Any predicted headlines after THE Global Warming hits the Carolinas?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
We all know they will be blaming Trump, America, and the free market for this. We get that. We also are perpetually confused as to why the left who hate this country (all of them do without exception), who hate the free market (even though that free market is the best friend to the ambitious in the serf class), and truly believe THE global warming is real and sea levels are rising, the left insist on living along the coasts around the world.

Why isn't there a mass migration to the middle states by these hypocritical losers? Why, would any of them be living in Florida? We all know according to the buffoon Gore (I would call him a baboon but he is white and that would not make any sense) that Florida was supposed to be gone in 2013. Why would they be living there? Strange.

Anyway, post a headline that we can expect from cnn. We all know they are saying high taxes would prevent hurricanes. We all saw that already.

Lets see those headlines that the stupid deranged sheep on the left will follow.
Only the people voting for the GOP denial of global warming are highly uninformed or just are following the heard. Whatever suits you, I know Trump used global warming as an excuse for the break wall in Ireland or Scotland, whenever it suit you , and only if you need it.
Only the people voting for the GOP denial of global warming are highly uninformed or just are following the heard. Whatever suits you, I know Trump used global warming as an excuse for the break wall in Ireland or Scotland, whenever it suit you , and only if you need it.
/----/ "denial of global warming"
So NASA is voting Trump? Good news
Earth is Cooling…No It's Warming - NASA Earth Observatory
Earth is Cooling…No It's Warming : In 1967 Hansen went to work for NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, in New York City, where he continued his research on planetary problems. Around 1970, some scientists suspected Earth was entering a peri
Some liberal will deliberately interfere in the delivery of relief supplies and the headline will be something like:
"Trump Delays Relief Efforts, Abandons Hurricane Victims"
And if anybody dies as a result of the storm, it'll somehow be his fault.
Well, we don't have free-markets, so they can't blame that.

Besides, the biggest polluter is our federal government. They have hundreds of thousands of buildings and vehicles.
Some liberal will deliberately interfere in the delivery of relief supplies and the headline will be something like:
"Trump Delays Relief Efforts, Abandons Hurricane Victims"
And if anybody dies as a result of the storm, it'll somehow be his fault.
Old Tactic. In 1992 (big election year) when hurricane Andrew hit Miami (Florida big swing state in big election year) Lawton Chiles (democrat governor) did not file for FEMA or official federal relief.

Believe it or not, Miami Cubans (back then) were mainly Republicans (anti castro) and really despised democrats. So, the democrats seized an opportunity. Remember, democrats through their pets in the media thrive on run down dilapidated cities. They need to set themselves as robin hoods. That is their bread and butter.

So, when FEMA was slow to respond as a result of democrat incompetence, the media of course pointed ALL BLAME on Boooooosh and Republicans.

Hurricane Andrew's hard lessons

Lawton Chiles hadn't formally asked for help; Chiles said that seemed silly with ... In fact, you don't have to do anything; everyone from FEMA to forecasters to ...


Do not underestimate how big of scumbags the democrats are. Remember they thrive on human misery. Therefore, they cause it while they accuse the other side of that which they are guilty.

Complete scumbags.
Nobody cares about global warming.

The science, so confidently pointed to by the annointed, isnt mattering for dick. No climate change action going on anywhere. Paris dead and in the US, the folks could not possibly be any less concerned:coffee::cul2::cul2:.
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“In a Twist of Fate, Trump’s Repeal of the Paris Agreement Gave Us Hurricane Florence”

“Scientists Say Trump’s Victory Influenced Florence’s Path To Directly Hit The U.S.”

“How Many Hurricane Victims Will Trump Screw Over This Time?”
CNN/MSNBC morons are already blaming Trump. They are still claiming about 3000 people were killed in PR.
When IN FACT about 2800 of these 'victims' had left PR and moved to the US mainland and simply didn't tell anyone.
The Separatist/Socialist mayor hated Trump so much she refused to hand out much needed aid to the people . She was caught in her evil doing.
Those who vote for candidates who erase environmental protections are to blame
CNN/MSNBC morons are already blaming Trump. They are still claiming about 3000 people were killed in PR.
When IN FACT about 2800 of these 'victims' had left PR and moved to the US mainland and simply didn't tell anyone.
The Separatist/Socialist mayor hated Trump so much she refused to hand out much needed aid to the people . She was caught in her evil doing.
What a moron you are
Only the people voting for the GOP denial of global warming are highly uninformed or just are following the heard. Whatever suits you, I know Trump used global warming as an excuse for the break wall in Ireland or Scotland, whenever it suit you , and only if you need it.

Why do you suppose they keep getting caught fudging climate data?

A thinking person would consider it odd they have to do that
Just saw they are predicting over two feet of rain

Trump is stocking up on paper towels
Just saw they are predicting over two feet of rain

Trump is stocking up on paper towels

And you know this how?

I have proof

Didn't you know? Every bad thing that happens in this universe is a direct result of Global Warming. The other day I stubbed my toe really bad on the metal leg of my desk and was in so much pain, I was hopping around the room in this one-footed dance boogie spewing gaudy, colorful streamers of profanities. And somehow I KNOW that Global Warming made that happen.

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