Appears being transgender is cool??

The point we are stuck on right now is that you are claiming that sex is the same thing as gender and you donā€™t acknowledge gender identity. Since we donā€™t donā€™t agree on basic definitions we need to sort that out. I made my case and youā€™ve failed to even try to make a counter argument with substance. So you lose. What else is there to say?

gender identity isn't gender. It's a way to make people think being something they are not is normal.
gender identity isn't gender. It's a way to make people think being something they are not is normal.
Youā€™re right gender identity isnt gender just like gender isnā€™t sex. Now we are getting somewhere. Take it to the next level. Post the English non woke definitions of those three words. Sex, gender, gender identity. Use any source that you want
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Youā€™re eight gender identity isnt gender just like gender isnā€™t sex. Now we are getting somewhere. Take it to the next level. Post the English non woke definitions of those three words. Sex, gender, gender identity. Use any source that you want

gender is sex. male, female, and the infinitesimal chance of someone being something else biologically.

gender identity is a term made up to allow people to pretend they are something they are not.
gender is sex. male, female, and the infinitesimal chance of someone being something else biologically.

gender identity is a term made up to allow people to pretend they are something they are not.
Prove it. Back up your definitions with any reputable source you can find. Iā€™d love to see you do that cause I think youā€™re flat out wrong
Prove it. Back up your definitions with any reputable source you can find. Iā€™d love to see you do that

Again, don't need sources. Sex is Gender. Gender identity is whatever some deluded person comes up with to augment reality to fit their desires.

If it wasn't for the forced acceptance of the whole situation I could give a rats ass if some dude still with his twigs and berries wants to pretend to be a lesbian.
Again, don't need sources. Sex is Gender. Gender identity is whatever some deluded person comes up with to augment reality to fit their desires.

If it wasn't for the forced acceptance of the whole situation I could give a rats ass if some dude still with his twigs and berries wants to pretend to be a lesbian.
You do need sources because youā€™re just making shit up and saying incorrect stuff. Whoever taught you those things was wrong. I believe you believe you are right. The English dictionary is on my side and we both say you are wrong
You do need sources because youā€™re just making shit up and saying incorrect stuff. Whoever taught you those things was wrong. I believe you believe you are right. The English dictionary is on my side and we both say you are wrong

The dictionary can be changed to meet the desires of it's owners and creators. Sourcing woke organizations is as useless as the tits on a guy pretending to be a girl.
One thing though i have noticed with how PC with everything has gotten like gender neutral toy areas and sites listing more than 2 genders that there seems people who haven't gotten the memo yet on being PC towards those who are gender non-conforming and not using offensive language or questions or such.

Like one time at a walmart, when i was shopping for women's jeans, and asked a cashier if they have them in a size for shorter people, they said "those are for girls"

And at the exit one time a guy asked me "why i was shopping for women's clothes?"

I think i should have told the cashier, yes i know, those jeans actually fit me cause it's in my size. ,i have a pair at home as well.

I have already tried on jeans in this size.
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The dictionary can be changed to meet the desires of it's owners and creators. Sourcing woke organizations is as useless as the tits on a guy pretending to be a girl.
Then show the dictionary before it was changed smart guy!! Show anything!!! Youā€™re going down in flames
Then show the dictionary before it was changed smart guy!! Show anything!!! Youā€™re going down in flames

The point is the definition, you are hiding behind appeal to authority because you can't argue your position yourself.
The point is the definition, you are hiding behind appeal to authority because you can't argue your position yourself.
Iā€™m not hiding at all Iā€™ll providing direct quotes from the dictionary. You keep challenging the dictionary calling it woke. Ok, provide a definition from a dictionary that not woke or an old definition before it was supposedly changed. You canā€™t do it. You lose the argument
Iā€™m not hiding at all Iā€™ll providing direct quotes from the dictionary. You keep challenging the dictionary calling it woke. Ok, provide a definition from a dictionary that not woke or an old definition before it was supposedly changed. You canā€™t do it. You lose the argument

Your hiding behind appeal to authority, i.e. just because you can find a definition you agree with from a supposed source, doesn't mean it's right.

Sex is gender, gender is sex.
Your hiding behind appeal to authority, i.e. just because you can find a definition you agree with from a supposed source, doesn't mean it's right.

Sex is gender, gender is sex.
You havenā€™t proven it wrong or even shown anything that counters it. Itā€™s not very complicated. We have words in the human language. We have dictionaries that define these words. You donā€™t agree with how Iā€™m defining words. Thatā€™s fine. I showed you the definitions from Websterā€™s. You think thatā€™s a woke source. Fine. Show a non woke source or show the old definition before it was changed. Show anything besides the hot air that comes out of your pie hole that backs up your argument because so far you have done none of that and are failing to make a valid argument
You havenā€™t proven it wrong or even shown anything that counters it. Itā€™s not very complicated. We have words in the human language. We have dictionaries that define these words. You donā€™t agree with how Iā€™m defining words. Thatā€™s fine. I showed you the definitions from Websterā€™s. You think thatā€™s a woke source. Fine. Show a non woke source or show the old definition before it was changed. Show anything besides the hot air that comes out of your pie hole that backs up your argument because so far you have done none of that and are failing to make a valid argument

Nope, again, I don't need the crutch of a dictionary to tell me what common use words mean.

Sex is Gender. Gender is Sex.
From knowing what common words mean before SJW's decided to Orwell the language.
You learned the definitions from knowing what the words mean?!?! Haha was that supposed to be a real answer? Iā€™m guessing your parents or friends taught them to you. Well here is a little lightbulb momentā€¦. Perhaps other people were taught different definitions of these words by their family/friends and maybe the meanings of these words are not as ā€œcommonā€ as you think. Thatā€™s why we use things like dictionaries to define the meanings of words so we can better communicate with eachother. Why youā€™ve chosen to fight the validity of the definitions in the dictionary is hilarious. Where in the word would that get us if everybody acted like you and just made up our own definitions and insisted that we were right becauseā€¦. Well just because.

Haha. Go take your nap now old man, youā€™re done
You learned the definitions from knowing what the words mean?!?! Haha was that supposed to be a real answer? Iā€™m guessing your parents or friends taught them to you. Well here is a little lightbulb momentā€¦. Perhaps other people were taught different definitions of these words by their family/friends and maybe the meanings of these words are not as ā€œcommonā€ as you think. Thatā€™s why we use things like dictionaries to define the meanings of words so we can better communicate with eachother. Why youā€™ve chosen to fight the validity of the definitions in the dictionary is hilarious. Where in the word would that get us if everybody acted like you and just made up our own definitions and insisted that we were right becauseā€¦. Well just because.

Haha. Go take your nap now old man, youā€™re done

That you consider a definition in a dictionary to be an infallible proof is comical.

Especially when you try to make quasi-social constructs override biological fact.
Now my Nieces and nephews are being taught proper usage of ā€œgender pronounsā€

Got to love Chicago

The boy said he knows a few kids who have come out as transgender or gay at 8 lol
The public ā€œeducatorsā€ are promoting sex perversion in young children

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