Apparently sexual assault just isn't that big a deal in Kentucky

Did the police department say they are going to let this guy off because "they are asking for it" Did the PO say he was not going to try to catch the guy "because she was asking for it"

You take a poor way of communicating something, and turn it into a PC bitchfest, meanwhile the fact is these women are increasing their risk when wearing something short because the perp seems to target this.

You, like most progressives, hone in on some minutia and ignore reality.
Again, there is no evidence the length of the skirt is the target. The skirt itself is the target. Jesus Christ you are stupid. Maybe the cops should tell women to only wear long pants and the rapist will stop raping.

it could be the skin he sees as well. They don't know what is going on in this kooks head. What they have is a pattern, and a responsibility to warn the potential target population until the guy is caught.

Its this PARTICULAR criminal, you keep forgetting that part.
"It could be" is a figment of your imagination. The point is he could have simply said to wear pants if at all possible. Instead it reads like the its the victims fault.

So we decide the whole thing is "blame the victim" based on the improper syntax of one probably blue collar non-bougy" police officer?
Pretty much if it came from a blue collar cop.

Throwing out the baby with the bathwater, the progressive mantra.
Now you see why I could never be a cop....:boobies:
Sorry, this has nothing to do with "being a cop". If anything, this cat got special treatment for being a cop - or at least a corrections officer. You think if you raped 25 fucking women, you would get 9 years probation?!?! Or do you think that, more likely, you would probably see the inside of a jail cell for a while?

You people want to keeping giving government more and more power, and then you are shocked when they use said power to protect their own.

It would be comical if it wasn't sad.

I don't think it is unreasonable for the government to protect it's incarcerated citizens from sexual predators. In this instance they failed miserably and his sentence was a joke.
The reason he probably got off so easily is that the victims were prisoners. Pretty obvious.
"Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence, particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition, and is spelled out very early. The nineteenth chapter of Genesis (19:1-11), the first book of the Old Testament, holds that the rape of woman is acceptable but the rape of man is "a wicked thing." This chapter about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah describes Lot's hospitality to two male travelers (actually two angels) who were housed with him."
Article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

US is a defacto Christian nation. Thus much of the Bible's anti-woman, pro-rape rhetoric is perhaps ingrained in US citizens' heads. Yet we continue to claim Christianity is good. Maybe if you ripped out great chunks of it it'd become good, but as is that's the stupidest thing imaginable to claim.

Yeah, it's Jesus's fault.

Christianity actually. Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity.

That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.
"Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence, particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition, and is spelled out very early. The nineteenth chapter of Genesis (19:1-11), the first book of the Old Testament, holds that the rape of woman is acceptable but the rape of man is "a wicked thing." This chapter about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah describes Lot's hospitality to two male travelers (actually two angels) who were housed with him."
Article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

US is a defacto Christian nation. Thus much of the Bible's anti-woman, pro-rape rhetoric is perhaps ingrained in US citizens' heads. Yet we continue to claim Christianity is good. Maybe if you ripped out great chunks of it it'd become good, but as is that's the stupidest thing imaginable to claim.

Yeah, it's Jesus's fault.

Christianity actually. Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity.

That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
Again, there is no evidence the length of the skirt is the target. The skirt itself is the target. Jesus Christ you are stupid. Maybe the cops should tell women to only wear long pants and the rapist will stop raping.

it could be the skin he sees as well. They don't know what is going on in this kooks head. What they have is a pattern, and a responsibility to warn the potential target population until the guy is caught.

Its this PARTICULAR criminal, you keep forgetting that part.
The only thing they "know" apparently is that he targets women wearing skirts. If that part is to be believed.

and they warned the populace of this deviants supposed target. Your point?
My point was the cop and his department made it about short shorts and short skirts when in fact it is not according to the PD. I really can't believe you are as stupid as you've been posting lately.

They don't know what the perp is thinking, all they know is that their victims were showing leg skin.

The only reason you are keeping this up is you are one of those internet assholes that can't admit they are wrong. So you will continue with your stupidity until I give up and stop posting.

Sad, really sad.
Lots of women can wear skirts and not show skin. You really are an idiot.
What a terrible injustice. This predator should be behind bars.

Agreed, and the idiots in this thread who are blaming it on political beliefs are idiots
Yeah, it's probably because he's white. We all know that black people are more likely to get prison time.
I don't know if you are being sarcastic, but the reality is that it is true: black people are more likely to get prison time.
I know. Booboo often blames black people for everything and then he whines if someone blames politics for something.
it could be the skin he sees as well. They don't know what is going on in this kooks head. What they have is a pattern, and a responsibility to warn the potential target population until the guy is caught.

Its this PARTICULAR criminal, you keep forgetting that part.
The only thing they "know" apparently is that he targets women wearing skirts. If that part is to be believed.

and they warned the populace of this deviants supposed target. Your point?
My point was the cop and his department made it about short shorts and short skirts when in fact it is not according to the PD. I really can't believe you are as stupid as you've been posting lately.

They don't know what the perp is thinking, all they know is that their victims were showing leg skin.

The only reason you are keeping this up is you are one of those internet assholes that can't admit they are wrong. So you will continue with your stupidity until I give up and stop posting.

Sad, really sad.
Lots of women can wear skirts and not show skin. You really are an idiot.

Keep digging dumbass, all that happens is my post count goes up, and you just keep showing you are an oxygen thief.
What a terrible injustice. This predator should be behind bars.

Agreed, and the idiots in this thread who are blaming it on political beliefs are idiots
Yeah, it's probably because he's white. We all know that black people are more likely to get prison time.
I don't know if you are being sarcastic, but the reality is that it is true: black people are more likely to get prison time.
I know. Booboo often blames black people for everything and then he whines if someone blames politics for something.
I don't understand your post. What are you saying?
The only thing they "know" apparently is that he targets women wearing skirts. If that part is to be believed.

and they warned the populace of this deviants supposed target. Your point?
My point was the cop and his department made it about short shorts and short skirts when in fact it is not according to the PD. I really can't believe you are as stupid as you've been posting lately.

They don't know what the perp is thinking, all they know is that their victims were showing leg skin.

The only reason you are keeping this up is you are one of those internet assholes that can't admit they are wrong. So you will continue with your stupidity until I give up and stop posting.

Sad, really sad.
Lots of women can wear skirts and not show skin. You really are an idiot.

Keep digging dumbass, all that happens is my post count goes up, and you just keep showing you are an oxygen thief.
hahahaha, so you're an idiot that's concerned with his post count.
Yeah, it's Jesus's fault.

Christianity actually. Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity.

That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.
Christianity actually. Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity.

That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.

Kinda. I don't accept claims of divine inspiration until someone demonstrates empirically a divine reality actually exists. Could use that same logic to claim events in Harry Potter are real because the books say it is. But that doesn't make them true.
Officer Sergeant James B. Johnson, 54, was arrested and charged with 25 counts of sexual assault back in July of 2011.
Johnson, who is a former correctional officer at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Peewee Valley, was also slapped with 50 counts of official misconduct, one count of second-degree trafficking in a controlled substance and one count of first-degree promoting contraband after Kentucky State Police investigators concluded that Johnson supplied drugs to the female inmates and then sexually assaulted them while he was on duty as a prison guard.

At a Shelby County courtroom on Monday, Johnson was offered, and accepted, a plea deal on charges of sexual abuse, trafficking in a controlled substance and official misconduct and was sentenced to seven years of probation and ordered to attend a diversion program (whatever that means).​

Yes, you read that correctly. Fuck all of the rest of it. 25 mother-fucking counts of sexual assault, and either because the court decided it just wasn't worth the time, and money worrying about convicted women being victimized, or they didn't want to put a Prison Guard in jail, or whatever the reason, this guy gets to walk around free!

What. The. Fuck?!?!?

no charges where filed and your fellow leftist defended him.

Really? That's your reaction to this? So, this is only outrageous, and disgusting to "Leftists"? You're an idiot, you do know this, right?

No, fucktard, this story broke Jul 22, 2011 5:23 PM.

Your dumb fucking ass is years behind, you're just a leftist troll pretending to give a fuck, which you don't.


Actually, the crimes occurred in 2001, you inbred fucknut. The plea bargain was just reached on Monday. Like I said, some fucktards are just incapable of being anything other than fucktard hacks. Heve fun in your little hateful bubble. Buh Bye.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

“simply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.”


“He pointed at my outfit and said, ‘Don’t you think your shorts are a little short?’”

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.

True "blame" does not occur until the prosecutor or the judge decide to let the guy off or reduce his sentence because the woman was "asking for it". I have yet to see a modern case that uses that logic, with exceptions for local yokel courts protecting their kin or friends.
Really? So in my hypothetical scenario above, you don't think your thoughtless words could possibly have a negative impact on a rape victim's self image? Blame is telling the rape victim she brought the rape on herself, and it doesn't matter who is doing the blaming; it will have a negative effect on the victim. In fact, if that stupid attitude is coming from the right people, at the right time (ie. from some dumbass in the ER, while she is being checked out), it could so demoralize her that she doesn't even press charges. So, yeah...I guess it can have the effect of "reducing the guy's sentence", since it can result in the guy not even being charged, let alone convicted.
That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.

Kinda. I don't accept claims of divine inspiration until someone demonstrates empirically a divine reality actually exists. Could use that same logic to claim events in Harry Potter are real because the books say it is. But that doesn't make them true.

I've always wanted to attend Hogwarts. Ravenclaw 4 EVA!
and they warned the populace of this deviants supposed target. Your point?
My point was the cop and his department made it about short shorts and short skirts when in fact it is not according to the PD. I really can't believe you are as stupid as you've been posting lately.

They don't know what the perp is thinking, all they know is that their victims were showing leg skin.

The only reason you are keeping this up is you are one of those internet assholes that can't admit they are wrong. So you will continue with your stupidity until I give up and stop posting.

Sad, really sad.
Lots of women can wear skirts and not show skin. You really are an idiot.

Keep digging dumbass, all that happens is my post count goes up, and you just keep showing you are an oxygen thief.
hahahaha, so you're an idiot that's concerned with his post count.

Numbers are pretty.
Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.

Kinda. I don't accept claims of divine inspiration until someone demonstrates empirically a divine reality actually exists. Could use that same logic to claim events in Harry Potter are real because the books say it is. But that doesn't make them true.

I've always wanted to attend Hogwarts. Ravenclaw 4 EVA!

Took a 'Sorting Hat' test once and was placed into Hufflepuff. :)
So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

“simply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.”


“He pointed at my outfit and said, ‘Don’t you think your shorts are a little short?’”

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.

True "blame" does not occur until the prosecutor or the judge decide to let the guy off or reduce his sentence because the woman was "asking for it". I have yet to see a modern case that uses that logic, with exceptions for local yokel courts protecting their kin or friends.
Really? So in my hypothetical scenario above, you don't think your thoughtless words could possibly have a negative impact on a rape victim's self image? Blame is telling the rape victim she brought the rape on herself, and it doesn't matter who is doing the blaming; it will have a negative effect on the victim. In fact, if that stupid attitude is coming from the right people, at the right time (ie. from some dumbass in the ER, while she is being checked out), it could so demoralize her that she doesn't even press charges. So, yeah...I guess it can have the effect of "reducing the guy's sentence", since it can result in the guy not even being charged, let alone convicted.

Your PC screed notwithstanding, The Police officer worded himself poorly, however the PD itself is still right in warning people of this perp's MO, and is in no way condoning his activity or blaming the victims, actual or potential.

The simple truth is that in this area, and until this guy is caught, people wearing short skirts or short whatever are probably at higher risk of being assaulted by this guy.
Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.

Kinda. I don't accept claims of divine inspiration until someone demonstrates empirically a divine reality actually exists. Could use that same logic to claim events in Harry Potter are real because the books say it is. But that doesn't make them true.

I've always wanted to attend Hogwarts. Ravenclaw 4 EVA!

Took a 'Sorting Hat' test once and was placed into Hufflepuff. :)

Ravenclaw for me......
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That's an insanely dumb statement.

Only if insanely ignorant about the creation of Christianity. First Christian NT Gospel didn't come along/get written until some 30+ years after Jesus' death. So how exactly did Jesus have anything to do with Christianity if he'd been dead for decades before any manifestation of it came along?

Because he was the subject of those writings. He said the gospel first needed to be written on our hearts.

I don't think he was talking just to be heard.

My guess is somebody felt it was too important to just be passed on in stories told around a fire.

Ah. I'm argueing the literary reality, you're apparently accepting the theological claims as reality. Thus the difference.
I'm looking at everything. You just can't accept the context.

Kinda. I don't accept claims of divine inspiration until someone demonstrates empirically a divine reality actually exists. Could use that same logic to claim events in Harry Potter are real because the books say it is. But that doesn't make them true.

The point is Jesus wanted the Disciples to know the gospel and live it, not just read it from a big book on Sundays.

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