AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
There is misinformation all the way around. This is not a political issue and the attempts to turn it into one by some politicians, their acolytes in the media, and their partisan followers are desperate and pathetic

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a distorted picture. For starters, Trump hasn’t succeeded in cutting the budget.

He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness
The Democrats are politicizing an epidemic, which is their usual M.O., they're disgusting and evil people.
What did I tell ya......now even the Associated Press is letting us know the Democrats are lying to us.

An Associated Press fact check confirms what Breitbart News reported earlier this week: that Democrat presidential candidates are falsely claiming that President Donald Trump cut funding and personnel needed to fight coronavirus.

On Tuesday, Breitbart News fact-checked “mostly false” claims by former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg during the Democrat debate in South Carolina. Bloomberg claimed that Trump had “fired” a pandemic specialist at the White House, and “defunded” the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The implication: Trump was to blame for the spread of coronavirus — even though there have been just over a dozen cases and no fatalities in the U.S.

The truth: the pandemic specialist had left voluntarily during a reorganization of the bloated National Security Council (NSC), and the CDC cuts — as the agency wound down its Ebola response — were only proposed, not enacted.

The AP confirmed Thursday, in an article titled “AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness,” that much of what Democrats are saying about Trump’s response to the coronavirus challenge is simply not true:

Democratic presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a distorted picture. For starters, Trump hasn’t succeeded in cutting the budget.

He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.

Some public health experts say a bigger concern than White House budgets is the steady erosion of a CDC grant program for state and local public health emergency preparedness — the front lines in detecting and battling new disease. But that decline was set in motion by a congressional budget measure that predates Trump.

“The CDC’s response has been excellent, as it has been in the past,” said John Auerbach, president of the nonpartisan Trust for America’s Health, which works with government at all levels to improve the nation’s response to high-risk health crises. Some Democrats have charged that Trump decimated the nation’s public health leadership, but Auerbach said CDC’s top scientific ranks have remained stable during the past three years.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness
AP Confirms:
Democrats Are Lying to the Public About Coronavirus Readiness

AP Confirms: Democrats Are Lying to the Public About Coronavirus Readiness
27 Feb 2020 ~~ By Joel B. Pollak
An Associated Press fact check confirms what Breitbart News reported earlier this week: that Democrat presidential candidates are falsely claiming that President Donald Trump cut funding and personnel needed to fight coronavirus.
On Tuesday, Breitbart News fact-checked “mostly false” claims by former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg during the Democrat debate in South Carolina. Bloomberg claimed that Trump had “fired” a pandemic specialist at the White House, and “defunded” the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The implication: Trump was to blame for the spread of coronavirus — even though there have been just over a dozen cases and no fatalities in the U.S.
The truth: the pandemic specialist had left voluntarily during a reorganization of the bloated National Security Council (NSC), and the CDC cuts — as the agency wound down its Ebola response — were only proposed, not enacted.
The AP confirmed Thursday, in an article titled “AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness,” that much of what Democrats are saying about Trump’s response to the coronavirus challenge is simply not true:
Democratic presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a distorted picture. For starters, Trump hasn’t succeeded in cutting the budget.
He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.
But it was also fortunate that President Trump departed from protocol in one important way, widely criticized at the time: by shutting down travel from China, something the AP says is not typically done, he likely prevented a larger outbreak and bought the government precious time to prepare a response and educate the public.

Rahm Emanuel (Dem) tells us, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats politize and weaponize everything and anything to regain their power. It's what they do best. Yet they squeal when they're caught in their lies.
Funny isn't it the following Bill was passed by Congress in Sept 2018 during the restructuring of the CDC.
42 U.S. Code § 247d–4a.Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund (Sept 28, 2018)
The funds provided under the heading "CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support $50,000,000 to remain available until expended, shall be available to the CDC and DHS.
Our vigilant Pravda press would agree with the Democrats and that turns it into a fact and seems to disregard the facts.
Seems Little Mikey Bloomberg claimed that Trump 'fired' a pandemic specialist from the CDC when that person actually resigned.
Similarly there have been no budget cuts to the CDC, in fact their funding was increased before the Covid-19 contamination in China.
I would have been shocked if the Democrats hadn't tried to weaponize Corona Virus to attack President Trump. That is literally ALL THEY HAVE DONE since the night he rocked their world in 2016.
Democrats are lying?

Pinch me, I must be in a dream world.
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That's great that congress did not pass president Trump' s recommended cuts to the CDC budget.

We need to get tests out to all states, they knew this 2 months ago. They don't have any to send to all hospitals in all states or the State CDC Offices.

We need testing, everything else is nonsense, without testing.

Bloomberg etc are just acting like Trump did during Ebola.... we've had enough of Trump lies.......we don't need it from Bloomberg and Biden too.
There is misinformation all the way around. This is not a political issue and the attempts to turn it into one by some politicians, their acolytes in the media, and their partisan followers are desperate and pathetic

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential contenders are describing the federal infectious-disease bureaucracy as rudderless and ill-prepared for the coronavirus threat because of budget cuts and ham-handed leadership by President Donald Trump. That’s a distorted picture. For starters, Trump hasn’t succeeded in cutting the budget.

He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Weird...the Mexicrats will stoop to any level for political gain? WTF...who knew.
If the Democrats could get away with it, they'd deliberately get more people infected with Coronavirus so they could blame it on Trump.
Imagine rooting for a deadly virus to sweep the country in order to give you any hope of seizing power in Nov. That's where we're at with these unemployable, soulless shitstains.

Pick a side.
So if the story was they couldn't do their job cause of Trump.....what's the excuse for their failure now that we know that's false?
Imagine rooting for a deadly virus to sweep the country in order to give you any hope of seizing power in Nov. That's where we're at with these unemployable, soulless shitstains.

Pick a side.
Too bad you are too lazy and stupid to think for yourself. No one wants a virus to sweep through the country. We just want it to kill the idiot in office.
U.S. Health Workers Responding to Coronavirus Lacked Training and Protective Gear, Whistle-Blower Says
Team members were not properly trained, lacked necessary gear and moved freely around and off military bases where Americans were quarantined, a complaint says.
U.S. Health Workers Responding to Coronavirus Lacked Training and Protective Gear, Whistle-Blower Says

WASHINGTON — Federal health employees interacted with Americans quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus without proper medical training or protective gear, then scattered into the general population, according to a government whistle-blower who lawmakers say faced retaliation for reporting concerns.

The team was “improperly deployed” to two military bases in California to assist the processing of Americans who had been evacuated from coronavirus hot zones in China and elsewhere, according to a portion of a narrative account shared with Congress and obtained by The New York Times ahead of a formal complaint to the Office of the Special Counsel, an independent government agency that handles federal whistle-blower complaints.

Staff members from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families were sent to Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in late January and early February and were ordered to enter quarantined areas, including a hangar where coronavirus evacuees were being received, the complaint said. They were not provided safety-protocol training until five days into their assignment, said the whistle-blower, who is described as a senior leader at the health agency.

Without proper training or equipment, some of the exposed staff members moved freely around and off the bases, with at least one person staying in a nearby hotel and leaving California on a commercial flight. Many were unaware of the need to test their temperatures three times a day.
U.S. Health Workers Responding to Coronavirus Lacked Training and Protective Gear, Whistle-Blower Says
Team members were not properly trained, lacked necessary gear and moved freely around and off military bases where Americans were quarantined, a complaint says.
U.S. Health Workers Responding to Coronavirus Lacked Training and Protective Gear, Whistle-Blower Says

WASHINGTON — Federal health employees interacted with Americans quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus without proper medical training or protective gear, then scattered into the general population, according to a government whistle-blower who lawmakers say faced retaliation for reporting concerns.

The team was “improperly deployed” to two military bases in California to assist the processing of Americans who had been evacuated from coronavirus hot zones in China and elsewhere, according to a portion of a narrative account shared with Congress and obtained by The New York Times ahead of a formal complaint to the Office of the Special Counsel, an independent government agency that handles federal whistle-blower complaints.

Staff members from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families were sent to Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in late January and early February and were ordered to enter quarantined areas, including a hangar where coronavirus evacuees were being received, the complaint said. They were not provided safety-protocol training until five days into their assignment, said the whistle-blower, who is described as a senior leader at the health agency.

Without proper training or equipment, some of the exposed staff members moved freely around and off the bases, with at least one person staying in a nearby hotel and leaving California on a commercial flight. Many were unaware of the need to test their temperatures three times a day.
Drumpf leadership in action.

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