Arab apartheid - Muslim apartheid


Oct 25, 2012
The Middle East's real apartheid (Arab apartheid - Muslim apartheid)

Excerpted Article from
The Middle East's real apartheid - JPost - Op-Eds 5 Mar 2012

If apartheid is indeed a crime against humanity, Israel actually is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East – a state whose Arab population enjoys full equality before the law and more prerogatives than most ethnic minorities in the free world, from the designation of Arabic as an official language to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal days of rest.

By contrast, apartheid has been an integral part of the Middle East for over a millennium, and its Arab and Muslim nations continue to legally, politically and socially enforce this discriminatory practice against their hapless minorities.

Why then should an innocent party be under constant pressure to “come clean” while the real culprits are not only left unscathed but also given a worldwide platform to blame others for their own crimes? Rather than engage in incessant apologetics and protestations of innocence, something Jews have been doing for far too long, Israel should adopt a proactive strategy, call a spade a spade and target the real perpetrators of Middle East apartheid: the region’s Arab and Muslim nations.

Arab/Muslim apartheid comes in many forms, and some victims have been subjected to more than one.

• Religious intolerance:

Muslims historically viewed themselves as distinct from, and superior to, all others living under Muslim rule, known as “dhimmis.” They have been loath to give up this privileged status in modern times. Christians, Jews and Baha’is remain second-class citizens throughout the Arab/Muslim world, and even non-ruling Muslim factions have been oppressed by their dominant co-religionists (e.g. Shi’ites in Saudi Arabia, Sunnis in Syria).

• Ethnic inequality:

This historic legacy of intolerance extends well beyond the religious sphere. As longtime imperial masters, Arabs, Turks and Iranians continue to treat long-converted populations, notably Kurds and Berbers, that retained their language, culture and social customs, as inferior.

• Racism:

The Middle East has become the foremost purveyor of anti-Semitic incitement in the world with the medieval blood libel widely circulated alongside a string of modern canards (notably The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) depicting Jews as the source of all evil.

Likewise, Africans of sub-Saharan descent are held in deep contempt, a vestige of the region’s historic role as epicenter of the international slave trade.

• Gender discrimination:

Legal and social discrimination against women is pervasive throughout the Arab-Islamic world, accounting for rampant violence (for example domestic violence or spousal rape are not criminalized) and scores of executions every year, both legal and extra-judicial (i.e. honor killings). Discrimination against homosexuals is even worse.

• Denial of citizenship:

The withholding of citizenship and attendant rights from a large segment of the native-born population is common. Palestinian communities in the Arab states offer the starkest example of this discrimination (in Lebanon, for example, they cannot own property, be employed in many professions, move freely, etc.). The Bidun (stateless peoples) in the Gulf states, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria have been subjected to similar discrimination.

• Labor inequality:

Mistreatment of foreign workers (especially household servants), ranging from sexual abuse to virtual imprisonment and outright murder, is widely tolerated throughout the Middle East, especially in oil-exporting countries that host large expatriate labor forces.

• Slavery:

The Arabic-speaking countries remain the world’s foremost refuge of slavery, from child and sex trafficking in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to actual chattel slavery in Sudan and Mauritania. Indeed, Islamists throughout the Middle East have had no qualms advocating the legalization of slavery.

• Political Oppression:

Many Middle Eastern regimes are little more than elaborate repressive systems aimed at perpetuating apartheid-style domination by a small minority: Alawites in Syria; Tikritis in Saddam’s Iraq; the Saudi royal family; the Hashemite dynasty in Jordan.

Possibly the world’s most arresting anachronism, these endemic abuses have until now escaped scrutiny and condemnation. Western governments have been loath to antagonize their local authoritarian allies, while the educated classes have absolved Middle Easterners of responsibility for their actions in the patronizing tradition of the “white man’s burden,” dismissing regional players as half-witted creatures, too dim to be accountable for their own fate.

It is time to denounce these discriminatory practices and force Arab/Muslim regimes to abide by universally accepted principles of decency and accountability. This will not only expose the hollowness of the Israel delegitimization campaign but will also help promote regional peace and stability....


The following was written by a penpal:

Arab apartheid / Muslim apartheid are the largest ‘apartheid systems’, that exist today.

Virtually all non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims are second class citizens. Among minorities that feel the wrath of the bigoted Arab-Muslim world are:

* Berbers (native N. Africans, before Arab invasion).

* Copts (indigenous Egyptians suffer from both: Arab racism and Islamic bigotry).

* Kurds (Examples include: [Saddam's] Iraq and Syria.

* Blacks, in Arab lands or in Arab ruled Africa like the genocide in the Sudan and slavery in both Sudan and in Mauritania.

* Asians, particularly in the Gulf Arab states. [Sex slaves or "plain" slaves).

* Maronites-Christians [Native Lebanese] suffer from both Arab ethnic racism and religious bigotry, like the massacres in the 1970s by local Muslims and by Palestinian/Syrian forces.

* Assyrians, are/have been persecuted both racially and religiously. Still very much marginalized in Iraq, for example.

* Iran is not an Arab country but racism is huge against Kurds, Jews, Turkmens, etc. So is anti-non-Muslim bigotry against Christians, Bahai, Zoroastrians and other in the Islamic republic.

* Turkey is also a Muslim non-Arab country and Kurds, Greeks, Armenians and other ethnicities have been through much suffering, genocide. Still there’s great wide racism against non-Turkish ethnic groups. Turkey’s policy in Cyprus has also been recognized as a real Apartheid by many. All non-Muslims are automatically branded as “foreigners” at the “moderate” Islamic supremacy of Turkey.

* All non-Msulims in ‘Islamic Apartheid state’ of S. Arabia.

* Asians [slaves!] in the Gulf Arab states.

* Al-Akhdam in Yemen.

* Gypsies in Jordan.


Islamic-Arab “Palestine” apartheid:

* Ahmadiyya Muslims are harshly persecuted in (Pakistan and in) the “Palestinian” Apartheid authority and/or by Hamas.

* Descendents of slaves of the Bedouins are still stigmatized by racist “Palestinians”.

* Christians are discriminated, persercuted against [especially since Y. Arafat's Islamization of Bethlehem], by Palestine authority and Hamas regime.


From anti-Jewish Apartheid:

- The Arab racist apartheid against the Jews attempted genocide ever since the 1920s, (Like Mufti of “Palestine” at his incited massacres, and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood who called simply ‘to kill Jews’).
- Chased out a Million Jews in the late 1940.
- Has boycotted and demonized [every logical defensive action is branded "racist"] the Jewish democratic-free-equal-to-all state only because it’s the “other”. It is neither Muslim nor purely Arab.
- The Arab racist world continues to play with Arab-Palestinians (grandchildren of Arab immigrants) like ping-pong against Israel.




As if we don’t know the ‘Arab oil lobby’s power’ over the UN and other major international organizations and some African officials to go along with the Arab propaganda.

Despite some non-Arabs who jump on this wagon out of: ignorance, of confusion complex, or of sheer bigotry, never forget, that this entire “apartheid, racism” label was invented by Arab racists ganging up in the UN since 1975.

Even promoter of the apartheid-slur [which was actually invented in 1961 by A. Shukairy, who was the henchman and spokesman for the infamous Mufti al-Husseini the Mufti, notorious for being A. Hitler's ally and adviser on exterminating the Jews. Shukairy also called to throw the Jews into the sea] J. Carter admitted on CNN: “I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis.”

Incidentally, the lying Pallywood machine also created a fake “memorandum” claiming that N. Mandela ever uttered this crappy analogy.

Last but not least:

Isn’t it true that the anti-Jewish “apartheid” slur campaign is: 1) to demonize Jews and 2) to hide the real apartheid practiced by the Arab-Islamic world?


Arab Islamic apartheid vs Israel's open equal real democracy












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The Middle East's real apartheid (Arab apartheid - Muslim apartheid)

Excerpted Article from
The Middle East's real apartheid - JPost - Op-Eds 5 Mar 2012

If apartheid is indeed a crime against humanity, Israel actually is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East – a state whose Arab population enjoys full equality before the law and more prerogatives than most ethnic minorities in the free world, from the designation of Arabic as an official language to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal days of rest.

By contrast, apartheid has been an integral part of the Middle East for over a millennium, and its Arab and Muslim nations continue to legally, politically and socially enforce this discriminatory practice against their hapless minorities.

Why then should an innocent party be under constant pressure to “come clean” while the real culprits are not only left unscathed but also given a worldwide platform to blame others for their own crimes? Rather than engage in incessant apologetics and protestations of innocence, something Jews have been doing for far too long, Israel should adopt a proactive strategy, call a spade a spade and target the real perpetrators of Middle East apartheid: the region’s Arab and Muslim nations.

Arab/Muslim apartheid comes in many forms, and some victims have been subjected to more than one.

• Religious intolerance:

Muslims historically viewed themselves as distinct from, and superior to, all others living under Muslim rule, known as “dhimmis.” They have been loath to give up this privileged status in modern times. Christians, Jews and Baha’is remain second-class citizens throughout the Arab/Muslim world, and even non-ruling Muslim factions have been oppressed by their dominant co-religionists (e.g. Shi’ites in Saudi Arabia, Sunnis in Syria).

• Ethnic inequality:

This historic legacy of intolerance extends well beyond the religious sphere. As longtime imperial masters, Arabs, Turks and Iranians continue to treat long-converted populations, notably Kurds and Berbers, that retained their language, culture and social customs, as inferior.

• Racism:

The Middle East has become the foremost purveyor of anti-Semitic incitement in the world with the medieval blood libel widely circulated alongside a string of modern canards (notably The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) depicting Jews as the source of all evil.

Likewise, Africans of sub-Saharan descent are held in deep contempt, a vestige of the region’s historic role as epicenter of the international slave trade.

• Gender discrimination:

Legal and social discrimination against women is pervasive throughout the Arab-Islamic world, accounting for rampant violence (for example domestic violence or spousal rape are not criminalized) and scores of executions every year, both legal and extra-judicial (i.e. honor killings). Discrimination against homosexuals is even worse.

• Denial of citizenship:

The withholding of citizenship and attendant rights from a large segment of the native-born population is common. Palestinian communities in the Arab states offer the starkest example of this discrimination (in Lebanon, for example, they cannot own property, be employed in many professions, move freely, etc.). The Bidun (stateless peoples) in the Gulf states, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria have been subjected to similar discrimination.

• Labor inequality:

Mistreatment of foreign workers (especially household servants), ranging from sexual abuse to virtual imprisonment and outright murder, is widely tolerated throughout the Middle East, especially in oil-exporting countries that host large expatriate labor forces.

Even promoter of the apartheid-slur [which was actually invented in 1961 by A. Shukairy, who was the henchman and spokesman for the infamous Mufti al-Husseini the Mufti, notorious for being A. Hitler's ally and adviser on exterminating the Jews. Shukairy also called to throw the Jews into the sea] J. Carter admitted on CNN: “I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis.”

Incidentally, the lying Pallywood machine also created a fake “memorandum” claiming that N. Mandela ever uttered this crappy analogy.

Last but not least:

Isn’t it true that the anti-Jewish “apartheid” slur campaign is: 1) to demonize Jews and 2) to hide the real apartheid practiced by the Arab-Islamic world?


Arab Islamic apartheid vs Israel's open equal real democracy













My G-d, this is terrible!
that god bless hitler placard looks like it has been inserted by photoshop; pure persil lilly white it is!!

one excerpt from your long spiel:

"the Arab racist world continues to play with Arab-Palestinians (grandchildren of Arab immigrants) like ping-pong against Israel."

that itself is a deeply racist slur alleging that pals were recent immigrants, which is a lie

I noticed that none of you zio hasbara folx chose to debate on my thread about israeli lies...except the fearless rosie of course

instead you just try and stuff the board with your own

put simply....2 wrongs don't make a right

even if all of this is totally true...and it mostly is

it doesn't detract one iota from israeli apartheid

in fact it only draws the world's attention to it even more

and that is what is happening, with your help

israel is truly becoming more and more of an apartheid state; and the world knows it

israel also armed and supported the real one in south africa did it not

and played a part in its worst proxy wars in mozambique and angola...

millions died there at the hands of israeli trained thugs!!!

all the hasbara in the world can't hide it; only dismantling the ALL the discrimination in israel and the territories in reality will do that


shabat shalom
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no matter how much Kvetch denies the FACT---the FACT is that meccaist dogs lick the ass of ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER as fercvently as they lick the ass of muhummad ibn abduallah al kanzeer------and the FACT is that islamic law and culture and custom is among the most fascist known to mankind---historically and currently
The Middle East's real apartheid (Arab apartheid - Muslim apartheid)

Excerpted Article from
The Middle East's real apartheid - JPost - Op-Eds 5 Mar 2012

If apartheid is indeed a crime against humanity, Israel actually is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East – a state whose Arab population enjoys full equality before the law and more prerogatives than most ethnic minorities in the free world, from the designation of Arabic as an official language to the recognition of non-Jewish religious holidays as legal days of rest.

By contrast, apartheid has been an integral part of the Middle East for over a millennium, and its Arab and Muslim nations continue to legally, politically and socially enforce this discriminatory practice against their hapless minorities.

Why then should an innocent party be under constant pressure to “come clean” while the real culprits are not only left unscathed but also given a worldwide platform to blame others for their own crimes? Rather than engage in incessant apologetics and protestations of innocence, something Jews have been doing for far too long, Israel should adopt a proactive strategy, call a spade a spade and target the real perpetrators of Middle East apartheid: the region’s Arab and Muslim nations.

Arab/Muslim apartheid comes in many forms, and some victims have been subjected to more than one.

• Religious intolerance:

Muslims historically viewed themselves as distinct from, and superior to, all others living under Muslim rule, known as “dhimmis.” They have been loath to give up this privileged status in modern times. Christians, Jews and Baha’is remain second-class citizens throughout the Arab/Muslim world, and even non-ruling Muslim factions have been oppressed by their dominant co-religionists (e.g. Shi’ites in Saudi Arabia, Sunnis in Syria).

• Ethnic inequality:

This historic legacy of intolerance extends well beyond the religious sphere. As longtime imperial masters, Arabs, Turks and Iranians continue to treat long-converted populations, notably Kurds and Berbers, that retained their language, culture and social customs, as inferior.

• Racism:

The Middle East has become the foremost purveyor of anti-Semitic incitement in the world with the medieval blood libel widely circulated alongside a string of modern canards (notably The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) depicting Jews as the source of all evil.

Likewise, Africans of sub-Saharan descent are held in deep contempt, a vestige of the region’s historic role as epicenter of the international slave trade.

• Gender discrimination:

Legal and social discrimination against women is pervasive throughout the Arab-Islamic world, accounting for rampant violence (for example domestic violence or spousal rape are not criminalized) and scores of executions every year, both legal and extra-judicial (i.e. honor killings). Discrimination against homosexuals is even worse.

• Denial of citizenship:

The withholding of citizenship and attendant rights from a large segment of the native-born population is common. Palestinian communities in the Arab states offer the starkest example of this discrimination (in Lebanon, for example, they cannot own property, be employed in many professions, move freely, etc.). The Bidun (stateless peoples) in the Gulf states, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds in Syria have been subjected to similar discrimination.

• Labor inequality:

Mistreatment of foreign workers (especially household servants), ranging from sexual abuse to virtual imprisonment and outright murder, is widely tolerated throughout the Middle East, especially in oil-exporting countries that host large expatriate labor forces.




As if we don’t know the ‘Arab oil lobby’s power’ over the UN and other major international organizations and some African officials to go along with the Arab propaganda.

Despite some non-Arabs who jump on this wagon out of: ignorance, of confusion complex, or of sheer bigotry, never forget, that this entire “apartheid, racism” label was invented by Arab racists ganging up in the UN since 1975.

Even promoter of the apartheid-slur [which was actually invented in 1961 by A. Shukairy, who was the henchman and spokesman for the infamous Mufti al-Husseini the Mufti, notorious for being A. Hitler's ally and adviser on exterminating the Jews. Shukairy also called to throw the Jews into the sea] J. Carter admitted on CNN: “I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis.”

Incidentally, the lying Pallywood machine also created a fake “memorandum” claiming that N. Mandela ever uttered this crappy analogy.

Last but not least:

Isn’t it true that the anti-Jewish “apartheid” slur campaign is: 1) to demonize Jews and 2) to hide the real apartheid practiced by the Arab-Islamic world?


Arab Islamic apartheid vs Israel's open equal real democracy












Excellent post. I couldn't give you a rep but will when I can.
no matter how much Kvetch denies the FACT---the FACT is that meccaist dogs lick the ass of ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER as fercvently as they lick the ass of muhummad ibn abduallah al kanzeer------and the FACT is that islamic law and culture and custom is among the most fascist known to mankind---historically and currently

Yes, Muslims called Hitler abu Ali... Despite the fact that:

...Nazis viewed the Arabs with contempt. Arabs in Germany received the discriminatory treatment consistent with Nazi racial theories...
"The Mufti of Jerusalem: Haj Amin al-Husseini and the Palestinian National Movement," by Philip Mattar, Columbia University Press, 1992, p. 100
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Micho----arab muslims or simply MUSLIMS?. Were there any arab muslims in Germany at all at that time? Do you have a link to the number of "arab muslims' in germany dragged to concentration camps? ----or for that matter "muslims"? In fact there is no question that real nazis had a disdain for ----arabs and their culture----their music their art (or lack thereof) etc etc------however I recall no effort or plan embodied in nazi ideology which advocated the annhilation of "arab muslims" Whoever wrote the book you cited -----is some sort of jerk he lied-----were muslims forced to wear an INSIGNIA in germany?
You are right that there were no plans to exterminate Muslims...
But. Hitler hated the Arab race yet, admired Islam and its totalitarianism.
regarded Arabs as apes, but cooperated with haj amin al-husayini in anti Jewish extermination planning.


Adolf Hitler assured the exiled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Amin al-Husseini, at a meeting in Berlin in November 1941 that his goal was the “destruction of Jewry living in Arabia.” The Führer had racist objections to Arabs as well, though. He declined to shake the Mufti’s hand and refused to drink coffee with him.

World War II New Research Taints Image of Desert Fox Rommel
By Jan Friedmann, Der Spiegel, 05/23/2007 - Arabs Shouted “Heil Rommel”


Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective
- Page 173 - José B. Ashford, Craig Winston LeCroy, Kathy L. Lortie – Cengage Learning, 2009 – 726 pages

Turks, Arabs, and East Indians were subjected to serious discrimination in Germany because of this emphasis on biology.


The beast reawakens – Page 123 – Martin A. Lee – 1999 – History – 560 pages
While Arabs in Germany suffered discriminatory treatment consistent with Nazi racial theories, the Mufti was chauffeured around by an SS guard in a black …


page 122
Even though he loathed Arabs (he once described them as “lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped”), Hitler was nonetheless the idol of the paramilitary …


Most Arabs never realized that the Nazis would consider them racially inferior as well...
The Third Reich and the Palestine Question - Francis R. Nicosia - Google Books


The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj … - Page 53 - Chuck Morse – 2003 – History – 188 pages
… as Hitler was known to have described the Arabs as “lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped,” to a lower race …


Despite Hitler’s personal antipathy towards Arabs, who he once described as lacquered half apes who ought to be whipped, he nevertheless was prepared to … unholy alliance 1801 original.doc


What did the Nazis really think about Muslims?
According to the Nazis’ racist ideology, Arabs are racial Semites and thus subhumans, similar to Jews. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler described the struggle for world domination as an ongoing racial, cultural and political battle between Aryans and non-Aryans. He envisaged a “ladder” of racial hierarchy, asserting that German “Aryans” were at the top of the ladder, while Jews and Gypsies were consigned to the bottom of the order. On Hitler’s racial ladder, Arabs and Muslims occupied a servile place, held in much the same contempt as the Jews.
Hitler made a personal remark in 1939 in which he referred to the populace of the Middle East as “painted half-apes that ought to feel the whip”.
As in other instances, however, the Nazis never allowed their ideological views to get in the way of more urgent political considerations. The Nazis recognized the importance of wooing the Arab and Muslim world to their side and, in their public proclamations, downplayed their real views of Muslims and Arabs. When Mein Kampf was being translated into Arabic in 1938, Hitler himself tactfully proposed to omit from it his “racial ladder” theory.


Admiration for Islam
PJ Media
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This guy is a one hundred percent Muslim hater.

We already know what to expect.

Lame boring stupid subjugating of Muslims.

Quit bitching.

The Israeli Palestinian section is for that exactly asswipe.
kvetch is desperate----he actually denies the fact that meccaist sluts lick two asses------al nabi kanzeer and adolf abu ali kanzeer In the entire decade of the 1930s only one book was translated into the 'holy' language of the koran (shit) --------that was the second "holy" book of islam----mein kampf
kvetch is desperate----he actually denies the fact that meccaist sluts lick two asses------al nabi kanzeer and adolf abu ali kanzeer In the entire decade of the 1930s only one book was translated into the 'holy' language of the koran (shit) --------that was the second "holy" book of islam----mein kampf

Irosie you don't need to have a raging tantrum.

Don't worry, the world isn't gonna end because kvetch is post after post beating you.

thanks 'because' you have issued yet another
always relieves my headaches
kvetch is desperate----he actually denies the fact that meccaist sluts lick two asses------al nabi kanzeer and adolf abu ali kanzeer In the entire decade of the 1930s only one book was translated into the 'holy' language of the koran (shit) --------that was the second "holy" book of islam----mein kampf

Irosie you don't need to have a raging tantrum.

Don't worry, the world isn't gonna end because kvetch is post after post beating you.


You have no right to tell someone they are being beat at arguments here. You get beat at EVERY argument. haha :lol:

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