Are Politics THAT Important?

Now you’re pretending to know her identity?! Don’t be a jackass. If you want to know somebody then ask then questions. Being a judgemental ass on a message board is weak. Grow a spike and gain a little confidence and self respect
She's most likely an airheaded housewife that thinks and votes how her husband tells her to. Maybe she sells tupperware or something.
Fine! Then if that's how you want it then I choose to be one of those soft nutless and spinless pieces of shit that you refer to because political differences isn't worth losing family and friends over. So why don't you just go and fuck yourself!?! :fu:
For decades ‘Conservatives’ looked the other way and pretended nothing was going wrong all because the nutless fucks are so terrified of confrontation….for some strange reason conservatives have to feel liked…they have literally destroyed themselves and their country with their own kindness and inability to toughen up when they needed to. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Yes, obviously. You did a good job making sure everybody knows it too. Being a happy-go-lucky female and wife seems to be the majority of your identity. I doubt you could function socially without everybody playing pattycake with you because you're female.
You nailed it.
It’s that typical “hey look at me, I’m sweet and nice, I have no enemies….I LOVE EVERYBODY!” bullshit that is sooooo typical among Conservatives while their nation is taken from them.
I'll outlive you, pencil peckered bitch.
Who is the bitch here? You just said you are writing your kids out of your will just because of what some liberal said on a message board (and the fact your kids are liberal). Way to stick it the libs, you dumb piece of shit.
Who is the bitch here? You just said you are writing your kids out of your will just because of what some liberal said (and the fact your kids are liberal). Way to stick it the libs, you dumb piece of shit.


"I'll show you, mother fucker! I'm writing the kids out of the will!"

Who is the bitch here? You just said you are writing your kids out of your will just because of what some liberal said on a message board (and the fact your kids are liberal). Way to stick it the libs, you dumb piece of shit.
Not MY kids. My husband's kids. I had already written them out. Their choice. None of them could be bothered to even visit their dad. Some of his last coherent thoughts were about what a disappointment they were to him. Hell, the VA did more for him than his kids ever did, Maybe I'll put the Veterans' Home in my state into the will.

So, nice try, bitch.
Not MY kids. My husband's kids. I had already written them out. Their choice. None of them could be bothered to even visit their dad. Some of his last coherent thoughts were about what a disappointment they were to him.

So, nice try, bitch.
Pretty sure we all know why they wouldnt visit. Yeah, if your kids wont visit you on your death bed, it's the KIDS that are the problem, right? LOL!
Pretty sure we all know why they wouldnt visit. Yeah, if your kids wont visit you on your death bed, it's the KIDS that are the problem, right? LOL!
Go back to sleep and dream some more about how nice it would be if you had a brain and a personality.

I have to wonder if your neighbors know that you like to do things like beat up on Veterans' widows. I hope they keep their cats locked up whenever you're around.
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Sadly, I agree with a lot of your post.

You can't possibly agree with the fact that conservatives are supposed to be dicks to everybody that disagrees with us though. I don't think you're like that. Cause anybody with an attitude like that is part of the problem of why this country is currently being divided. YES a lot of them are liberals, and YES a lot of them are assholes,.. but as I've come to learn and find out on here conservatives can be that way too.
I guess it depends on how much you value your freedom and way of life.


What does that have to do with who I've chosen to make friends with?

Now you’re pretending to know her identity?! Don’t be a jackass. If you want to know somebody then ask then questions. Being a judgemental ass on a message board is weak. Grow a spike and gain a little confidence and self respect

Thank you, but I feel sorry for people like this more than anything. They must have some pretty low self-esteem when they start picking on others like that.

Oh that really hurt, trash. The sooner people like you leave the Earth from old age, the better off we'll all be.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm not actually, I'm prouder of myself than I ever have been. You should be the one who should be ashamed because you are a part of the problem that I was talking about.

You nailed it.

Your username nails it. You are a broke loser for sure.

Wow, how dare people actually be nice to eachother and listen and be respectful. The horror!!!!!

Ikr? It seems like I also should have another thing to be proud of. You. It looks like I helped bring out the best of you so everybody could see it and not just me. You should be really proud of yourself as well. :)
Warning: If I find you to be a bitch, conservative or no and you're here badmouthing me or one of my friends,.. you WILL be unfollowed. Not like you will even give a shit I'm just saying. A duck is a duck and an asshole is an asshole no matter what political party you are from. Don't be part of the problem, I'm sick of it!
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