Are Premium Bonds the answer to the US savings problem?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

The savings ratio in the US has tumbled in recent years – see this chart for the official

Many American financial minds are focusing on how to improve it. The brains behind theFreakonomics books – economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen Dubner – put together a fascinating podcast earlier this month on exactly this issue.

Their investigation latched on to the great universal love of lotteries. People are indifferent about earning a few cents in interest, they concluded, but are fixated on the opportunity of getting rich quick. You don't need to be an economist to work that out, I hear you say.
They then go on to share with their fellow Americans a rather quaint and quirky 54-year-old savings plan that already does this – our very own Premium Bonds – marvelling at its effectiveness of how a £1m prize encourages saving.

Are Premium Bonds the answer to the US savings problem? - This is Money
In a world awash in excess savings I'm not sure why anyone would want to increase savings. But if I were to want that, I think I could find a better way than to tie it to a lottery. Casino capitalism?
In a world awash in excess savings I'm not sure why anyone would want to increase savings. But if I were to want that, I think I could find a better way than to tie it to a lottery. Casino capitalism?

Well, saving for a rainy day is a good habit. The Chinese save a greater percent of their meager wages than we do. And, there is still a connection between savings and investment. Investment is a good thing. Libcommies tricking people into savings does not seem like a good idea.

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