Appeals trial is over and Chauvin ends up a free man because of...... MAXINE WATERS!!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
At the conclusion of the appeals trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of NOT GUILTY on all counts. Derrick Chauvin walked out of the court room a free man. As soon as he stepped outside the courthouse, surrounded by Media, he took off his shirt to reveal a T-Shirt with an enormous photo of Maxine Waters face with her massive pie hole agape. The caption on his T-shirt read simply MY GIRL. He stated " I owe it all to Maxine, she's my girl!" When Waters saw the video, her eyes started spinning in circles and she just kept repeating "Shut your mouth, Shut your mouth, Shut your mouth......" She is currently in stable condition in the psych ward of a local hospital.
There is no "jury" in an appeal.

The judge overturns the conviction on the fact that Waters influenced the jury with fear.
Maxine Waters is somebody's girl?

Are you Freddy Krueger, by any chance?

.....Talking bout MY GIRL......MY GIRL!!!!
There is no "jury" in an appeal.

The judge overturns the conviction on the fact that Waters influenced the jury with fear.
An appeal only succeeds if they can prove an error was made by the judge. It's possible he should have declared a mistrial since Aunty Maxine pressured the jury with threats of violence. The defense did ask for a mistrial but the judge declined. I hope the defense attorney does appeal. I want more public proof that goddamn Maxine screwed up the system. What she did was Jury Tampering and she should be in prison.
At the conclusion of the appeals trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of NOT GUILTY on all counts. Derrick Chauvin walked out of the court room a free man. As soon as he stepped outside the courthouse, surrounded by Media, he took off his shirt to reveal a T-Shirt with an enormous photo of Maxine Waters face with her massive pie hole agape. The caption on his T-shirt read simply MY GIRL. He stated " I owe it all to Maxine, she's my girl!" When Waters saw the video, her eyes started spinning in circles and she just kept repeating "Shut your mouth, Shut your mouth, Shut your mouth......" She is currently in stable condition in the psych ward of a local hospital.
Very unlikely

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