AOC tests positive for Covid after her Miami “getaway”

Can't be. Nobody as smart and informed as AOC could possibly get COVID. This must be a mistake. Anyway, she's vaccinated so she can't catch COVID according to Fauci, Biden, MSNBC, CNN and the federal health bureaucracy.
Two things that have exposed the corruption in the govt. and the media more than anything else in the history of man are Donald Trump and the WuFlu. You have to be completely off your rocker to not see the corruption in this country and how deep it runs.

Its unfortunate we have so many living here that are indeed completely off their rocker.
I caught something the last time I went to Florida. I was sick for 3 weeks.
Every time one of the guys in the shop goes down there they bring back a bug.

"Roaches" mayhaps? LMAOROFL


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