AOC's Green New Deal would destroy our country


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

AOC's Green New Deal would cost $16 Trillion.
There is no proof that it would change the Earth's climate.
But, it would definitely enslave the taxpayers.
In socialism the Politicians are the Masters and the Citizens are their Slaves.
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I just read through House Resolution 109 (116th Congress) aka "New Green Deal" ... could you please point to the exact sections that approperate what you claim will cost $16 trillion? ...

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that—
(2)(L) - cleaning up existing hazardous waste and abandoned sites, ensuring economic development and sustainability on those sites;

Are you suggesting we let Oak Ridge bleed plutonium into the Tennessee River headwaters forever? ... that's profoundly selfish of you ...
TRUMPvirus is destroying the country worse

It is YOU who has the dreaded Trump virus, he wasn't in the post one at all, but he is certainly inside your partisan head.
Well, 152,902 dead Americans kind of stays in ones head. Especially when it is the President's idiocy that has created this situation.

As far as the Green New Deal is concerned, if the Feds throw out grids to the areas with high solar and wind potential, it is a done deal. Because it will be in the economic interests of the nation and corporations to develop that energy. Given the rapid progress being made in grid scale storage by Tesla and many others, both solar and wind will be 24/7.
AOC may have been the spark to enact the GND, but WE THE PEOPLE, millions of people across America and the world, WE ARE THE WILDFIRE!
Probably close to what wagon and buggy makers said about Henry Ford's new contraptions..
TRUMPvirus is destroying the country worse

You better hope not for your own sake, unless you love the anarchy that the democrats will bring. You can already see it now and under them anarchy and race hatred between everyone will increase.
What we are seeing now is what Trump has created. Dem House, Senate, and Executive. And then listen to you neanderthals bawl, mewl, puke, and whine. LOL
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AOC's Green New Deal would cost $16 Trillion.
There is no proof that it would change the Earth's climate.
But, it would definitely enslave the taxpayers.
In socialism the Politicians are the Masters and the Citizens are their Slaves.
Don't worry Joe said thier 21 million new green jobs coming
As the average American will pay more .......for....Everything

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