AOC, "Democratic Socialism", and Individualism vs. Collectivism

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Why do we still seem to be enamored with AOC? She has been proven herself to be the least effective member of the House (thank God!). She is dumber than shit. Nobody doubt’s that she is utilized by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries as a useful fool to pimp their destructive ideology. She is emotionally stunted, etc… So why is she still a darling of the press? I will tell you why.

This is still largely a man’s world, and the overwhelming majority of men in this world, regardless of whether they agree with AOC’s stupid politics, want to paint her light-brown face pearl white. It’s just the way it is. I think she is a shit head, and that the stupid shit she says makes her less attractive to me. But I would still hit that. I would scorch that cooter without a second thought. But I digress.

I strongly suspect that her insidious ideological pimps, the Marxist “Justice Democrats”, picked AOC for this purpose (and because she is lobotomy-stupid and will, therefore, say whatever they tell her to say). She is like a Trojan horse, with big juicy tits.

Do you know what “democratic socialism” really is? I do not mean its academic definition, or some perverted interpretation thereof. I mean, do you REALLY know what it is? I am going to tell you. If you listen closely to the words spoken in the speeches of Lenin and Trotsky you will hear them talk about “the people” being authorized in their system to decide what shall be done with the wealth of the Soviet Union (e.g., means of production, national resources, etc...). The people decide. The people, as a collective, are empowered to allocate wealth and resources. This appealed to the long-suffering people there. And why wouldn’t it? The people in Russia at that time were starving peasants put through war and living under a Czar that had much, generating class envy. The Bolsheviks took advantage of this to inject their venom into the body politic.

Lenin’s use of this idea – that “the people” would decide how to allocate resources; i.e., democratic socialism – was intentional in order to attract people to his ideology and to party. It was a trick. It was also a lie. It was a fake and ongoing “revolution” (a communist idea necessary to perpetuate the cause). In practice, however, it is pure authoritarianism.

Everyone who desires freedom should ALWAYS beware of any ideology that stresses the value of the collective over the individual. Our Founders were all too aware of the evils that may arise when political power is allowed to be concentrated in one, or very few, areas in the state. The remedy is to decentralize power, and then enforce a system of decentralized power. Essentially, you are enforcing a system that will allow individuals to be free, or at least enjoy the degree of freedom guaranteed by no other political system in the world, ever.

The collective, however, overrides the interest in the individual and instead focuses on the group. The state rewards those in a group, encouraging people to identify as a group rather than as an individual. This strengthens the group and allows it to be directed by a small number of people. You see this model in wide use today in America. It is toxic to the founding principles of decentralized power and individualism. It is a danger to the Republic and, therefore, a danger to the freedom of you and I.

Does AOC understand this? Does she understand the implication of her stupid rhetoric? Of course not! She is dumb as a stump. She is a zombie sheep that foolishly believes that democratic socialism is a true and viable political paradigm. The Bolshevik sheep believed this too.

AOC does not know what the fuck she is talking about. Neither do most of the talking heads in the media when it comes to this stuff. They ask, “Don’t you want to take the power of the capitalist corporate overlords to determine your fate away from them?” But if you read between the lines (and lies) what they are really asking is “Don’t you want to cede your individual autonomy, as largely guaranteed by the American Constitution, to a centralized authoritarian regime who will control every aspect of your life?”

“Democratic socialism” is not real. It is a rhetorical construct, seemingly legitimized in the minds of idiots due to the academic blatherings about it. The idea for such a unicorn utopian existence has been around for well over a century. But have you ever seen it in practice? Of course not. This is because for any democratic system to work there must be a substantial amount of power vested in the individual, independent of any sort of collective interest. “Democratic socialism” is fundamentally, and fatally, flawed in this way. The idea that DS is a legitimate, sustainable form of governance is asinine. It is illogical. It is untried. And it is totally and completely embraced by AOC. What a stupid fucking idiot.
Why do we still seem to be enamored with AOC? She has been proven herself to be the least effective member of the House (thank God!). She is dumber than shit. Nobody doubt’s that she is utilized by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries as a useful fool to pimp their destructive ideology. She is emotionally stunted, etc… So why is she still a darling of the press? I will tell you why.

This is still largely a man’s world, and the overwhelming majority of men in this world, regardless of whether they agree with AOC’s stupid politics, want to paint her light-brown face pearl white. It’s just the way it is. I think she is a shit head, and that the stupid shit she says makes her less attractive to me. But I would still hit that. I would scorch that cooter without a second thought. But I digress.

I strongly suspect that her insidious ideological pimps, the Marxist “Justice Democrats”, picked AOC for this purpose (and because she is lobotomy-stupid and will, therefore, say whatever they tell her to say). She is like a Trojan horse, with big juicy tits.

Do you know what “democratic socialism” really is? I do not mean its academic definition, or some perverted interpretation thereof. I mean, do you REALLY know what it is? I am going to tell you. If you listen closely to the words spoken in the speeches of Lenin and Trotsky you will hear them talk about “the people” being authorized in their system to decide what shall be done with the wealth of the Soviet Union (e.g., means of production, national resources, etc...). The people decide. The people, as a collective, are empowered to allocate wealth and resources. This appealed to the long-suffering people there. And why wouldn’t it? The people in Russia at that time were starving peasants put through war and living under a Czar that had much, generating class envy. The Bolsheviks took advantage of this to inject their venom into the body politic.

Lenin’s use of this idea – that “the people” would decide how to allocate resources; i.e., democratic socialism – was intentional in order to attract people to his ideology and to party. It was a trick. It was also a lie. It was a fake and ongoing “revolution” (a communist idea necessary to perpetuate the cause). In practice, however, it is pure authoritarianism.

Everyone who desires freedom should ALWAYS beware of any ideology that stresses the value of the collective over the individual. Our Founders were all too aware of the evils that may arise when political power is allowed to be concentrated in one, or very few, areas in the state. The remedy is to decentralize power, and then enforce a system of decentralized power. Essentially, you are enforcing a system that will allow individuals to be free, or at least enjoy the degree of freedom guaranteed by no other political system in the world, ever.

The collective, however, overrides the interest in the individual and instead focuses on the group. The state rewards those in a group, encouraging people to identify as a group rather than as an individual. This strengthens the group and allows it to be directed by a small number of people. You see this model in wide use today in America. It is toxic to the founding principles of decentralized power and individualism. It is a danger to the Republic and, therefore, a danger to the freedom of you and I.

Does AOC understand this? Does she understand the implication of her stupid rhetoric? Of course not! She is dumb as a stump. She is a zombie sheep that foolishly believes that democratic socialism is a true and viable political paradigm. The Bolshevik sheep believed this too.

AOC does not know what the fuck she is talking about. Neither do most of the talking heads in the media when it comes to this stuff. They ask, “Don’t you want to take the power of the capitalist corporate overlords to determine your fate away from them?” But if you read between the lines (and lies) what they are really asking is “Don’t you want to cede your individual autonomy, as largely guaranteed by the American Constitution, to a centralized authoritarian regime who will control every aspect of your life?”

“Democratic socialism” is not real. It is a rhetorical construct, seemingly legitimized in the minds of idiots due to the academic blatherings about it. The idea for such a unicorn utopian existence has been around for well over a century. But have you ever seen it in practice? Of course not. This is because for any democratic system to work there must be a substantial amount of power vested in the individual, independent of any sort of collective interest. “Democratic socialism” is fundamentally, and fatally, flawed in this way. The idea that DS is a legitimate, sustainable form of governance is asinine. It is illogical. It is untried. And it is totally and completely embraced by AOC. What a stupid fucking idiot.
AOC is dangerous because she knows what "plays" in America and in American politics. Sex and theatrics, and she does both very well. Remember when she wore that all white gown with Tax The Rich painted in red on her ass? That picture sums up AOC and how she has played the system to climb to the top of the Democratic Party.
AOC is a fraud. She’s not a socialist. She’s a neo-Fascist like nearly all in Congress.

Don’t fall for establishment media propaganda.
You are confused.

AOC is a socialist.

Here are your Nazis:


Give us a big kiss, you adorable Nazi, you!
Jesus dude do you do any research before posting? AOC is a crony capitalist warmonger elitist to the core. Do you bother to analyze her voting record?
Show me which parts of her record are proof she is a crony capitalist warmonger:

Was it her vote to "direct the Secretary of Energy to carry out a grant program to improve the energy resilience, energy democracy, and security of communities, prioritizing environmental justice communities, and for other purposes"?
Jesus dude do you do any research before posting? AOC is a crony capitalist warmonger elitist to the core. Do you bother to analyze her voting record?

"To authorize the Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to support African American history education programs, and for other purposes."

THAT makes AOC a crony capitalist warmonger!

Oh, wait...

"To require a background check for every firearm sale."

"To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes."

"Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment."

"Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right to vote to citizens sixteen years of age or older."

Oh, here is absolute PROOF she is a crony capitalist!: "Stop Corporate Capture Act"

"Southeast Asian Deportation Relief Act of 2022"

"Emergency Price Stabilization Act of 2022"
That doesnt sound socialist AT ALL! :lol:

Here are the REAL Nazis in the house:
Why do we still seem to be enamored with AOC? She has been proven herself to be the least effective member of the House (thank God!). She is dumber than shit. Nobody doubt’s that she is utilized by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries as a useful fool to pimp their destructive ideology. She is emotionally stunted, etc… So why is she still a darling of the press? I will tell you why.

This is still largely a man’s world, and the overwhelming majority of men in this world, regardless of whether they agree with AOC’s stupid politics, want to paint her light-brown face pearl white. It’s just the way it is. I think she is a shit head, and that the stupid shit she says makes her less attractive to me. But I would still hit that. I would scorch that cooter without a second thought. But I digress.

I strongly suspect that her insidious ideological pimps, the Marxist “Justice Democrats”, picked AOC for this purpose (and because she is lobotomy-stupid and will, therefore, say whatever they tell her to say). She is like a Trojan horse, with big juicy tits.

Do you know what “democratic socialism” really is? I do not mean its academic definition, or some perverted interpretation thereof. I mean, do you REALLY know what it is? I am going to tell you. If you listen closely to the words spoken in the speeches of Lenin and Trotsky you will hear them talk about “the people” being authorized in their system to decide what shall be done with the wealth of the Soviet Union (e.g., means of production, national resources, etc...). The people decide. The people, as a collective, are empowered to allocate wealth and resources. This appealed to the long-suffering people there. And why wouldn’t it? The people in Russia at that time were starving peasants put through war and living under a Czar that had much, generating class envy. The Bolsheviks took advantage of this to inject their venom into the body politic.

Lenin’s use of this idea – that “the people” would decide how to allocate resources; i.e., democratic socialism – was intentional in order to attract people to his ideology and to party. It was a trick. It was also a lie. It was a fake and ongoing “revolution” (a communist idea necessary to perpetuate the cause). In practice, however, it is pure authoritarianism.

Everyone who desires freedom should ALWAYS beware of any ideology that stresses the value of the collective over the individual. Our Founders were all too aware of the evils that may arise when political power is allowed to be concentrated in one, or very few, areas in the state. The remedy is to decentralize power, and then enforce a system of decentralized power. Essentially, you are enforcing a system that will allow individuals to be free, or at least enjoy the degree of freedom guaranteed by no other political system in the world, ever.

The collective, however, overrides the interest in the individual and instead focuses on the group. The state rewards those in a group, encouraging people to identify as a group rather than as an individual. This strengthens the group and allows it to be directed by a small number of people. You see this model in wide use today in America. It is toxic to the founding principles of decentralized power and individualism. It is a danger to the Republic and, therefore, a danger to the freedom of you and I.

Does AOC understand this? Does she understand the implication of her stupid rhetoric? Of course not! She is dumb as a stump. She is a zombie sheep that foolishly believes that democratic socialism is a true and viable political paradigm. The Bolshevik sheep believed this too.

AOC does not know what the fuck she is talking about. Neither do most of the talking heads in the media when it comes to this stuff. They ask, “Don’t you want to take the power of the capitalist corporate overlords to determine your fate away from them?” But if you read between the lines (and lies) what they are really asking is “Don’t you want to cede your individual autonomy, as largely guaranteed by the American Constitution, to a centralized authoritarian regime who will control every aspect of your life?”

“Democratic socialism” is not real. It is a rhetorical construct, seemingly legitimized in the minds of idiots due to the academic blatherings about it. The idea for such a unicorn utopian existence has been around for well over a century. But have you ever seen it in practice? Of course not. This is because for any democratic system to work there must be a substantial amount of power vested in the individual, independent of any sort of collective interest. “Democratic socialism” is fundamentally, and fatally, flawed in this way. The idea that DS is a legitimate, sustainable form of governance is asinine. It is illogical. It is untried. And it is totally and completely embraced by AOC. What a stupid fucking idiot.
Democrats have progressively picked less and less cognitively able candidates

Now they elect the likes of Fetterman who can't even complete a thought or sentence.

Hell, PA elected a dead man.

Just when you think the bar can't be set lower......................
Show me which parts of her record are proof she is a crony capitalist warmonger:

Was it her vote to "direct the Secretary of Energy to carry out a grant program to improve the energy resilience, energy democracy, and security of communities, prioritizing environmental justice communities, and for other purposes"?
Good God man how can you be so uninformed?

She’s voted for all kinds of shit. She’s Nancy Pelosi’s little poodle.

She’s voted for increases in the war budget. Voted for war in Ukraine. She turned her back on Amazon workers unionization. She’s done nothing for the people.

she’s a sell out. A fraud. A neo-liberal. A shit lib.

Why can duopoly dupes see frauds in the other party, but never their party?
Good God man how can you be so uninformed?

She’s voted for all kinds of shit. She’s Nancy Pelosi’s little poodle.

She’s voted for increases in the war budget. Voted for war in Ukraine. She turned her back on Amazon workers unionization. She’s done nothing for the people.

she’s a sell out. A fraud. A neo-liberal. A shit lib.

Why can duopoly dupes see frauds in the other party, but never their party?

It was AOC's demand the US pay slave reparations that convinced you she's a crony capitalist, wasn't it.
Good God man how can you be so uninformed?

She’s voted for all kinds of shit. She’s Nancy Pelosi’s little poodle.

She’s voted for increases in the war budget. Voted for war in Ukraine. She turned her back on Amazon workers unionization. She’s done nothing for the people.

she’s a sell out. A fraud. A neo-liberal. A shit lib.

Why can duopoly dupes see frauds in the other party, but never their party?

I don't think AOC's eye glasses are even real. I think she uses them to look less stupid.
It was AOC's demand the US pay slave reparations that convinced you she's a crony capitalist, wasn't it.
You need to focus on her entire record. Its clear she’s as I’ve described her.
Show me which parts of her record are proof she is a crony capitalist warmonger:

Was it her vote to "direct the Secretary of Energy to carry out a grant program to improve the energy resilience, energy democracy, and security of communities, prioritizing environmental justice communities, and for other purposes"?
yes that a good example of her demafasict agenda
The ny times once told me that Venezuela was stunning and brave real democratic socialism

Until it wasn't

But it wasn't their fault

For somebody who thinks that AOC is stupid and useless, you sure have a lot to say about her, Lord Short Dick.

As if your first post wasn’t creepy as fuck.
i just wish she’d stop taking illegal gifts from donors…her corruption is mind blowing

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