Are people who vote differently from you evil?

Are people who vote differently from you evil?

  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are within their rights

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are misguided

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are evil

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are within their rights

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are misguided

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are evil

    Votes: 6 14.6%

  • Total voters
I find him to be liberal unlike you, he sees both sides as corrupt and both are hypocritical and the more people that start holding their line and standing up for principles instead of voting for the lesser of two evils the better.

BTW, because I voted third party, I had idiots, much like yourself claim IVoted for Trump and others say I voted for Biden because I went third party, I believe you might have been one of them.
Is that what you have to believe to be a liberal? That "both sides" as corrupt?

He's not a very good liberal my friend.

You didn't vote for Biden. I know that.
republican leadership is evil. Members of KKK, neo-nazis, proud bois, oathbreakers are evil.

the majority of the republican voting base are clueless or fools.
I dare you to refute the following FACTS as the MSM is BIASED towards the Democrats/communist/Anti-America.
If you can please prove WITH FACTS and links how the two articles are wrong.
I mean when the 3 major news networks committed the equivalent of $400 million in donations to the Democrats when they did this!
During a 3 month period ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in over 32.7 hours of coverage,(7/29/2020-10/20/20). Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs $104,700/30 sec.
What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20

So one thing for sure... YOU believe everything that the MSM put out and with the above and below facts the MSM favors Democrats/communist/Anti-America you are evidently just too dumb to intelligently make decisions without the biased MSM!
It's already been proven. What do you not understand is fact? What are you challenging?
Who says it's been proven? YOU? What a pompous butt you are! Who in the hell do you think YOU are?
I can't understand your stupidity to A) make the statement "been proven" B) and then ask "what are you challenging"?
A BIG ASS DUHHHH! Prove it! Simply prove... Fox News knew it was lying to you fools"
It's already been proven. What do you not understand is fact? What are you challenging?
Exactly what has been proven? You statement:

You wrote: "You did see the news that Fox News knew it was lying to you fools about the election being rigged right?
Even Fox thinks you are ridiculous."

What was proven? Fox knew it was lying? Where is your proof?
Or are you saying the election wasn't rigged?
Where is your proof Fox knew it?
Where is your proof the election wasn't rigged?
Who says it's been proven? YOU? What a pompous butt you are! Who in the hell do you think YOU are?
I can't understand your stupidity to A) make the statement "been proven" B) and then ask "what are you challenging"?
A BIG ASS DUHHHH! Prove it! Simply prove... Fox News knew it was lying to you fools"
This is very simple. We would never have the proof we have today if it weren't for Dominion suing Fox News over their lies about the election. So Fox had to turn over Hannity, O'Reilly's and other hosts work phones. What they found was that Fox News was knowingly lying to you idiots. They do it because if they don't, you'll tune in somewhere else. They know you don't want the news. You want confirmation that your wrong beliefs are right. And Fox gives you that.

Do you not know this?

The pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell was ‘lying’ about having evidence of election fraud, Fox personality Tucker Carlson told a producer on Nov. 16, 2020, according to an excerpt from a courtroom exhibit that remains under seal​

Carlson also referred to Powell in a text as an “unguided missile,” and “dangerous as hell.” Fellow host Laura Ingraham, meanwhile, told Carlson that Powell is “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” referring to former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani.

Sean Hannity, meanwhile, said in a deposition “that whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second,” according to Dominion’s filing.

Despite what appeared on air, Fox News executives and hosts privately criticized the Trump camp for pushing claims of election fraud, the messages showed. Hannity even said Giuliani was “acting like an insane person” and Ingraham described him as “an idiot.” Rupert Murdoch said it was “really bad” that Giuliani was advising Trump.

Yet they continued to go on air and lie to you about a stolen election.

I know, nothings will convince or wake you up. I know.

Fox News continues to be exposed for the dishonest organization that it is — this time, with the help of its billionaire owner.

A Monday filing in Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion lawsuit against the right-wing talk channel offered additional revelations — including the fact that Fox Corporation chair Rupert Murdoch admitted in a deposition that some of his top hosts were pushing election lies to his audience.

Murdoch rejected that Fox News, as an entity, endorsed former President Donald Trump’s election lies. But Murdoch conceded that Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo, and former host Lou Dobbs promoted falsehoods about the 2020 presidential contest being stolen.

See what they do? They want to give corporations the rights of people but they don't want us to be able to sue Fox as an entity. Just like Trump isn't responsible for anything his employees do, neither is Fox News.

Murdoch said it was “wrong” for Tucker Carlson to host conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell after the election. When asked why he continued to allow the MyPillow CEO to continue appearing on Fox News, Murdoch signaled it was a business decision. “It is not red or blue, it is green,” he said. That’s a shocking admission from Murdoch about what actually guides coverage at Fox News.

► Behind the scenes, Paul Ryan repeatedly warned the Murdochs to stop allowing the spread of election lies. The former House speaker said that Fox News should “move on from Donald Trump” and “stop spouting election lies.” Ryan told the Murdochs that many of those who thought the election had been stolen did so “because they got a diet of information telling them the election was stolen from what they believe were credible sources.” He was not wrong.

This is very simple. We would never have the proof we have today if it weren't for Dominion suing Fox News over their lies about the election. So Fox had to turn over Hannity, O'Reilly's and other hosts work phones. What they found was that Fox News was knowingly lying to you idiots. They do it because if they don't, you'll tune in somewhere else. They know you don't want the news. You want confirmation that your wrong beliefs are right. And Fox gives you that.

Do you not know this?

The pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell was ‘lying’ about having evidence of election fraud, Fox personality Tucker Carlson told a producer on Nov. 16, 2020, according to an excerpt from a courtroom exhibit that remains under seal​

Carlson also referred to Powell in a text as an “unguided missile,” and “dangerous as hell.” Fellow host Laura Ingraham, meanwhile, told Carlson that Powell is “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” referring to former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani.

Sean Hannity, meanwhile, said in a deposition “that whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second,” according to Dominion’s filing.

Despite what appeared on air, Fox News executives and hosts privately criticized the Trump camp for pushing claims of election fraud, the messages showed. Hannity even said Giuliani was “acting like an insane person” and Ingraham described him as “an idiot.” Rupert Murdoch said it was “really bad” that Giuliani was advising Trump.

Yet they continued to go on air and lie to you about a stolen election.

I know, nothings will convince or wake you up. I know.

Fox News continues to be exposed for the dishonest organization that it is — this time, with the help of its billionaire owner.

A Monday filing in Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion lawsuit against the right-wing talk channel offered additional revelations — including the fact that Fox Corporation chair Rupert Murdoch admitted in a deposition that some of his top hosts were pushing election lies to his audience.

Murdoch rejected that Fox News, as an entity, endorsed former President Donald Trump’s election lies. But Murdoch conceded that Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo, and former host Lou Dobbs promoted falsehoods about the 2020 presidential contest being stolen.

See what they do? They want to give corporations the rights of people but they don't want us to be able to sue Fox as an entity. Just like Trump isn't responsible for anything his employees do, neither is Fox News.

Murdoch said it was “wrong” for Tucker Carlson to host conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell after the election. When asked why he continued to allow the MyPillow CEO to continue appearing on Fox News, Murdoch signaled it was a business decision. “It is not red or blue, it is green,” he said. That’s a shocking admission from Murdoch about what actually guides coverage at Fox News.

► Behind the scenes, Paul Ryan repeatedly warned the Murdochs to stop allowing the spread of election lies. The former House speaker said that Fox News should “move on from Donald Trump” and “stop spouting election lies.” Ryan told the Murdochs that many of those who thought the election had been stolen did so “because they got a diet of information telling them the election was stolen from what they believe were credible sources.” He was not wrong.

Well you did very good! Thanks for your information. The problem is your sources.
Biased News like the below sources donated 96% to Hillary spent 4 years and 92% negative Trump news then donated 90% Biden.
Totally biased reporting.

CNN, is so left wing as this chart shows. AllSides Fact Check Bias Chart & Ratings
Now New Republic is far left also.

Well you did very good! Thanks for your information. The problem is your sources.
Biased News like the below sources donated 96% to Hillary spent 4 years and 92% negative Trump news then donated 90% Biden.
Totally biased reporting.
View attachment 761434
CNN, is so left wing as this chart shows. AllSides Fact Check Bias Chart & Ratings
Now New Republic is far left also.
View attachment 761432

View attachment 761430
This past election we heard that because Republicans know it's very unpopular to be a Republican and donate to the party, they donate DARK MONEY to Republicans and publicly to Democrats. So however much they show they gave to Democrats, you can be sure they give 8 x that to Republicans.

We should do away with Citizens United and then there would be no more dark money in politics.
I have learned to respect the opinions of people who have had experiences I have not had. I vote Democrat. Nevertheless I agree with the GOP on many social issues. I agree with the Democrats on environmental and economic issues.

The Democrat Party I really like is the party that existed from 1933 to 1963. I have not switched to the Republican Party because of stands the GOP has taken since 1980.

I like Republicans. I enjoy discussing our agreements and disagreements, as long as they can avoid getting angry about our disagreements.
Many lower income whites do not vote. This is rarely because of indifference and ignorance. It is because of the knowledge that many Republican politicians would like to scale back domestic spending programs that benefit them, such a Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. Republican politicians are also opposed to raising the minimum wage and strengthening labor unions.

Lower income whites also know that many Democratic politicians lack their concerns about crime and immigration.

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