Are Texans Stupid?


Sep 8, 2016
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I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Then you probably shouldn't have 'generalized' and insulted an entire state with the TITLE question. YOU turned it into a 'flaimbait' with the title.

Can't libs find a way to ask a question without insulting / pissing off people who may not agree with their political views? Evidently NOT!
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Then you probably shouldn't have 'generalized' and insulted an entire state with the TITLE question. YOU turned it into a 'flaimbait' with the title.

Can't libs find a way to ask a question without insulting / pissing off people who may not agree with their political views? Evidently NOT!

Sorry, but it's self evident that an entire state is voting for a person who represents the POLAR opposite of their self-interest.

Only stupid people do that.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

What state do you live in? Are they all as stupid as you?
Sorry, but it's self evident that an entire state is voting for a person...

Please provide a link to support your claim that the entire state of Texas is voting for Trump.

(Exaggerate much?)
Sorry, but it's self evident that an entire state is voting for a person...

Please provide a link to support your claim that the entire state of Texas is voting for Trump.

(Exaggerate much?)
538 Poll says Trump has a 98.3% chance of winning Texas.

Are you seriously debating Texas' voting record?

Do I care if 40% of the state votes for Hillary? No, it's obvious what the point of the thread is. The point is that a STATE (the collective of all its people...a GENERALITY) is voting for a person who:

Supports Eminent Domain
Supports federal government taking over Texas land.
Supports gestapo secret police invading Texas to hunt illegal aliens.
Supports more government spending.
Actually shouldn't even be a controversy!

If you think Texas isn't stupid (and the Trump voters etc) then just say so.

But I think because of the overwhelming list above, that Texas is full of dummies...they also deny Global Warming, which is as self-evident as it gets.
I agree that Trump is a buffoon and global-warming deniers are idiots, but this thread isn't helping the conversation at all.
I agree that Trump is a buffoon and global-warming deniers are idiots, but this thread isn't helping the conversation at all.

Sometimes controversy is needed to grab attention.

Texans need to Wake the F--- up!

The only way Trump's wall gets built is over Texas' dead corpse...because everything she "stands for" has to go into the toilet, and be shitted on first, then flushed, before Trump's wall can be built through Texas.
Texas loves to suck off the fed taxpayer teet. His wall plan will mean thousands of well paying gov jobs . It's a money grab .

Shit, every city in Texas leeches off of some big ass military base or two.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

The most ardent supporters of a fence or wall are those who live near the border. They are the ones who are constantly being assaulted and robbed by criminals who cross the border onto their property. Why would you suggest they are stupid for wanting to be safe? There are already areas in Texas and other southern states that the government has declared off limits to citizens. These would be known drug and human trafficking areas that are not safe to enter. So, land has already been taken over by criminals.

The money we would save if we didn't have to provide illegals with housing, schooling, medical, food would be enormous. Not to mention the money saved on incarcerating criminals who get caught.

The left often cites cost, yet nary a complaint from the left on the billions in foreign aid, the billions spent on caring for illegals and the billions they want to spend on refugees. It's not cost that bothers them, they are pissed at those who don't want open borders. I think the left is planning to gain more dependents, which likely means more votes.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

The most ardent supporters of a fence or wall are those who live near the border. They are the ones who are constantly being assaulted and robbed by criminals who cross the border onto their property. Why would you suggest they are stupid for wanting to be safe? There are already areas in Texas and other southern states that the government has declared off limits to citizens. These would be known drug and human trafficking areas that are not safe to enter. So, land has already been taken over by criminals.

The money we would save if we didn't have to provide housing, schooling, medical, food would be enormous. Not to mention the money saved on incarcerating criminals who get caught.

The left often cites cost, yet nary a complaint from the left on the billions in foreign aid, the billions spent on caring for illegals and the billions they want to spend on refugees. It's not cost that bothers them, it's not wanting open borders that would allow potential future Dem voters to enter as they please.
That's not true.

Considering most people who live next to the border are former Mexicans who are dual citizens and like to travel freely.

It's like Republicans don't have facts or anything.

I don't know where you come up with the horsecrap about "housing, schooling, medical, food".

So are Republicans against medical care for all? Do you have to pay for medical care?
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

I live in Texas, and no, the entire state is not crazy, but there is no shortage of crazies. I don't have an explanation for it. Normally sane people believe all the right wing hype. I wish I knew why.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

Go fuck yourself newb.....
Oh,everything you said makes you appear retarded because none of it is true.
Texas loves to suck off the fed taxpayer teet. His wall plan will mean thousands of well paying gov jobs . It's a money grab .

Shit, every city in Texas leeches off of some big ass military base or two.

Hey Timmy!! I think you've finally found someone who is actually a bigger idiot than you are!!
If the OP had used the singular I could agree. But since it's doubtful that Jammie-Jake has a twin then the use of the plural is open to question. Lots of Texans were smart enough to maintain dual citizenship - in case Obama just handed the state over to Mexico by way of apology for something or other he might have imagined in a doped stupor.
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

The most ardent supporters of a fence or wall are those who live near the border. They are the ones who are constantly being assaulted and robbed by criminals who cross the border onto their property. Why would you suggest they are stupid for wanting to be safe? There are already areas in Texas and other southern states that the government has declared off limits to citizens. These would be known drug and human trafficking areas that are not safe to enter. So, land has already been taken over by criminals.

The money we would save if we didn't have to provide housing, schooling, medical, food would be enormous. Not to mention the money saved on incarcerating criminals who get caught.

The left often cites cost, yet nary a complaint from the left on the billions in foreign aid, the billions spent on caring for illegals and the billions they want to spend on refugees. It's not cost that bothers them, it's not wanting open borders that would allow potential future Dem voters to enter as they please.
That's not true.

Considering most people who live next to the border are former Mexicans who are dual citizens and like to travel freely.

It's like Republicans don't have facts or anything.

I don't know where you come up with the horsecrap about "housing, schooling, medical, food".

So are Republicans against medical care for all? Do you have to pay for medical care?

So do you live on the border?
I predict you will be the leader on the ignore list in short order.
If the OP had used the singular I could agree. But since it's doubtful that Jammie-Jake has a twin then the use of the plural is open to question. Lots of Texans were smart enough to maintain dual citizenship - in case Obama just handed the state over to Mexico by way of apology for something or other he might have imagined in a doped stupor.
LOL is this supporting the idea that Texans aren't dumb given that they are overwhelmingly supporting a guy who supports everything Texas hates?
I really hope this gets treated as a serious thread and not flaimbait because it's not.

Texans support Trump.

Trump wants to build a 2,000 mile wall along the Texas border that will require Eminent domain to deprive not less than 10,000+ families of their private property, and will need to move several cities of more than 10,000 people.

Then he wants to man the wall with soldiers, which will cost $100s Billions of Dollars to maintain per year.

Don't forget Trump's Storm Troopers searching Texans' houses for illegal aliens under the floor-boards.

Where does ANY of this fit with Texas' stated political beliefs?

Because Texas Political beliefs are at an extreme polar opposite of Trump's Hiterism, I can only conclude that Texans are borderline retarded. And thus, the thread. Please discuss the reality of this thread and not some flamebait crap. This is a serious discussion about mental retardation in Texas.

The most ardent supporters of a fence or wall are those who live near the border. They are the ones who are constantly being assaulted and robbed by criminals who cross the border onto their property. Why would you suggest they are stupid for wanting to be safe? There are already areas in Texas and other southern states that the government has declared off limits to citizens. These would be known drug and human trafficking areas that are not safe to enter. So, land has already been taken over by criminals.

The money we would save if we didn't have to provide housing, schooling, medical, food would be enormous. Not to mention the money saved on incarcerating criminals who get caught.

The left often cites cost, yet nary a complaint from the left on the billions in foreign aid, the billions spent on caring for illegals and the billions they want to spend on refugees. It's not cost that bothers them, it's not wanting open borders that would allow potential future Dem voters to enter as they please.
That's not true.

Considering most people who live next to the border are former Mexicans who are dual citizens and like to travel freely.

It's like Republicans don't have facts or anything.

I don't know where you come up with the horsecrap about "housing, schooling, medical, food".

So are Republicans against medical care for all? Do you have to pay for medical care?

So do you live on the border?
I predict you will be the leader on the ignore list in short order.

Do you have actual facts to back-up your claim? Or just Trump-assertions? How many of those people who support a wall are willing to leave their homes to see it built? Do you even know anything about the border?

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