anyone planning a trip to cuba.....

I've been to Cuba! It's quite lovely. And yes, it's also cheap. And in terms of being "poor" that's true, but if you have ever traveled extensively you would realize that most of Latin America is no better off.
Maybe. I am in the market for a 1948-1949 Chevrolet Truck. If they haven't all been converted into boats, I might be able to find a great deal.
Have also been to Cuba. It is quaint and as some have said not much different than other 3rd world locations vacationers tend to visit. I would not recommend going there too early if travel starts to pick up. Unlike established vacation spots, they are not really equipped to handle much traffic = concerns about food, security, water, transportation, crime.
We had a Cuban American in our department - he fled the country back in the 1970s.

Brilliant gentleman who openly detested Castro and could not understand the American liberals fascination for him. While he never went into specific detail, he hinted at some atrocities inflicted on his family by the Castro regime - I believe his father was killed and his brother sent off to prison.

He said to me once, "Cuba is beautiful. The most beautiful place. Castro is a ****."

I agree.
Have also been to Cuba. It is quaint and as some have said not much different than other 3rd world locations vacationers tend to visit. I would not recommend going there too early if travel starts to pick up. Unlike established vacation spots, they are not really equipped to handle much traffic = concerns about food, security, water, transportation, crime.

I can only speak from one visit but I'd agree that there would need to be a huge investment in basic infrastructure if tourist numbers were to increase rapidly over a short period of time. I didn't go to Havana, stayed in a province about 8 hours from Havana. But I have to say talking with (thanks to Spanish-speaking wife) ordinary Cubans outside the nascent tourist industry was fascinating, none of the exploitation you can sometimes feel from visiting other destinations (eg being approached in Budapest when the Communists were in power to see if I could sell greenbacks).

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