Approx. 27 percent Federal prisoners inmates are criminal aliens

Whatever makes your skirt fly up Ravi. You must think the whole country is an idiot.
No, just a select handful.

But feel free to tell me exactly what federal laws these "criminal aliens" are guilty of funny that you are terrified of someone being in federal prison for getting paid to pluck chickens.
I usually stay out of the whole "immigration" thing, but actually, I heard something pretty interesting the other day about it related to this. It turns out that after the terror wars in Central America, when tons of Salvadoreans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans fled to the U.S., many settled in poor areas of across the southwest, in general places already rife with gang violence, drug trafficking, etc. So in the past couple of decades (especially recently), as a lot returned and now many are getting deported or leaving the States, along with the large flow of people are "elite" gangsters trained in Los Angeles and returning with contacts and experience back to Central America. As a result, the gang networks ("maras") are stronger than ever and the drug-traffic across the isthmus is well oiled with skilled gangsters. Scary cycle, eh!? Maybe setting up that wall's not such a bad idea after all! :eek:
I usually stay out of the whole "immigration" thing, but actually, I heard something pretty interesting the other day about it related to this. It turns out that after the terror wars in Central America, when tons of Salvadoreans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans fled to the U.S., many settled in poor areas of across the southwest, in general places already rife with gang violence, drug trafficking, etc. So in the past couple of decades (especially recently), as a lot returned and now many are getting deported or leaving the States, along with the large flow of people are "elite" gangsters trained in Los Angeles and returning with contacts and experience back to Central America. As a result, the gang networks ("maras") are stronger than ever and the drug-traffic across the isthmus is well oiled with skilled gangsters. Scary cycle, eh!? Maybe setting up that wall's not such a bad idea after all! :eek:
Maybe. Or maybe letting the non-criminals become citizens is a better idea. When people can legally work they tend to not turn to a life of crime.
Maybe. Or maybe letting the non-criminals become citizens is a better idea. When people can legally work they tend to not turn to a life of crime.

The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.

CNN - Transcripts
The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.

CNN - Transcripts
Lou Dobbs is a hysteric so I don't believe anything he says on the issue.

I just heard on NPR that the default rate of illegals buying mortgages is .5% while the national average default rate is 6.5%. How funny is that!

Treat people like shit and it comes back and bites you in the ass. Treat them well, and the economy benefits. Now, let me go spread some rep around so I can rep your wussy ass back.
I just heard on NPR that the default rate of illegals buying mortgages is .5% while the national average default rate is 6.5%. How funny is that!

That's not very funny at all illegal aliens should NOT have home mortgage loans, they're illegal aliens!

If you think CNN, Lou Dobbs lies so much about your people. Why don't you go get a ACLU lawyer and sue him? Why not? Because you and your Anti-American cause don't have a legal leg to stand on!!
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I just heard on NPR that the default rate of illegals buying mortgages is .5% while the national average default rate is 6.5%. How funny is that!

That's not very funny at all illegal aliens should NOT have home mortgage loans, they're illegal aliens!
Sorry, it's legal. I guess you really don't know anything about immigration laws in our country. You sure like to pretend you do. Why don't you go study up and get back to us?
Sorry, it's legal. I guess you really don't know anything about immigration laws in our country. You sure like to pretend you do. Why don't you go study up and get back to us?

It's not legal to steal someone's ID and buy a house. Or to make up fraudulent information for the applications. Of course with illegal aliens, identity theft is a family tradition.

You might tell your illegal friends to become American citizens the LEGAL way before they start ordering us around and sucking up all the social services.
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It's not legal to steal someone's ID and buy a house. Or to make up fraudulent information for the applications. Of course with illegal aliens, identity theft is a family tradition.

You might tell your illegal friends to become American citizens the LEGAL way before they start ordering us around and sucking up all the social services.
You are assuming so much. Like I said, educate yourself on the issue and get back to us. The IRS issues ITINs to people that are undocumented so they can collect taxes. These loans are made to these people.

If you actually made some sort of credible case you'd get people to agree with you more often. But you can't because you don't know what you are talking about and you are intent on spreading lies and hate.
Sorry, it's legal. I guess you really don't know anything about immigration laws in our country. You sure like to pretend you do. Why don't you go study up and get back to us?

Unfortunately, anyone can buy property in the USA. IMO, it should be reciprical. Until recently American's couldn't own property in Mexico at all, now they can but only through certain conditions and they can't own waterfront property at all. We should have those same conditions for Mexicans who want to own property here.

In many countries around the world, we cannot own property, but our government allows citizens of ANY country to buy property here. Heck, they don't have to go to war with us, they'll eventually own enough that all they have to do is say, we own it, get out.
Lou Dobbs is a hysteric so I don't believe anything he says on the issue.

I just heard on NPR that the default rate of illegals buying mortgages is .5% while the national average default rate is 6.5%. How funny is that!

Treat people like shit and it comes back and bites you in the ass. Treat them well, and the economy benefits. Now, let me go spread some rep around so I can rep your wussy ass back.

CNN /Lou Dobbs didn;t say that. Robert Rector said it. Robert Rector is Senior Research Fellow in Domestic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. ...

The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States. - Transcripts
Maybe. Or maybe letting the non-criminals become citizens is a better idea. When people can legally work they tend to not turn to a life of crime.

Ravi...they're ALREADY CRIMINAL if they're in the country ILLEGALLY.

What is your i.q.? Really?
Originally posted by EpsilonDelta
Maybe setting up that wall's not such a bad idea after all!

Don't make me laugh, Delta.

I can jump the wall that divides Nogales in two three times before you can say "mexican invasion".
José;880386 said:
Don't make me laugh, Delta.

I can jump the wall that divides Nogales in two three times before you can say "mexican invasion".
The wall is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. FOr one they have found tunnels underneath the one they already have. ANd like I have asked before, who is going to build the wall?
Plus soon we will be crossing their border to go get jobs at the factories that used to be here. Really the illegals are not the issue here!
but on a funny note the funniest shit is when Jim Carrey in Fun with Dick and Jane has to illegally cross the boarder and the pile twenty mexicans into their piece of shit car.
I want to know how liberals are protecting people who kill Americans?

"Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy."
Benjamin Franklin

You FRICKEN' Foreigners just can't get it right, can you???


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
__Benjamin Franklin
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