Are Americans Who Believe Pres. Donald's Lie's Dumb or Only Brainwashed?

"I didn't know anything about the payment to Stormy."

"Okay, I did know about the payment, but I paid her with my own money."

"Okay, it wasn't my money. Michael paid her off with his own money."

"You can't believe anything my lawyer says because he lies a lot."
"I didn't know anything about the payment to Stormy."

"Okay, I did know about the payment, but I paid her with my own money."

"Okay, it wasn't my money. Michael paid her off with his own money."

"You can't believe anything my lawyer says because he lies a lot."

Who the fuck cares?

Was he under oath? When Clinton lied under oath you pieces of shit were apoplectic when they tried to hold him accountable.

So eat shit now.

Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
Not even close to being the same. "Media" refers to millions of independent entities and individuals. Donald Trump is one specific individual.

The reason you’re not concerned about the media’s lies is because you support their agenda. The same reason Trump supporters don’t mind his lies. It’s an ugly truth but true nonetheless.
There is no way for you to know what "lies" I "believe" from the boogie man, er, media. Like all conspiracy theories, your thesis relies on a subjective speculation. Makes it easy to just make stuff up.
"I didn't know anything about the payment to Stormy."

"Okay, I did know about the payment, but I paid her with my own money."

"Okay, it wasn't my money. Michael paid her off with his own money."

"You can't believe anything my lawyer says because he lies a lot."

Who the fuck cares?

Was he under oath? When Clinton lied under oath you pieces of shit were apoplectic when they tried to hold him accountable.

So eat shit now.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life. That's what Republicans did to Clinton, and I didn't hear Rudy Giuliani whining about "perjury traps".

The precedent has been set.

WATCH: Trump Calls Paula Jones a Loser in 1998 Interview

In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.
Trump lies. Everyone knows he lies. Even his staunchest piss drinkers know he lies. They BEG to be lied to.

Trumptards are setting all kinds of benchmarks which they will live to regret.

Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

About as stupid as the Americans who believed Obama when he said Iran would moderate, and become an ally in the Middle East.

While Republican Senators - led by Tom Cotton - sent a letter to Iran's leaders saying America couldn't be trusted.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
Not even close to being the same. "Media" refers to millions of independent entities and individuals. Donald Trump is one specific individual.

The reason you’re not concerned about the media’s lies is because you support their agenda. The same reason Trump supporters don’t mind his lies. It’s an ugly truth but true nonetheless.
There is no way for you to know what "lies" I "believe" from the boogie man, er, media. Like all conspiracy theories, your thesis relies on a subjective speculation. Makes it easy to just make stuff up.

So the posts you make here on USMS don’t give me insight into your beliefs? I beg to differ. Just like most everyone else you believe what you want to believe and toss the rest down the shitter.
Trump lies. Everyone knows he lies. Even his staunchest piss drinkers know he lies. They BEG to be lied to.

Trumptards are setting all kinds of benchmarks which they will live to regret.


So did Trump force me to buy something on his lies?
Trump lies. Everyone knows he lies. Even his staunchest piss drinkers know he lies. They BEG to be lied to.

Trumptards are setting all kinds of benchmarks which they will live to regret.


So did Trump force me to buy something on his lies?
He hoaxed you into record high medical insurance costs.

He hoaxed you into record high spending, record high debt. and the doubling of the deficit.

So yeah. You and your descendants will be paying through the nose for Trump.
It's up to Democrat socialists to make sure everyone thinks like they do. Disagreement will not be tolerated.
It's called freedom Comrade. Being able to convince people to believe as you yourself do is called freedom.

What?? Or it could be called being a brainwashing tyrant. Freedom to listen to the SLA is not freedom.

Explain this to me, a Republican points out a lie from a Democrat.
the Democrat reply's with a lie from a Republican
on & on endlessly.
AND no one seems to notice that THESE self serving people WHO are Cheating us, telling Lies, Wasting our money. making Big & little mistakes Abusing the power we give them to run things'
so we can go to work come home & enjoy our life
come from both party's.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

Because people are stupid, and Cult45 seems to cull the majority of mentally deranged imbeciles in America. These people don't think too deeply in general, and especially when it comes to politics. As long as they believe their team is 'winning', morals, truth, dignity, empathy and fairness are simply not important to them.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

That would seem to be the case, but it is not obvious to the ignorant. This is nothing new.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Ignorance, brainwashing, social media, biased online publications engaged in manufacturing yellow journalism and outright lies, people with axes to grind, etc. There's a ton of factors.

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

I think the Orange Virus' campaign of hate and misinformation has ramped the partisan BS up to 1000. His removal would likely eliminate much of it.
18 pages.

Libs won’t list his worst lies for us brainwashed Trumptards to discuss.

So weird.

I can list Obama and Bill Clinton’s biggest lies.

Would that help?
"I didn't know anything about the payment to Stormy."

"Okay, I did know about the payment, but I paid her with my own money."

"Okay, it wasn't my money. Michael paid her off with his own money."

"You can't believe anything my lawyer says because he lies a lot."

Who the fuck cares?

Was he under oath? When Clinton lied under oath you pieces of shit were apoplectic when they tried to hold him accountable.

So eat shit now.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life. That's what Republicans did to Clinton, and I didn't hear Rudy Giuliani whining about "perjury traps".

The precedent has been set.

WATCH: Trump Calls Paula Jones a Loser in 1998 Interview

In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.

You fuck it was all about bills sex life in office not before..
Trump said he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. He signed a republican bill increasing it more than ever.

Don't ever tell me republicans are fiscally responsible ever again. I'm sick of that bullshit. They are the opposite.

A person has to go back to Eisenhower to find an economically responsible republican president.

nixon took the national debt from 353,720,253,841.41 billion to 475,059,815,731.55 billion
Nixon was handed a balanced budget with a surplus of 3.2 Billion from LBJ. Too bad he wasted it. That deficit was 6.1 billion when he left office in disgrace.

ford took the national debt from 475,059,815,731.55 billion to 698,840,000,000.00.
He took that deficit from 6.1 billion to 53.7 billion.

Carter took the national debt from 698,840,000,000.00 to 997,855,000,000.00.
He took that deficit from 53.7 billion to 79 billion.

reagan took the national debt from 997,855,000,000.00 to 2,857,430,960,187.32.
For the first time in the history of the United States our national debt hit then crossed into the trillions. He caused the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression. He reversed the United States from being the larges creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. He started the conservative policy of huge tax cuts for the rich and big business and spend out of control.
reagan took that deficit from 79 billion to 152.6 billion.

bush the first took the national debt from 2,857,430,960,187.32 to 4,411,488,883,139.38.
He took us to the edge of another economic crash but it was avoided because the nation elected Bill Clinton in 1992.
He took the deficit from 152.6 billion to 255.1 billion.

Clinton took the national debt from 4,411,488,883,139.38 to 5,807,463,412,200.06.
Bill Clinton cleaned up the mess that reagan/bush left behind.
He took that deficit from 255.1 billion to zero. He balanced that budget starting in 1998. By the time Clinton left office the deficit had been turned into a surplus of 128.2 billion.
He slowed the policy of taxing the rich and big business by raising taxes for the rich. He slowed spending. He left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010.

The bush boy took the national debt from 5,807,463,412,200.06 to 13 trillion. He kept his wars off the general fund but when Obama became president, those wars were added to the general fund which over night caused the national debt to skyrocket to 13 trillion. He collapsed the economy and handed Obama the worst economic crash since the last republican Great Depression.
The bush boy took that budget surplus of 128.2 billion to a deficit of 1.4 trillion. The first time in the history of the United States our budget deficit crossed the 1 trillion mark.
It was too bad that the bush boy didn't continue Clinton's economic policy. If he had, the national debt would have been paid off by 2010. It's just too bad he continued the republican irresponsible economic policy of huge tax cuts for the rich and big business and spend out of control.

Obama took that 13 trillion to 19,573,444,713,936.79. He was handed the worst economic crash since the last republican Great Depression. He prevented another republican great depression.
He took that 1.4 trillion budget deficit to 665 billion. He slashed that deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars. He slowed the irresponsible republican economic policy of big tax cuts for the rich and big business. He increased taxes on the rich. He slowed spending.

trump has taken that 19,573,444,713,936.79 to 21,516,058,183,180.23. Thus far as of the end of September 2018.
He returned the United States to the irresponsible economic police of big tax cuts for the rich and big business and spending out of control.
He took that budget deficit from 665 billion to 833 billion as of the end of September 2018. With projections of the deficit to skyrocket over 1 trillion in 2019. We will see what actually happens.

If you can do simple addition and subtraction you will see that it's republican presidents who are the most economically irresponsible. They have not been economically responsible since Eisenhower. It didn't just start recently.
18 pages.

Libs won’t list his worst lies for us brainwashed Trumptards to discuss.

So weird.

I can list Obama and Bill Clinton’s biggest lies.

Would that help?
Some of the lies have been listed in this very thread. Your defense for Trump being a liar and his supporters being dumb or brainwashed is to lie!
So, just for you...
Explain Trump lie about winning a landslide election and winning by larger EC margin in recent memory.
Explain Trump lie about the size of his inauguration attendance.
Explain Trump lie about seeing Muslims in NJ dancing in the streets on television on 9/11.

OK, those are old standards. Here is a new one.

Explain Trump's recent lie that migrant family separation was worse under Obama than it is currently under him.
Explain Trump lie about winning a landslide election and winning by larger EC margin in recent memory.
Explain Trump lie about the size of his inauguration attendance.
Explain Trump lie about seeing Muslims in NJ dancing in the streets on television on 9/11.

Cool..I will field these lies.

The first 2, They did not affect me personally one bit, I don't GAF. They are the exaggerations of a narciccist. If he got verifiable facts what? He bragged and exaggerated.

The 3rd one was he saw video that was overseas, he mitakenly thought it was Jersey. Correctable. Did not affect me directly.

YOu guys are considering lies like when my mom says, "I've told you a million times to put your dishes in the dishwasher." Is my mom a LIAR? Maybe she is exaggerating some for effect.

The lies I am more concerned with are lies like "The Average family will save $2500/year on their premiums with Obamacare."

That was a LIE that DIRECTLY affected me. My premiums went UP by $3200.
Explain Trump lie about winning a landslide election and winning by larger EC margin in recent memory.
Explain Trump lie about the size of his inauguration attendance.
Explain Trump lie about seeing Muslims in NJ dancing in the streets on television on 9/11.

Cool..I will field these lies.

The first 2, They did not affect me personally one bit, I don't GAF. They are the exaggerations of a narciccist. If he got verifiable facts what? He bragged and exaggerated.

The 3rd one was he saw video that was overseas, he mitakenly thought it was Jersey. Correctable. Did not affect me directly.

YOu guys are considering lies like when my mom says, "I've told you a million times to put your dishes in the dishwasher." Is my mom a LIAR? Maybe she is exaggerating some for effect.

The lies I am more concerned with are lies like "The Average family will save $2500/year on their premiums with Obamacare."

That was a LIE that DIRECTLY affected me. My premiums went UP by $3200.
Fail. His lies did nor have an effect on you, so, therefore, they don't count them or they are acceptable lies because you say so. Bullshi#. And the lie about seeing Muslims celebrating that you claim is correctable, well, he never corrected it, so, it goes down and remains a lie.

You have not disproven any of the lies I provided to you on your request. You simply have admitted they were lies but also admitted you were to dumb or brainwashed to care.

You also failed ro address the lie Trump told about Obama and his treatment of migrants.
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Explain Trump lie about winning a landslide election and winning by larger EC margin in recent memory.
Explain Trump lie about the size of his inauguration attendance.
Explain Trump lie about seeing Muslims in NJ dancing in the streets on television on 9/11.

Cool..I will field these lies.

The first 2, They did not affect me personally one bit, I don't GAF. They are the exaggerations of a narciccist. If he got verifiable facts what? He bragged and exaggerated.

The 3rd one was he saw video that was overseas, he mitakenly thought it was Jersey. Correctable. Did not affect me directly.

YOu guys are considering lies like when my mom says, "I've told you a million times to put your dishes in the dishwasher." Is my mom a LIAR? Maybe she is exaggerating some for effect.

The lies I am more concerned with are lies like "The Average family will save $2500/year on their premiums with Obamacare."

That was a LIE that DIRECTLY affected me. My premiums went UP by $3200.
Fail. His lies did nor have an effect on you, so, therefore, they don't count them or they are acceptable lies because you say so. Bullshi#. And the lie about seeing Muslims celebrating that you claim is correctable, well, he never corrected it, so, it goes down and remains a lie.

You have not disproven any of the lies I provided to you on your request. You simply have admitted they were lies but also admitted you were to dumb or brainwashed to care.

You also failed ro address the lie Trump told about Obama and his treatment of migrants.

I never said I would DISPROVE his lies. When did I say that?

Now YOU're the one lying.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Of course Trump fucking lies. He is in Real Estate and he is now a politician.

I never once said he DIDN'T LIE, I asked for the lefties to list his WORST LIES and I would address them,

Never said I would prove they were true.......don't lie.
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I guess that if Trump is successfully impeached for anything, it should not count against him, unless it affects his supporters personally. That gives him a pretty large share of gratis, including failure to uphold the Constitution, I guess.

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