Are American government actions endangering Israel's future?

Did I say that it was all about money? I said that we have given them significant aid over time. I did not say that it's only about money. The fact still remains that the US has been a steadfast supporter of Israel in a one sided arrangement. There's no benefit to the US if Israel lives or dies, other than the political benefit of having supported biblical prophesy.

Bold Mine- LGS

Actually you did so acting as though throwing out the 33 billion dollar price tag was not your post is asinine at best and only serves to make you look foolish. What does bible prophesy have to do with supporting the only democratic nation in the entire Middle East? I'll wait for you to google that..

Like I said, do not confuse Osama bin Laden with all of Arabia. Not all Arabians are terrorists. In fact, the vast majority are not terrorists. Don't be so racist.

LMAO It's racist to call a terrorist, a terrorist. OMG.. Where do some of you people come from?? I'm use to being called a racist after all I'm a conservative.. it comes with the territory thus I couldn't care less.. it's like the boy who cried wolf - it no longer holds any meaning.

Blahblah blah... Don't forget your Iron Cross before you finish spewing.

In other words, you have no way to debate the merits of my argument, so by saying "blah blah blah" you can [hopefully] make me look silly or foolish, and garner support in your favor even though you have nothing of value to contribute to the debate, aside from your emotional tirade.

LOL Says the person who called me a racist. Hahahaha, People in glass houses.. Tsk tsk
The answer is: Who cares?

You should care. Israel is the only thriving democracy in the Middle East and has been one of our greatest allies.

Allies? What has Israel ever done for us?

What the hell do you think will happen if Israel falls? Do you actually believe the murdering thug terrorists are going to be content with pushing Jews in to the ocean? No, they will come after us next. I watched an interview on Hannity with a Muslim Cleric within the Muslim Brotherhood. He made it very clear. Sharia Law should be the law of the world and they won't stop until they see a tyrannical theist government in place. It's in the best interest of the United States to support and defend our ally, Israel.

So we can't allow Muslim nations democratic self-determination; we are justified to interfere in their internal affairs in order to manufacture U.S./Israeli 'friends'?

Is that your position?
The answer is: Who cares?

You should care. Israel is the only thriving democracy in the Middle East and has been one of our greatest allies.

So we can't allow Muslim nations democratic self-determination; we are justified to interfere in their internal affairs in order to manufacture U.S./Israeli 'friends'?

Is that your position?

It looks like you seem to think you answer for me, so why even bother to ask?? Al Baraqi interferred when he met with the Muslim Brotherhood over a year ago behind the back of our ally, plunging the knife deeply.. ask him.
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last time i checked my history books, extremism was always bad for jews.

That depends on what you're calling "extremism." Communism is an extremism that has done pretty well by them. Zionism is another -- though if they end up getting wiped out by Iranian nukes, then yes... that "extremism" will prove very bad for them.

The truth is that what Jews really fear is European or white nationalism. I believe they fear this more than 3 Irans. Because Jews know they can't challenge US directly with violence, because all the "philo-semite" whites will all of a sudden wise up and respond in kind. And when the fight is arm-to-arm, instead of mouth-to-mouth, Jews lose. But they can challenge brown-skin Arabs with violence, 'cause nobody really gives a shit if you wipe them out.
Alison Weir:

"The violent creation, perpetuation, and expansion of a state based on ethnic expulsion of the majority inhabitants has been central to Middle East dynamics ever since Israel was created by European and American Zionists in 1948 as a self-identified 'Jewish State.'

"Israeli leaders and outside observers realized from the very beginning that the only way to maintain such a violently imposed, ethnically based nation-state was through military dominance of the region.

"For Israel to achieve this military dominance required two things:

(1) The creation of a military more powerful than all the others in the region combined.

"Israel has achieved this through a uniquely massive influx of US tax dollars and technology, occasionally purloined but largely procured through the machinations of its lobby.

"(Among other things, Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons, a fact almost never mentioned by American media or the American government.)

"(2) The prevention of any other nation in the region from becoming a threat.

"Israel has attained this goal through several strategies: divide and conquer techniques, direct invasions and attacks (or pushing the U.S. to carry out attacks), and the propping up of despots who would openly or tacitly agree (sometimes in return for similarly large influxes of American tax money) not to support the rights of those oppressed and ethnically cleansed by Israel."

In 1948 one out of three voters in Mandate Palestine was Jewish. How do you create a "Jewish State" without terror in that situation?

You can't.
Israel should dismantle it's illegitimate government and return Palestine to the Palestinians. This would avoid nuclear war, and be the right thing to do.
Israel should dismantle it's illegitimate government and return Palestine to the Palestinians. This would avoid nuclear war, and be the right thing to do.

What Palestinians?? :bsflag: Just where in the hell did the so called Palestinians originate from? Could it be Jordan??! Egypt?? Oh noes~ So if I go over to Germany and starting blowing up their kids to smithereens, then squat on their land, does that make me a GERMAN?
Actually you did so acting as though throwing out the 33 billion dollar price tag was not your post is asinine at best and only serves to make you look foolish. What does bible prophesy have to do with supporting the only democratic nation in the entire Middle East? I'll wait for you to google that.

I'm sure a good conservative like yourself goes to church on a regular basis and is familiar with the promises God made to the children of Israel that the "promised land" would be theirs, and the messianic prophesies that say that the second coming of Christ will be nigh for the generation that sees the the return of the Jews to the land of Israel. Trying to make this an issue of "the only democracy in the Middle East" is nothing but a deflection. It has nothing to do with that. The heir of Solomon could appear and Israel could turn into a theocracy, and it would not change anything. Hell, the US was already establishing diplomatic ties with Mandate Palestine at the time that the same power controlling Palestine was pushing for the establishment of Jordan as a monarchy.

LMAO It's racist to call a terrorist, a terrorist.

No, it's terrorist to presume that any given Arab is a terrorist. I repeat, to what terrorists are you referring?

OMG.. Where do some of you people come from??

You people? Well, me and my people come from the seven tribes of Israel. Where do you come from?

I'm use to being called a racist after all I'm a conservative.. it comes with the territory thus I couldn't care less.. it's like the boy who cried wolf - it no longer holds any meaning.

In other words, you're cranky and set in your ways, and cannot entertain any idea that you have not pre-determined yourself to accept. Your inability and unwillingness to employ critical thinking to any given question makes anything you say of little merit.

LOL Says the person who called me a racist. Hahahaha, People in glass houses.. Tsk tsk

Yes, I said that your stance was very racist. That fact, however, does nothing to address the fact that your comments STILL have not provided anything of logical value.
What Palestinians?? :bsflag: Just where in the hell did the so called Palestinians originate from? Could it be Jordan??! Egypt?? Oh noes~ So if I go over to Germany and starting blowing up their kids to smithereens, then squat on their land, does that make me a GERMAN?

Really? You think that it's BS to say that there were Palestinians in the area before the mass immigration of Jewish people? This shows that you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the subject matter at hand.
[] Jews and Corporations will be the end of America

That sounds like a familiar quote taken from Stormfront.
Click the links.

Why do the Arabs /Muslims hate us? Why did 9/11 happen? Why are we told to be scared?

Because we support the ZioNazis and don't know when to mind our own fucking business.

Why are we dependent on these same enemies we've made? Because the capitalists killed the electric car and alt fuels to hook us on petroleum.

In the end, Zionism and Capitalism will be the end of Western civilization if this continues.
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Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.


I love how no conversation about Israeli policy, or US policy towards Israel, ever fails to produce some intellectually handicapped rightwinger playing the anti-Semitism card.

I wonder what they'd do if they met a Jew who didn't advocate Zionism
[] Jews and Corporations will be the end of America

That sounds like a familiar quote taken from Stormfront.
Click the links.

Why do the Arabs /Muslims hate us? Why did 9/11 happen? Why are we told to be scared?

Because we support the ZioNazis and don't know when to mind our own fucking business.

Why are we dependent on these same enemies we've made? Because the capitalists killed the electric car and alt fuels to hook us on petroleum.

In the end, Zionism and Capitalism will be the end of Western civilization if this continues.

No thanks.. I don't read trashy propaganda but I'm certain you drown yourself in it.
One of the planks in the platform of the left is a hatred of Israel.
Since when is opposing violence, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and a racist State a bad thing?

If those things were clear cut and true. You would have a point. However they are not, and you are nothing more than a shortsighted Brainwashed fool.

The Liberal Media at it's best.

And Jillian Doubts the Left is just as bad as the right when it comes to hating jews. lol
Who said anything about Jews? We're talking about Isra-El
Seems like many think if you do not actively support Israel you hate them and are antisemetic.

I do not actively support Australia, but I am not antiaustralic.

well, when you support policies which would result in the deaths of thousands of australians or the end of their country, i'd call you antiaustralic, too.

Actually, wanting to live within your own kind IS racist.

What's your stance on Israel?
You should care. Israel is the only thriving democracy in the Middle East and has been one of our greatest allies.

Actually, WE have been the ally to Israel. In 10 years we have given them over $33 billion in our money. That's a nice chunk of money, no?

Bold mine- Everything is all about money to you? I don't give a good damn that we spent 33 billion dollars to prop up the only democracy in the M.E. nor do I care that you're offended by it.. it's just too damn bad. Go run for office and see how far you get with that slime about Israel. I'm willing to wager less than 10% would vote for you.. Hell, those are only the dumbasses who don't follow politics either!

The idea that Arabs have an inherent hatred toward the US, or that the the fall of Israel would result in bad things for the US is unfounded. There are many Arab nations in the world already, and they're not coming after us. Don't confuse Osama bin Laden with all of Arabia.

Oh plz.. Just who do you think you're fooling? I guess Mickey Mouse attacked America on 9-11 and the Mouskateers hijacked all of those planes.. Hell yea they do.. All you have to do is take the FUNDAMENTALIST at his word. Gee, imagine that?? Actually believing a terrorist will keep his plan to bomb the dogdoo out of infidels. Who knew??!!

No it's not. It's in the interest of religious sensibilities to see the existence of Israel, so that it can be claimed as a sign that the bible is right, that Judeo-Christian beliefs are true. What would be in the USA's best interest is to stop sheltering Israel. Israel is one of the world's top sponsors of terrorism, and our support of Israel while riding the Arab world for every little flaw it has is what engenders displeasure by many in that part of the world.

Blahblah blah... Don't forget your Iron Cross before you finish spewing.
So you've no intelligent rebuttal?
Alison Weir:

"The violent creation, perpetuation, and expansion of a state based on ethnic expulsion of the majority inhabitants has been central to Middle East dynamics ever since Israel was created by European and American Zionists in 1948 as a self-identified 'Jewish State.'

"Israeli leaders and outside observers realized from the very beginning that the only way to maintain such a violently imposed, ethnically based nation-state was through military dominance of the region.

"For Israel to achieve this military dominance required two things:

(1) The creation of a military more powerful than all the others in the region combined.

"Israel has achieved this through a uniquely massive influx of US tax dollars and technology, occasionally purloined but largely procured through the machinations of its lobby.

"(Among other things, Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons, a fact almost never mentioned by American media or the American government.)

"(2) The prevention of any other nation in the region from becoming a threat.

"Israel has attained this goal through several strategies: divide and conquer techniques, direct invasions and attacks (or pushing the U.S. to carry out attacks), and the propping up of despots who would openly or tacitly agree (sometimes in return for similarly large influxes of American tax money) not to support the rights of those oppressed and ethnically cleansed by Israel."

In 1948 one out of three voters in Mandate Palestine was Jewish. How do you create a "Jewish State" without terror in that situation?

You can't.
I never could tell a Zionist from a Nazi

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