Are our politicians partly to blame for our military and law enforcement agencies falling way short of recruitment goals?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

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I work at a maximum security prison right now. It's home to most of the worst offenders in my state. We have over 50% vacancy for security staff. We're barely able to keep the doors open.

Groups like BLM and ACAB are responsible for this situation. Young people have been turned off to and turned against law enforcement. Nobody grows up dreaming of being in law enforcement anymore, or at least very few do.

If things continue on this path you cop hating lefties will get a serious dose of reality after you realize too late that you needed law enforcement after all.

Are our politicians partly to blame​

Not really OP .
Gays and transitioned poeple tend to be more interested in Amateur Dramatics than killing people .

They can probably be funded to become Drag Kings and Queens .,
The media is definitely complicit but they aren’t to blame.
Our politicians have created leftist ideology breeding grounds within all of our institutions.
The media is a direct product of the Universities in which that ideology flourishes.
Well, the spread of Marxism in the University systems is a very long conversation and goes back to the early part of the last century.
I agree…and all those trained/programmed marxists are now Democrat activists, ‘journalists’ and ‘influencers’ steering the polluted virus filled minds of Gen-Z
The media is a direct product of the Universities in which that ideology flourishes.
The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is like any other industry/business. They want to make money. Period.

So, when Suzie Cream Cheese gets her totally worthless J-School degree, she'll work at the NY Slimes or CBS or pMSNBC for nothing. At best, next to nothing. So guess who works at the Slimes and CBS, etc? The people who don't care about making a living or about honesty or journalism or reporting the news by calling Balls and Strikes -- They all want to change the world, to make a difference, to .... pathetic scum is what they are.

They don't want to be 'Journalists'. They don't to be the trench coat-wearing, Bourbon-Drinking, cigar-chomping old-school Reporter that wasn't afraid to report on crime and criminals..... They want to be one. They ARE criminals.

It's just so much easier than working for a living.

It's complicated but at the same time extremely simple -- They're scum. I've known many of them through the years, did business with them, socialized with them and the one thing they all have in common is -- They're just not connected to reality. it's like they go out of their way to avoid it.

Tom Wolfe did some really good work exposing them for what they are. It's worth looking up. Mostly because he's a pretty good writer. Or so I've heard.
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

Your politicians have been saying how they are inferior to everyone else. Of course nobody wants to join.
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

I don't know if it is politicians per say but leftist policies are responsible for many law enforcement officers quitting or retiring early and others not wanting to even join the force. You'd have to be stupid to want to go into law enforcement where if you make the wrong split second decision they are going to arrest you for murder.

Hell, in my city they have billboards up with a campaign of something like, "It starts with you" saying that change starts with you but the fact is, there is not much a policeperson can do that will change anything. You can't arrest a lot of people and those you do arrest are let right back out. So, nothing changes but the number of times you risk your life for not changing a damn thing.
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

Correct. Throw in the woke crt horse manure as well.
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

Why be a cop when you get in trouble for just enforcing the law?
Our politicians have become far too comfortable using anti-America rhetoric. They have become far too comfortable with glorifying and glamorizing ANYBODY and ANYTHING not traditional/traditionally American. They have become far too comfortable with flooding our nation with people who can’t give two fucks about our nations sovereignty, our values, traditions, heritage, culture, our past and future. They have become far too comfortable programming Gen-Z to believe America is bad and has to change. They have become far too comfortable lying as they disguise regression for most as progression for a few.
AND now they are getting their asses handed to them in recruitment as the compartmentalized ‘groups’ they’ve helped manifest and foster…..(homos, trannies, soft soy-boys, nerdy gamers, weirdo purple haired introverts with nose rings and neck tattoos) have ZERO interest in putting their lives on the line for America.

Mililtary families have to get Section 8 housing, and food stamps to survive. Their families move to a different base every year or two, usually in a different state. Schooling is disrupted. And then when you get out of the military, they chintz you on your VA benefits.

Donald Trump took money from schools and hospitals on military bases to build his stupid wall.

Now you have that asshole Tommie Tupperville, holding up their promotions, and disrupting their family life, their raises and promotions just to score political points. After Republicans jerked around veterans with cancer from the burn pits on their medical benefits.

Ask these people WHY they're leaving the military, or why you can't get recruits.

Jobs are plentiful. There are 9 million job openings in the USA. They don't need the garbage Republicans are pulling. If Trump were to be re-elected, recruitment will drop off the radar,

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