Arafat - the Monster

dilloduck said:
good article----The division within Palestine is deep with the different factions being more interested in thier own wealth and agendas than the good of the Palestinian people. As long as they can keep the common arab believing that Israel and the US are the ONLY enemies they have, they will be free to fight over money intended to benefit the refugees. I'm not holding my breath.

good point
dilloduck said:
good article----The division within Palestine is deep with the different factions being more interested in thier own wealth and agendas than the good of the Palestinian people. As long as they can keep the common arab believing that Israel and the US are the ONLY enemies they have, they will be free to fight over money intended to benefit the refugees. I'm not holding my breath.

Arafat Has billions of dollars nestled away in Swiss accounts while his people starve and yet they still love him? How much time does anti America/Israel rederic buy?
Bonnie said:
Arafat Has billions of dollars nestled away in Swiss accounts while his people starve and yet they still love him? How much time does anti America/Israel rederic buy?

Look how long it has worked already !
The US needs to stop ALL aid flowing to the region until both sides can show a level of stability and willingness to work together. Our money is going down the toilet. Israel will survive with what they have and are in no danger of being pushed into the sea. Can the US stand up to the pressure from the jewish lobby ?
dilloduck said:
The US needs to stop ALL aid flowing to the region until both sides can show a level of stability and willingness to work together. Our money is going down the toilet. Israel will survive with what they have and are in no danger of being pushed into the sea. Can the US stand up to the pressure from the jewish lobby ?

that is a fantastic idea but one that will likely never fly unless the israelis seriously piss pres. bush off.
One has to ask.....

1. Why is it that Arafat never allowed the Palestinians the right to vote for their leaders? As we have been witnessing, the transition of power in the Palestinian Authority is anything but smooth.

2. Why is it that Arafat signed the Oslo accords, then broke them and thus ensuring an on going cycle of violence?

3. Why is it that Arafat never renounced terrorism? Why is it that in his Arab language speeches he was frequently calling for the death of Israel?

4. Why is it that despite billions of dollars to the Palestinians that they are among the poorest people in the Mid-East, while it is believed that Arafat and his associates had amassed billion in secret Swiss bank accounts?

5. And furthermore, how is all of this Israel's fault?
KarlMarx said:
One has to ask.....

1. Why is it that Arafat never allowed the Palestinians the right to vote for their leaders? As we have been witnessing, the transition of power in the Palestinian Authority is anything but smooth.

2. Why is it that Arafat signed the Oslo accords, then broke them and thus ensuring an on going cycle of violence?

3. Why is it that Arafat never renounced terrorism? Why is it that in his Arab language speeches he was frequently calling for the death of Israel?

4. Why is it that despite billions of dollars to the Palestinians that they are among the poorest people in the Mid-East, while it is believed that Arafat and his associates had amassed billion in secret Swiss bank accounts?

5. And furthermore, how is all of this Israel's fault?

both factions AND thier supporters are at fault
KarlMarx said:
One has to ask.....

1. Why is it that Arafat never allowed the Palestinians the right to vote for their leaders? As we have been witnessing, the transition of power in the Palestinian Authority is anything but smooth.

2. Why is it that Arafat signed the Oslo accords, then broke them and thus ensuring an on going cycle of violence?

3. Why is it that Arafat never renounced terrorism? Why is it that in his Arab language speeches he was frequently calling for the death of Israel?

4. Why is it that despite billions of dollars to the Palestinians that they are among the poorest people in the Mid-East, while it is believed that Arafat and his associates had amassed billion in secret Swiss bank accounts?

5. And furthermore, how is all of this Israel's fault?

5. Well you see, Isreal exists and that's a problem. If they didn't exist these people would be peacefully sitting around discussing new scientific theories. ;)

4. Because they have high metabolisms and therefore need 5 times the amount of food as normal human beings (or it could be their leaders are corrupt and stole billions for their own personal use).

3. Because if he said it in English we might have believed he is a monster. :rolleyes:

2. Because peace is the main goal of Hamas, not the death of Isreal.

1. Well, if they voted they might have ruined their bright future by picking a different leader that would arrest Hamas members and actually work for a peaceful resolution. I mean, geez. :duh3:

(It's sarcasm folks!)
Bonnie said:
Anyone think Abbas will be effective, although he's probably not the long term leader, more of a fill in?

Abbas? Nope. Maybe the guy who takes over after Abbas says "peace" and gets killed in a car bomb will be, though.
KarlMarx said:
One has to ask.....

KarlMarx said:
1. Why is it that Arafat never allowed the Palestinians the right to vote for their leaders? As we have been witnessing, the transition of power in the Palestinian Authority is anything but smooth.

Because he is their Dear Leader and they love him so.

KarlMarx said:
2. Why is it that Arafat signed the Oslo accords, then broke them and thus ensuring an on going cycle of violence?

"Rules" are only for Imperial Zionist Entities, not Holy Warriors of Allah!

KarlMarx said:
3. Why is it that Arafat never renounced terrorism? Why is it that in his Arab language speeches he was frequently calling for the death of Israel?

Because Arabs hate Jews, and since no Arab army has won a war against a Western Power since....what, the Third Crusade? Would Russia count as "western"? I suppose then you might count Afganistan. So yeah, legitimate Arab armies have beaten one western army since the Third Crusade. So they resort to terrorism.

KarlMarx said:
4. Why is it that despite billions of dollars to the Palestinians that they are among the poorest people in the Mid-East, while it is believed that Arafat and his associates had amassed billion in secret Swiss bank accounts?

Because Dear Leader must be rich. This is how it must be.

KarlMarx said:
5. And furthermore, how is all of this Israel's fault?

They are Jews. And they exist.
LOL - couldn't resist this one:

KarlMarx said:
One has to ask.....

1. Why is it that Arafat never allowed the Palestinians the right to vote for their leaders? As we have been witnessing, the transition of power in the Palestinian Authority is anything but smooth.

2. Why is it that Arafat signed the Oslo accords, then broke them and thus ensuring an on going cycle of violence?

3. Why is it that Arafat never renounced terrorism? Why is it that in his Arab language speeches he was frequently calling for the death of Israel?

4. Why is it that despite billions of dollars to the Palestinians that they are among the poorest people in the Mid-East, while it is believed that Arafat and his associates had amassed billion in secret Swiss bank accounts?

5. And furthermore, how is all of this Israel's fault?

Nice work, KM.

no1tovote4 said:
5. Well you see, Isreal exists and that's a problem. If they didn't exist these people would be peacefully sitting around discussing new scientific theories.

4. Because they have high metabolisms and therefore need 5 times the amount of food as normal human beings (or it could be their leaders are corrupt and stole billions for their own personal use).

3. Because if he said it in English we might have believed he is a monster.

2. Because peace is the main goal of Hamas, not the death of Isreal.

1. Well, if they voted they might have ruined their bright future by picking a different leader that would arrest Hamas members and actually work for a peaceful resolution. I mean, geez.

:clap: Yep!

Arafat screwed the very people he was supposed to protect. He killed thousands of innocent people on an international level. He signed peace agreements with no intention of ever keeping his word. His stated goal was the destruction of Israel, which meshes perfectly with the stated goals of the other local tyrants in that region.

I have no sympathy for the Palestinians that allowed that evil prick to continue to ruin their lives. How many years did he continually profess to want peace all the while giving direction to his terrorist pets? 30? 40?

No, those people allowed him to run roughshod. After several decades of the same shit repeated, you'd have thought that someone would have woken up and began efforts to remove him from within the Palestinian ranks. Perhaps that did happen, and they quietly disappeared... who will ever know now?

Anyway, my point is that I haven't seen ANY dissent in the news about Palestinians about their leadership, and I find that curious. With every other governmental body, there are ALWAYS people that dissent as vocally as they can against the current leadership. Utopia is yet to be realized.

Retraction : I stand corrected. My wife, reading over my shoulder, just pointed out that Saddam enjoyed a whopping 100% support during the last election of Saddam's Iraq. Interesting. (note to self : the wife knows too much)

As far as Israel goes, it pisses me off that there are many people that somehow are ignorant enough to ignore the the fact that Israel is located in their historical homeland.

Jews have been there for thousands of years. Fact. You piss and moan about the Jews somehow booting legitimate Arab residents off land they have owned forever, when that's not the case! The current Middle East map was drawn up by Colonial Europe in the early 1900s, people! We all know that the Jews have been there for thousands of years, this is undisputed! Get a clue and study some history! Palestinians? Show me a nation of Palestine.

Propaganda. Pure propaganda.

Displaced arabs? You bet, it happened. Where else would the Jews want to set up their nation? Let's see... historical homeland or South America? Or maybe a cozy corner of Germany? It's pretty simple.

If I were a Jew, I wouldn't hesitate, I'd vote for the historical homeland of my people. I suspect that anyone else would make the same honest choice.

The local Arabs were encouraged to be part of the new nation. They still are, and enjoy civil privileges that are unheard of in the neighboring Arab countries.

As Theim so eloquently said:

Theim said:
Burn in Hell, Yasser :fu2: :dev1:

Burn in Hell, Arafat!

Arafat said:
Hey! All those 72 virgins have branding irons!

Enjoy your forever, you goat.
freeandfun1 said:
you're being too sensitive NATO. I see most people being anti-Arafat other than the anti-Semite whom is blasting the Jews. But again, there has NEVER been a Palestinian "state" in all of history. They had their chance in 48 and decided they, along with the rest of the Arab world, decided they wanted to kill off the jews instead.

That argument is self serving and ignorant. By the same argument, the Jews in the region some 2000+ years ago were never a "state" either. The idea of a national state is something that fits into western definitions, it is not a natural thing. Pygmies in Africa who have lived in the same section of jungle for thousands of years were never a "state", but does that mean they do not have a right to the land they have lived on?

This argument, that there was never a Palastinian state, is just an obfuscation tactic to hide the fact that people who had lived on that land for over 1000 years have been forcibly removed from it.
wade said:
That argument is self serving and ignorant. By the same argument, the Jews in the region some 2000+ years ago were never a "state" either. The idea of a national state is something that fits into western definitions, it is not a natural thing. Pygmies in Africa who have lived in the same section of jungle for thousands of years were never a "state", but does that mean they do not have a right to the land they have lived on?

This argument, that there was never a Palastinian state, is just an obfuscation tactic to hide the fact that people who had lived on that land for over 1000 years have been forcibly removed from it.

Huh?!?!?!? I hope that you're not saying that with a straight face!

Did you ever hear of King David and King Solomon? The kingdom of Israel did exist as far back as 1500 BC. Archaeological evidence exists that confirms the existence of the Hebrews in an around Israel. In an ancient Egyptian temple, archeologists have discovered an inscription declaring, “Israel is laid waste.” Hieroglyphics in the temple, a monument constructed to celebrate military conquests made by one Pharaoh Merneptah, also say that his battles were supposedly won during a 1207 B.C. campaign.

In fact the Egyptians referred to these people as "Apiru" (which is probably where the modern day word "Hebrew" comes from).

There was indeed a kingdom of Israel and lots of evidence to prove it.

Did you know that the Palestinians will not allow any archaeological excavations to be performed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? (site of the old temple that Solomon built) --- why? Most likely, it would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Jews were there first.

Around the time of Christ, (circa 30AD), a movement of Jews called "the Zeolots" formed. Their whole purpose was to throw out the Romans and re-establish the Kingdom of Israel as an independent state. In fact, in Scripture, many of the Apostles thought Jesus was going to establish an Earthly Kingdom. Part of the reason that the High Priests had him put to death was out of fear that the Romans were getting suspicious of His popularity and might try to crush a revolt. Anyway, the Zeolot movement gained momentum even after Christ's death and became more violent and radical (the Zeolots were like the Al Quada of their day). Finally, the Romans decided to act and "The Jewish War" began. These wars are recounted in detail by the historian Josephus. The war finally ended in 70 AD, when the Romans under the Emperor Vespasian and and his son, Titus, destroyed the temple in Jerusalem (when the Temple Mount now is) and exiled the Jews from their land. In fact, Jews were forbidden to set foot in Israel (by that time, renamed "Palestine" by the Romans) under pain of death.
KarlMarx said:
Huh?!?!?!? I hope that you're not saying that with a straight face!

Did you ever hear of King David and King Solomon? The kingdom of Israel did exist as far back as 1500 BC. Archaeological evidence exists that confirms the existence of the Hebrews in an around Israel. In an ancient Egyptian temple, archeologists have discovered an inscription declaring, “Israel is laid waste.” Hieroglyphics in the temple, a monument constructed to celebrate military conquests made by one Pharaoh Merneptah, also say that his battles were supposedly won during a 1207 B.C. campaign.

In fact the Egyptians referred to these people as "Apiru" (which is probably where the modern day word "Hebrew" comes from).

There was indeed a kingdom of Israel and lots of evidence to prove it.

Did you know that the Palestinians will not allow any archaeological excavations to be performed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? (site of the old temple that Solomon built) --- why? Most likely, it would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Jews were there first.

Around the time of Christ, (circa 30AD), a movement of Jews called "the Zeolots" formed. Their whole purpose was to throw out the Romans and re-establish the Kingdom of Israel as an independent state. In fact, in Scripture, many of the Apostles thought Jesus was going to establish an Earthly Kingdom. Part of the reason that the High Priests had him put to death was out of fear that the Romans were getting suspicious of His popularity and might try to crush a revolt. Anyway, the Zeolot movement gained momentum even after Christ's death and became more violent and radical (the Zeolots were like the Al Quada of their day). Finally, the Romans decided to act and "The Jewish War" began. These wars are recounted in detail by the historian Josephus. The war finally ended in 70 AD, when the Romans under the Emperor Vespasian and and his son, Titus, destroyed the temple in Jerusalem (when the Temple Mount now is) and exiled the Jews from their land. In fact, Jews were forbidden to set foot in Israel (by that time, renamed "Palestine" by the Romans) under pain of death.

I find the argument that because the Jews lived on the land, stolen from the indiginous Cannonites (spelling?) if I recall correctly, some 2000 years ago as a validation of their right to the land today absurd.

I'm sure the Pygmies have a leader too, but that is hardly the standard we have for recognizing a modern nation. Likewise, the Arabs in what we now call Palastine certainly had leadership of their own at various times, but that is really not the issue. The issue is who was living on the land when, and who kicked them off of it when.

I believe that when no one who was living on a lost land remains to make the claim, it is over within one more generation. Otherwise, we have sheer chaos everywhere in the world. In the time when the Jews held Israel the world population was what, perhaps 50-75 million, with the largest part of that in Asia? Today, with the population more than 100 times as large, it is ludicrious to even consider such a claim to anscestral lands.
wade said:
I find the argument that because the Jews lived on the land, stolen from the indiginous Cannonites (spelling?) if I recall correctly, some 2000 years ago as a validation of their right to the land today absurd.

I'm sure the Pygmies have a leader too, but that is hardly the standard we have for recognizing a modern nation. Likewise, the Arabs in what we now call Palastine certainly had leadership of their own at various times, but that is really not the issue. The issue is who was living on the land when, and who kicked them off of it when.

I believe that when no one who was living on a lost land remains to make the claim, it is over within one more generation. Otherwise, we have sheer chaos everywhere in the world. In the time when the Jews held Israel the world population was what, perhaps 50-75 million, with the largest part of that in Asia? Today, with the population more than 100 times as large, it is ludicrious to even consider such a claim to anscestral lands.

OK, so let's make the Israelis leave. Where would you send them?

Hitler was going to butcher them. The Soviets and Russians would have done the same. Where were the Jews going to go? Would you have them here?

Frankly, if the state of Israel ceased to exist, the Mid East would have no democracy (outside of Iraq, which is struggling at the moment). Do you think that the US is allied with Israel solely out of goodness? No. The Israelis are helping us in the war on terror, are providing a balance against the anti-American forces in the region. How would that help American interests?

As I recall, a lot of mass migrations was happening during the time of the Exodus. The Hyksos, the so called Sea Peoples, the Libyans, a lot of people were migrating.

As an aside, the Germans, the French, and many of the Slavic people are not the native people of the countries where they live either.
Working Man said:
I doubt many who think Arafat was an Ahole have the balls to put up with the crap that he did, day in and out. He lived in a hell that many who peck at keyboards for ha ha's could ever fathom.

His ability to put a face on the Palistinian cause was heroic.

No, I don't agree with murdering inocent people Jews or Arabs. But Israel, and the radical Jews who inhabit that country are no better creatures than Arafat.

I do hope that the incoming regime can put a handle on terrorism committed by the Palistinians, and thus lead the way to a sucessful peace process. But,, I also hope that GWB, Tony Blair, the Frogs, and all other super powers can put the reins on the Israelis who are hell bent to conquer then divide Palistinian land, and its people, into non existance.

Arafat was not a perfect man, but I can neither condone, nor condemn the man when ancient Palistinian olive gardens, and homes, are being bulldozed flat to make room for imported aliens on illegaly annexed land.

Arafat lived in a hell that he created. He was nothing more than a glorified terrorist, and the world is better off with his death.

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