Appeal to the Forum Participants

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Oh brother.
The entire west wanted that corrupt prosecutor gone long before Biden Jr. came along . Ousting him had no partisan support .

The “investigation “ into Hunter was a smokescreen because the prosecutor was getting pressure from the US to step down.
Shokin wasn't investigating a damn thing, that's why the Ukrainian Parliament wanted him gone.

I wonder HOW you can know this IF you have not read this material ??? Stereotypes are what destroyed more than one great civilization. Why does party loyalty stands above common sense and loyalty to the American people???!

I asked for a comment on my right to freedom of speech and the free flow of information. You have not said a word about it. To BLOCK alternative information if it contradicts the interests of a particular party - IS NORMAL ??? Then what about the right of the American people to receive information, including an alternative one??? Or the Deep State is against ???

View attachment 338472

The Verkhovna Rada has agreed with President Petro Poroshenko's motion to dismiss Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.

A total of 289 MPs voted for the measure on Tuesday in parliament.

The parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko gave 114 votes in favor of the motion. It was also supported by 72 MPs from Arseniy Yatseniuk's People's Front Party faction, 24 MPs from Andriy Sadovy's Samopomich Party faction and two MPs from the Opposition Bloc.

As was reported earlier, the Verkhovna Rada committee for legislative support of law enforcement activity on March 16 recommended that parliament should support a draft resolution giving the consent to the dismissal of Shokin. Out of the committee members who were present at the meeting, 10 voted for the decision, four were against and three refrained.

The OP is bogus and you don't have the right to spread misinformation.

So Biden's bragging on TV about getting the guy fired was a sham? Got it!

I will admit that it would have been better had he not said anything. But what it did show as a Real live Statesman in action. Washington DC has very few of them these days.

That wasn't statesmanship. It was coercion.


  • 1.the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats:"our problem cannot be solved by any form of coercion but only by agreement"
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries
Shokin wasn't investigating a damn thing, that's why the Ukrainian Parliament wanted him gone.

I wonder HOW you can know this IF you have not read this material ??? Stereotypes are what destroyed more than one great civilization. Why does party loyalty stands above common sense and loyalty to the American people???!

I asked for a comment on my right to freedom of speech and the free flow of information. You have not said a word about it. To BLOCK alternative information if it contradicts the interests of a particular party - IS NORMAL ??? Then what about the right of the American people to receive information, including an alternative one??? Or the Deep State is against ???

View attachment 338472

The Verkhovna Rada has agreed with President Petro Poroshenko's motion to dismiss Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.

A total of 289 MPs voted for the measure on Tuesday in parliament.

The parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko gave 114 votes in favor of the motion. It was also supported by 72 MPs from Arseniy Yatseniuk's People's Front Party faction, 24 MPs from Andriy Sadovy's Samopomich Party faction and two MPs from the Opposition Bloc.

As was reported earlier, the Verkhovna Rada committee for legislative support of law enforcement activity on March 16 recommended that parliament should support a draft resolution giving the consent to the dismissal of Shokin. Out of the committee members who were present at the meeting, 10 voted for the decision, four were against and three refrained.

The OP is bogus and you don't have the right to spread misinformation.

FASCISM (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Shokin wasn't investigating a damn thing, that's why the Ukrainian Parliament wanted him gone.

I wonder HOW you can know this IF you have not read this material ??? Stereotypes are what destroyed more than one great civilization. Why does party loyalty stands above common sense and loyalty to the American people???!

I asked for a comment on my right to freedom of speech and the free flow of information. You have not said a word about it. To BLOCK alternative information if it contradicts the interests of a particular party - IS NORMAL ??? Then what about the right of the American people to receive information, including an alternative one??? Or the Deep State is against ???

View attachment 338472

The Verkhovna Rada has agreed with President Petro Poroshenko's motion to dismiss Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.

A total of 289 MPs voted for the measure on Tuesday in parliament.

The parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko gave 114 votes in favor of the motion. It was also supported by 72 MPs from Arseniy Yatseniuk's People's Front Party faction, 24 MPs from Andriy Sadovy's Samopomich Party faction and two MPs from the Opposition Bloc.

As was reported earlier, the Verkhovna Rada committee for legislative support of law enforcement activity on March 16 recommended that parliament should support a draft resolution giving the consent to the dismissal of Shokin. Out of the committee members who were present at the meeting, 10 voted for the decision, four were against and three refrained.

The OP is bogus and you don't have the right to spread misinformation.

So Biden's bragging on TV about getting the guy fired was a sham? Got it!

I will admit that it would have been better had he not said anything. But what it did show as a Real live Statesman in action. Washington DC has very few of them these days.

That wasn't statesmanship. It was coercion.


  • 1.the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats:"our problem cannot be solved by any form of coercion but only by agreement"
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Agreed. Or by BLOCKING the info.
Great thread. You give them HELL. The mods here LOVE to be called out in open threads, and you have just increased their respect and fear of you drastically. If you really want to make them cower in fear of your mighty 1st amendment rights, then you should comment on any information you have on their family members or their sexual activity with animals. I personally would never do either of those things, and feel it would be out of line for me to so, but I think you could pull it off.

WHERE do you know FROM that I really gave lectures on sexopathology at the university ???

I do not know what your comment's real intentions are - the desire to defend the First Amendment or make fun of me. In any case, I am grateful for the reaction.

As for the sex of animals with animals ... IF animals enter into a relationship by mutual consent - this is not a crime. If they, like, say, penguins, do not rape "minors".

In all other cases, this is the case of animal rights advocates.

BUT ... I have no doubt that if WE ALL do not stop the moral decline of society, in four+ years, not a sexual maniac, but a follower of bestiality will run for president

Your interest in animal sex is duly noted, but I'm a little shocked about you discussing your views on the importance of mutual consent before having sex with animals. I didn't think that was allowed here. I hope your local petting zoo has a restraining order on you.
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Dear participants of the Forum,

This morning, verified information came from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, that the contents of the negotiations between Kerry and Biden with the President of Ukraine at that time, Poroshenko, was published by the Ukrainian Parliament MP. Both American politicians demanded the resignation of the Attorney General of Ukraine Shokhin.

At that time, the Attorney General of Ukraine was conducting an investigation into international corruption, involving the Ukrainian giant Burisma.

The investigation was conducted at a time when Biden's son Hunter was a member of the company's Board of Directors.

My info was published in the Breaking News section. Mediators blocked messages, citing the fact that the links were to Ukrainian Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking sites.

I reworked the informational block and made links to English-speaking Ukrainian sources. Mediators go on to blocking access to the information.

We hold different points of view on Biden’s political figure, on how to build the future of our country. But we are united by the First Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees us freedom of speech. There are other laws of the country that provide freedom of information distribution.

WHERE will we be led by those who decide for us WHAT to read and WHAT NOT TO READ ??? Is it another attempt of totalitarian control of our minds?

I ask you to express your opinions on this matter and give me the opportunity to freely publish material on which the fate of each of us may depend on the near future

You have a message to the members -- it should be in Announcements -- not politics.. And if you have a problem with USMB moderation --- CONTACT US.. Don't waste space in the Politics forum..

Since you NOW HAVE a thread in Breaking News with English sourcing -- this problem seems to be resolved -- so I closed this thread.. However, there may be some material about "animal sex:" and other things deleted from this thread... :rolleyes:
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