AP sues Zimmerman over latest artwork

that will be for the courts to decide

the AP just handed him that much more publicity

this one might be tied up for now

but his next one will sell for that much more


AP serves George Zimmerman with a cease-and-desist order after he 'stole' their photographer's image for his latest painting

George Zimmerman's recent foray into the art world hasn't exactly earned him much critical praise. But it's definitely garnered him some attention - so much so that it could potentially get him sued by one of the largest news-wire services on earth.
For his latest painting, the man acquitted of murder in the shooting death of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin has painted a portrait of Florida State Attorney General Angela Corey, who is the woman who decided to charge Zimmerman with murder in Martin's death.
The problem for Zimmerman, however, is that the photo he used as the basis for his painting is owned by the Associated Press, and the wire service doesn't appear too keen on the idea of letting Zimmerman use it free of charge.

George Zimmerman 'stole' image captured by Associated Press photographer for latest painting | Mail Online
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I have done paintings based on media photos and never had a problem. Guess that you have to have Zimmean's celebrity profile to get in trouble.
It shows that we don't appreciate left-wing thugs trying to railroad an innocent man.

You, of course, do approve of that.

You may have missed the verdict in the killing of an unarmed teenager trying to get away from him but he was not found "innocent".

Nor is he.

The "unarmed teenager" was in fact trying to beat his brains in MMA style.

Apparently you believe "not guilty" means he's guilty.

Everyone with a brain in his head knows he was innocent.

We know that he was not convicted of murder. Do not know about the innocent part.
that will be for the courts to decide

the AP just handed him that much more publicity

this one might be tied up for now

but his next one will sell for that much more


AP serves George Zimmerman with a cease-and-desist order after he 'stole' their photographer's image for his latest painting

George Zimmerman's recent foray into the art world hasn't exactly earned him much critical praise. But it's definitely garnered him some attention - so much so that it could potentially get him sued by one of the largest news-wire services on earth.
For his latest painting, the man acquitted of murder in the shooting death of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin has painted a portrait of Florida State Attorney General Angela Corey, who is the woman who decided to charge Zimmerman with murder in Martin's death.
The problem for Zimmerman, however, is that the photo he used as the basis for his painting is owned by the Associated Press, and the wire service doesn't appear too keen on the idea of letting Zimmerman use it free of charge.

George Zimmerman 'stole' image captured by Associated Press photographer for latest painting | Mail Online
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They don't have a case. Copyright law says you only have rights to the actual image, not paintings of it. Andy Warhol made a famous painting of Marilyn Monroe based on a photograph, and no one sued him for it. He also painted coke cans and other copyrighted items.

We all know that AP doesn't give a damn about the money. They just hate George Zimmerman and want to punish him anyway they can.

i believe you are correct

their hatred may have actually helped increased its value
that will be for the courts to decide

the AP just handed him that much more publicity

this one might be tied up for now

but his next one will sell for that much more


AP serves George Zimmerman with a cease-and-desist order after he 'stole' their photographer's image for his latest painting

George Zimmerman's recent foray into the art world hasn't exactly earned him much critical praise. But it's definitely garnered him some attention - so much so that it could potentially get him sued by one of the largest news-wire services on earth.
For his latest painting, the man acquitted of murder in the shooting death of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin has painted a portrait of Florida State Attorney General Angela Corey, who is the woman who decided to charge Zimmerman with murder in Martin's death.
The problem for Zimmerman, however, is that the photo he used as the basis for his painting is owned by the Associated Press, and the wire service doesn't appear too keen on the idea of letting Zimmerman use it free of charge.

George Zimmerman 'stole' image captured by Associated Press photographer for latest painting | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

They don't have a case. Copyright law says you only have rights to the actual image, not paintings of it. Andy Warhol made a famous painting of Marilyn Monroe based on a photograph, and no one sued him for it. He also painted coke cans and other copyrighted items.

We all know that AP doesn't give a damn about the money. They just hate George Zimmerman and want to punish him anyway they can.

Wouldn't that be awesome? GZ sticks to his guns and counter sues and wins again. The left wing bed wetters here would go apoplectic.

i would LOL
Thanks, I think I got it fixed. Went under Quick Links to Edit Options.

Then scrolled down about 2/3 of the page and found Thread Display Mode. In the pull down bar there were four options. I was set at Linear, oldest first. I changed it to Threaded and that’s made quite a difference.
Make up your mind.

First you say the image is owned by AP and then you say gz owns it because its a "template". Bull shit.

Yours is the laughable position and you'll change your tune the second the image is owned by some rw.

And, this doesn't even address the issue of the ownership of the "mug". I really don't know what rights the woman whose photo is it but it would make any sane person's skin crawl to have their face used by a killer this way.

Bottom line is this thief cannot and should not be able to steal other people's work and profit from that theft. Hopefully, AP can make this stick.

What you are effectively advocating is the AP having a financially monopolistic stake in public news. That's a very shortsighted precedent to establish.


As has been repeatedly pointed out, the image is OWNED by AP because they bought it from the photographer.

There is nothing here about "public news". This is a story about a petty thief trying to make a buck off something that he does not own. The precedent has already been set - that one cannot steal. Come to think of it, so-called christians even have a rule about that.

except it is not the image anymore

if he used the exact AP picture in a blog or an article

then he may have violated a copyright law
I could be wrong, I'm not a copywrite lawer, but I think that if I were to go and do painting of a copywrited picture that is displayed to the public, then my artwork is still my art work. I suspect that GZ could win a case if this were to go to court. However why bother! Just hold this one back and make another painting. The lawyers love Zimmerman, he has made them tons of $$$$$.

Actually, the lawyers hate Zimmerman because he stiffed them. He still owes the guys who got him off on the Trayvon Murder 2.5 million dollars.
I could be wrong, I'm not a copywrite lawer, but I think that if I were to go and do painting of a copywrited picture that is displayed to the public, then my artwork is still my art work. I suspect that GZ could win a case if this were to go to court. However why bother! Just hold this one back and make another painting. The lawyers love Zimmerman, he has made them tons of $$$$$.

Actually, the lawyers hate Zimmerman because he stiffed them. He still owes the guys who got him off on the Trayvon Murder 2.5 million dollars.

The news agency said it sent a letter to Jayne Weintraub, one of Zimmerman's attorneys, asking that the sale of the painting "be blocked — and that, if there has been a sale, that the AP be paid damages."

On Friday, Zimmerman, who uses the Twitter handle "TherealGeorgeZ," wrote on his account: "No worries AP, I'll just take whatever U sue me for off your tab when I'm done suing you. Or ... I could put out how much U offered me 2."

AP spokesman Paul Colford said, "We don't know what he's talking about."

The news agency had a similar spat with artist Shepard Fairey over his use of an AP photo of then-Sen. Barack Obama for the artist's famous "HOPE" poster, which became popular during the 2008 presidential campaign. The legal dispute ended in 2011, when Fairey agreed to pay AP $1.6 million.

AP accuses George Zimmerman of using its photo in his artwork - latimes.com
Jon, I remember you from the old Yahoo message board.

I haven't found this message board threaded very well. In these long threads, sometimes hundreds of replies, how does any one know who is replying to who? Likewise, if you make a statement, how do you know when you've gotten a response?

Is there some special trick to this?


it took some time to figure it out

im sure i miss quite a few


but you can always go to your profile

and click on quotes

it will show posts you responded to and posts that someone responded to your posts

there are others here who may have a better answer
I could be wrong, I'm not a copywrite lawer, but I think that if I were to go and do painting of a copywrited picture that is displayed to the public, then my artwork is still my art work. I suspect that GZ could win a case if this were to go to court. However why bother! Just hold this one back and make another painting. The lawyers love Zimmerman, he has made them tons of $$$$$.

Actually, the lawyers hate Zimmerman because he stiffed them. He still owes the guys who got him off on the Trayvon Murder 2.5 million dollars.

The news agency said it sent a letter to Jayne Weintraub, one of Zimmerman's attorneys, asking that the sale of the painting "be blocked — and that, if there has been a sale, that the AP be paid damages."

On Friday, Zimmerman, who uses the Twitter handle "TherealGeorgeZ," wrote on his account: "No worries AP, I'll just take whatever U sue me for off your tab when I'm done suing you. Or ... I could put out how much U offered me 2."

AP spokesman Paul Colford said, "We don't know what he's talking about."

The news agency had a similar spat with artist Shepard Fairey over his use of an AP photo of then-Sen. Barack Obama for the artist's famous "HOPE" poster, which became popular during the 2008 presidential campaign. The legal dispute ended in 2011, when Fairey agreed to pay AP $1.6 million.

AP accuses George Zimmerman of using its photo in his artwork - latimes.com
AP is full of radical LIBs who HATE George! They convicted him of "murder months before the trial ended. They have already offered to 'settle' with George to avoid getting their asses sued. George has not agreed to the sum. He will settle for something in the two million range. They have offered George five hundred K.......so far. The fact that George now has proof that AP offered to settle means they admit their wrong doing.
Just so some of you light weights can keep up: It is no accident that George chose an image from AP to use in his art work. Think about it.
Every time 'AP' and George Zimmerman is used in the same sentence some one at Camden Lock throws a paper weight at a computer screen.
They WANT George to go away and they are willing to pay a lot. The simians at MSNBS are VERY interested in how much George settles for. The amount will be about half what they will settle for. After MSNBS 'settles' you can bet the words 'George Zimmerman' will never be spoken again by any of their talking heads.
It shows that we don't appreciate left-wing thugs trying to railroad an innocent man.

You, of course, do approve of that.

You may have missed the verdict in the killing of an unarmed teenager trying to get away from him but he was not found "innocent".

Nor is he.

YOU appear to have missed the nature of our legal system. Sleep through grade school, junior high and high school, did you?

A person is PRESUMED innocent. The STATE pressing criminal charges against a defendant carries the burden of proof to OVERCOME that presumption.

Mr. Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY.

Dipshit dishonest lolberal hacks like you may not grasp the import. But I'll clue you in. The PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE having never been overcome remained intact.

Accordingly, and contrary to your dishonest assertion, Mr. Zimmerman IS innocent in the eyes of the law and in objective reality.

Obviously, you couldn't possibly fathom that on either basis.

Effectively, and thoroughly pwned.
I could be wrong, I'm not a copywrite lawer, but I think that if I were to go and do painting of a copywrited picture that is displayed to the public, then my artwork is still my art work. I suspect that GZ could win a case if this were to go to court. However why bother! Just hold this one back and make another painting. The lawyers love Zimmerman, he has made them tons of $$$$$.

Actually, the lawyers hate Zimmerman because he stiffed them. He still owes the guys who got him off on the Trayvon Murder 2.5 million dollars.


I seriously doubt that those lawyers are pissed. They prevailed in the most widely known US Capital Murder case in the 21st Century, to date.

My guess is that they rarely think of Zimmerman, with all the work they've have, cashing all those checks.
You may have missed the verdict in the killing of an unarmed teenager trying to get away from him but he was not found "innocent".

Nor is he.

YOU appear to have missed the nature of our legal system. Sleep through grade school, junior high and high school, did you?

A person is PRESUMED innocent. The STATE pressing criminal charges against a defendant carries the burden of proof to OVERCOME that presumption.

Mr. Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY.

Dipshit dishonest lolberal hacks like you may not grasp the import. But I'll clue you in. The PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE having never been overcome remained intact.

Accordingly, and contrary to your dishonest assertion, Mr. Zimmerman IS innocent in the eyes of the law and in objective reality.

Obviously, you couldn't possibly fathom that on either basis.

Effectively, and thoroughly pwned.

:razz: Yeah he was. :razz:
You may have missed the verdict in the killing of an unarmed teenager trying to get away from him but he was not found "innocent".

Nor is he.

The "unarmed teenager" was in fact trying to beat his brains in MMA style.

Apparently you believe "not guilty" means he's guilty.

Everyone with a brain in his head knows he was innocent.

We know that he was not convicted of murder. Do not know about the innocent part.

Yes, we do know he was innocent based on the evidence.
I could be wrong, I'm not a copywrite lawer, but I think that if I were to go and do painting of a copywrited picture that is displayed to the public, then my artwork is still my art work. I suspect that GZ could win a case if this were to go to court. However why bother! Just hold this one back and make another painting. The lawyers love Zimmerman, he has made them tons of $$$$$.

Actually, the lawyers hate Zimmerman because he stiffed them. He still owes the guys who got him off on the Trayvon Murder 2.5 million dollars.

You have a vivid imagination. They are waiting for him to win his lawsuit against NBC to get paid. Even if they don't ever get paid, the free advertising was worth far more than $2.5 million
He certainly wasn't innocent of causing Trayvon Martin's death. He freely admitted that he did it. The murder was justified as self defense.

So, how is that federal prosecution coming? And the Martin family, weren't they supposed to file a multi million dollar civil suit. The statute of limitations is coming up. How's that coming along.
We know that he was not convicted of murder. Do not know about the innocent part.

Yes, we do know he was innocent based on the evidence.

He was not proven "innocent"... just not guilty..

That's legal hair splitting. No one is ever proved "innocent" in a court of law. However, in objective reality, we know he is innocent, just as we know that force of gravity makes matter accelerate towards the earth at a given velocity.
It shows that we don't appreciate left-wing thugs trying to railroad an innocent man.

You, of course, do approve of that.

You may have missed the verdict in the killing of an unarmed teenager trying to get away from him but he was not found "innocent".

Nor is he.

YOU appear to have missed the nature of our legal system. Sleep through grade school, junior high and high school, did you?

A person is PRESUMED innocent. The STATE pressing criminal charges against a defendant carries the burden of proof to OVERCOME that presumption.

Mr. Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY.

Dipshit dishonest lolberal hacks like you may not grasp the import. But I'll clue you in. The PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE having never been overcome remained intact.

Accordingly, and contrary to your dishonest assertion, Mr. Zimmerman IS innocent in the eyes of the law and in objective reality.

Obviously, you couldn't possibly fathom that on either basis.

Oh for Pete's sake.

There is a difference between "not guilty" and "innocent".

He is not innocent and he was not found to be innocent.
Yes, we do know he was innocent based on the evidence.

He was not proven "innocent"... just not guilty..

That's legal hair splitting. No one is ever proved "innocent" in a court of law. However, in objective reality, we know he is innocent, just as we know that force of gravity makes matter accelerate towards the earth at a given velocity.

What we KNOW ... is that the State couldn't prove it's case.. nothing more.

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