Are Evangelicals Split on Their Support for Trump?


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
Perusing the "MSM" lately, I've had my eye caught by a few headlines from not so mainstream news sources:

Speak Truth to Trump

The Liberty University Petition:
Liberty United Against Trump

Will evangelical women turn the tide against Trump?

It seems that real Christians choose the Kingdom of God over the kingdom of man.

Seems to me that support for Trump among moderates and some of conservative Christians on the far right can't accept Trump as their savior or as the leader of the free world.

Good luck, GOPers!
Well if they allow Clinton to win they can kiss their religious rights good bye. Churches are bound to lose their tax free status. And of course all those that know....just couldn't deal with Trump will now be able under Hillary to have tax dollars spent on abortion UP TO full term.
Oh and for those so called holier than thous they will also be putting a sexual predator and his enabler back into the Oval Office. Bill is a proven sexual predator.

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