to be the MOST important statistic. I don't care about people getting cold symptoms, tell me about how many were bad enough to be hospitalized.
Even the age factor may be misleading. Older people are, by definition, more likely to have developed serious health problems that make them vulnerable to Covid and other flu viruses. It may be that these problems, rather than age itself, are what put people at risk of serious illness or death. These are the people who should be taking protective measures, not the entire population.

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