Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...

...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

Healthcare, the economy, the environment, cutting government regulations, foreign policy, ISIS, fighting terrorism, cutting crime, bringing the nation together, yada, yada, yada . . . . . . .
Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...

Lefties follows their hero Alinsky to the letter and they're not even hiding it anymore.
Alinsky and the rest of the Frankfurt School spent their entire lives figuring how to overthrow American government and destroy capitalism. For those who did not read the "Rules for radicals", in short, thats what the book is about, and more... how to destroy the religion and diminish the military, and use legal and illegal methods to destroy democracy, how to overload the system to cave on itself, all in order to take the control over people.

We have the Constitution that can be amended, but since lefties cannot legitimately do it thru the amending process, and they know it, they're using lies, fraud, deceit, intimidation, you name it, to achieve their oppressive communist utopia right here in USA.

Democrat party front runners for presidential candidacy are both Alinsky admirers, progressive Hillary, and socialist Bernie. And their plan for America is not far from Alinsky's "rules", but don't take my word for it, just read the book.
The economy crashed in 2008 - it hit rock bottom - from there there was one way to go : UP

"Brilliant".....the economy crashed on the day.....NOT the day before, mind you..... that Obama won the election, right?

Easy peasy.

The economy does not cease to exist on the day a new president takes over.

But it is understood that it was war criminal Bush who crashed the economy.

The economy crashed in 2008 - it hit rock bottom - from there there was one way to go : UP

"Brilliant".....the economy crashed on the day.....NOT the day before, mind you..... that Obama won the election, right?

Easy peasy.

The economy does not cease to exist on the day a new president takes over.

But it is understood that it was war criminal Bush who crashed the economy.


The economy crashed due to the housing bubble and burst. Bush didn't do that alone and in fact, played a small part. There were lots of entities from both parties that contributed.
Yes, lets gut our ability to maintain our infrastructure, stop investing in r&d and throw millions of our own children out of school. Yes, sir we bob that will grow our cock sucking economy.

Instead of simply cutting back on wars, ending dumb tax breaks and putting people back to work.

I thought DumBama did all these things already: cutting back on wars that ended up with ISIS taking over Iraq. Increased taxes on corporations and those who's personal income is over $450,000 a year. Put 94 million Americans on the "not looking for work" list. Stimulus fund with those shovel ready jobs.

What else would you like to see?

What has changed in the way unemployment has been reported? I mean, when Reagan had 10% unemployment, and +7% unemployment for such a long time, what has changed?

Nothing. So, Obama supposedly put people on the "not looking for work" list. How many did Reagan have?

Reagan had 57.2% of the population in the work force and 9.7% of those were unemployed at one point.

Obama's lowest is 62.9%

The question is why are people not in the labor force. Does it have anything to do with the president at all?

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

"Why? You might think legions of retiring Baby Boomers are to blame, or perhaps the swelling ranks of laid-off workers who’ve grown discouraged about their re-employment prospects. While both of those groups doubtless are important (though just how important is debated by labor economists), our analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data suggests another key factor: Teens and young adults aren’t as interested in entering the work force as they used to be, a trend that predates the Great Recession."


"By far the biggest chunk of people not in the labor force are people who simply don’t want to be,"

What can Obama do about that, exactly?
Yes, lets gut our ability to maintain our infrastructure, stop investing in r&d and throw millions of our own children out of school. Yes, sir we bob that will grow our cock sucking economy.

Instead of simply cutting back on wars, ending dumb tax breaks and putting people back to work.

I thought DumBama did all these things already: cutting back on wars that ended up with ISIS taking over Iraq. Increased taxes on corporations and those who's personal income is over $450,000 a year. Put 94 million Americans on the "not looking for work" list. Stimulus fund with those shovel ready jobs.

What else would you like to see?

What has changed in the way unemployment has been reported? I mean, when Reagan had 10% unemployment, and +7% unemployment for such a long time, what has changed?

Nothing. So, Obama supposedly put people on the "not looking for work" list. How many did Reagan have?

Reagan had 57.2% of the population in the work force and 9.7% of those were unemployed at one point.

Obama's lowest is 62.9%

The question is why are people not in the labor force. Does it have anything to do with the president at all?

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

"Why? You might think legions of retiring Baby Boomers are to blame, or perhaps the swelling ranks of laid-off workers who’ve grown discouraged about their re-employment prospects. While both of those groups doubtless are important (though just how important is debated by labor economists), our analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data suggests another key factor: Teens and young adults aren’t as interested in entering the work force as they used to be, a trend that predates the Great Recession."


"By far the biggest chunk of people not in the labor force are people who simply don’t want to be,"

What can Obama do about that, exactly?

It's the entitlement mentality that we're talking about here. College kids always went to work but for some reason, they don't feel like they have to today. And why not? We have record amount of college graduates still living with mom and dad; probably still on their health insurance policies as well.

The elderly? Those are the people that are still working.

IMO, the biggest factor are government goodies. Why work when you can have government programs subsidize your lack of income? I personally know of several cases where people had the ability to earn more money, but didn't want to mess up their government benefits.

Government doesn't give handouts to those who "can't" do for themselves, government gives handouts based on how much you make.
The economy crashed in 2008 - it hit rock bottom - from there there was one way to go : UP

"Brilliant".....the economy crashed on the day.....NOT the day before, mind you..... that Obama won the election, right?

Easy peasy.

The economy does not cease to exist on the day a new president takes over.

But it is understood that it was war criminal Bush who crashed the economy.


The economy crashed due to the housing bubble and burst. Bush didn't do that alone and in fact, played a small part. There were lots of entities from both parties that contributed.

I depend on the experts:

The Government Wrecks the Economy

It is easy to forget that Bush bears most of the direct responsibility for this fiasco. His war has drained the capital stock, diminished oil supplies, and crowded out private investment. He has done nothing to keep gas prices low and specifically rejected proposals early on to try to reduce prices.

He has egged on the Fed with its inflation, by putting a priority on his military adventures over sound economic policies. It is a crude simplification, but it still contains truth: Bush’s warfare state is the cause of this recession. It is simplified in the sense that it would not have happened but for the money machine down the street from the White House that he has demanded go into overdrive.

What is the right response to a recession? The first rule must be to do no harm. When it comes to government, that is asking a lot and enough. Beyond that, in an ideal world, we would shut down the Fed, reduce the cost of employment, reduce taxes, zap environmental controls on exploring for and refining oil — this would be a good beginning. We could expect the recession to last less than a year under these policies. As it is, we could be in for a very long and deep recession."

...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:

a few billion that helps old people call for help = the cause of our debt. Evil is what these people are.

Maybe those old people shoulda' thought twice before living so long.
But the Right is against death with dignity. They're so confused.
The economy crashed due to the housing bubble and burst. Bush didn't do that alone and in fact, played a small part. There were lots of entities from both parties that contributed.

Somewhat true...but not the entire story. The rest of the world has also experienced economic woes.......and such woes were not related to "housing bubbles and bursts."
The loss of 700,000 jobs per month in the U.S. were NOT cause by the housing burst.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Surely you've heard the cliché that defines insanity as doing what has been done before, and expecting a different result.

I think that any rational person should agree with me that modern wrong-wing ideology is insanity.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:

a few billion that helps old people call for help = the cause of our debt. Evil is what these people are.

Of course, a landline would never allow people to call for help.
If they fall and can't reach the landline phone, but have a cell phone, worn around their a case

like this one that I created:


They could call for help!

My number one seller for old folks....

Their 60 year old children :D are buying these necklace length strap cell phone cases for their parents!
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"Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country..."

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The OP contrives lies in an effort to misrepresent his opponents' positions and then attacks those positions as if they're 'true.'

Damn, that sounds exactly like some of the more prolific regressivecrat posters around here, but I don't see you making this accusation in their threads. Hypocrite much?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Country was destroyed a long time ago. Corporations rule. Politicians are the public scapegoats to deflect scrutiny away from the real rulers behind the curtain. We blame who we can see. Meanwhile the ones truly responsible go on with their profit-driven agendas untouched.

Think tanks decide who we go to war with. Defense contractors make money from them. And politicians take all the heat. And as long as we continue blaming the wrong people, this isn't going to change.
Yes, lets gut our ability to maintain our infrastructure, stop investing in r&d and throw millions of our own children out of school. Yes, sir we bob that will grow our cock sucking economy.

Instead of simply cutting back on wars, ending dumb tax breaks and putting people back to work.

Great, let's start with your home mortgage deduction. Child educations tax credits, earned income credit, are you all for that?

I have no problem with getting rid of any of those. Next.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Nonsense, the economy was in the ditch when he got there. You may recall Bush talking about borrowing $1T dollars to avoid the whole thing being washed out to sea. You don't ? Here is the video. Feel free to blame the media for recording it.

And of course, you'll blame the Congress. See, that is how it works. Your guy is in the White House, it's the fault of Congress and the president is powerless. Right? When the other guy is in the White House, he gets all the blame and Congress is helpless. Hence your OP.

I don't mind the partisanship as much as I mind the dishonesty.

But that is the past. Lets talk about the future. Shall we?

Tell us who is a better candidate based on their plans. So we can examine them, how realistic they are, and go on from there. Care to name someone specifically? I'm guessing no.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:

a few billion that helps old people call for help = the cause of our debt. Evil is what these people are.

Of course, a landline would never allow people to call for help.
If they fall and can't reach the landline phone, but have a cell phone, worn around their a case

like this one that I created:


They could call for help!

My number one seller for old folks....

Their 60 year old children :D are buying these necklace length strap cell phone cases for their parents!

Okay, so what did we do before cordless and cell phones? Old people survived just fine.

But because we have these kinds of phones now, the phone companies pass them out to all the so-called poor people be they 18 or 80. Well the government isn't paying for them, so who is? All the cell phone customers that do pay their bills.

I've had a cell phone for a number of years now. I work full time driving a truck and I'm also a landlord which at times, requires me to be in contact with the banks, my tenants, repair people and construction workers..... I've never used 250 minutes in a months time. Most of my bills (excluding nights and weekends) I used probably on an average of less than an hour a month. So why are we paying welfare people who sit at home all day 250 anytime--anywhere minutes a month? Shouldn't their phones be for emergencies only?

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