Are Americans Who Believe Pres. Donald's Lie's Dumb or Only Brainwashed?

Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Unfortunately there will always be a % of our population who are vulnerable to believe lies of a manipulative, evil leader like Trump.
Once Trump is gone, hopefully we will have leaders with ethics and morality who will not take advantage of the vulnerable under educated portion of our society.
It is sad to see how people have drank Trump's Kool-Aid. The fools do not realize how they are being used.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Unfortunately there will always be a % of our population who are vulnerable to believe lies of a manipulative, evil leader like Trump.
Once Trump is gone, hopefully we will have leaders with ethics and morality who will not take advantage of the vulnerable under educated portion of our society.
It is sad to see how people have drank Trump's Kool-Aid. The fools do not realize how they are being used.

Obama spied on EVERY AMERICAN and his intelligence leaders LIED about it.

James Clapper?

You have no problem with those lies, though. What gets you is Trump exaggerating the crowd at his inauguration.

So bizarre.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

After 8 years of BS from BO you got stones asking a dumbass question like that.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

About as stupid as the Americans who believed Obama when he said Iran would moderate, and become an ally in the Middle East.

While Republican Senators - led by Tom Cotton - sent a letter to Iran's leaders saying America couldn't be trusted.

I wonder why. Hmmm...
"Could somebody please explain to the Democrats (we need their votes) that our Country losses 250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months. Get it done!" Trump tweeted Dec. 4.

I am not saying this is true, but how is this a lie? It should be easy to prove it’s a lie.

Says of immigrant family separations at the border, "we had the exact same policy as the Obama administration."
Donald Trump on Sunday, November 25th, 2018 in a tweet

This is a lie according to the left wing lunatics.

They say it’s a lie because Obama only did it rarely and Obama tried to not enforce Federal law. Trump is enforcing the law.

The fucking laws are the same for both Administrations.

How is this a lie?
"If you like your doctor....if you like your healthcare plan..."

That lie is what got you Trump. We knew he was fitlth commuist liar. You were just gullible and bought into his bullshit.


Trump said he was wiretapped.


No wires were used to spy on him. They were using fiber optics!

Oh, they sure were fucking spying on him.....but they didn’t use wires. Fiber Optics is glass, not metal.

Trump is a liar!!
"Oil prices getting lower. Great! Like a big Tax Cut for America and the World," he tweeted. "Enjoy! $54, was just $82. Thank you to Saudi Arabia, but let’s go lower!"


Saudi Arabia isn’t the ONLY reason.

Trump is a liar!
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Unfortunately there will always be a % of our population who are vulnerable to believe lies of a manipulative, evil leader like Trump.
Once Trump is gone, hopefully we will have leaders with ethics and morality who will not take advantage of the vulnerable under educated portion of our society.
It is sad to see how people have drank Trump's Kool-Aid. The fools do not realize how they are being used.

Hi there! Once Trump is gone, you get Mike Pence for a president!

Would you like that? I think Mike Pence will make you wish Trump was still president. :aargh::auiqs.jpg:

Let me guess: You didn't think about that, huh?

"There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor."
Donald Trump on Saturday, November 10th, 2018 in a tweet


Horrible forest management by California is NOT the ONLY reason for the fires.

The fire has to be started by a campfire, a cigarette, lightning, something must start with a flame. Horrible forest management by California does not inherently introduce a flame to dry forest material.

Trump is a liar!


"In the House, Republicans dramatically outperformed historical precedents."
Donald Trump on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 in a press conference

Liar! There were other times when Republicans did better in a midterm.

Trump is a liar!!


"Democrats let him (cop killer Luis Bracamontes) into our country," and "Democrats let him stay."
Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 31st, 2018 in a tweet

The first time he entered the country illegally was under a Democratic President, but the most recent time he illegally entered the United States was under a Republican President.

Trump is a liar!!!


All he does is lie!!

Says he didn't cancel a political rally because after Sept. 11, "the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day."
Donald Trump on Saturday, October 27th, 2018 in a rally in Murphysboro, Ill.

It was a week, not a day.



This one really hits home because he lied about 9/11.


"Many presidents don’t get the chance to put a Supreme Court justice on."
Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 in a rally in Mosinee, Wis.

All but one did in the past 150 years!


Trump lies!!

All he does is lie!

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