Any of your liberal historical geniuses ever hear of the "Killing Fields?"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
And how the Killing Fields became the Killing Fields?

The Killing Fields Museum - Learn from Cambodia - Home

It's because Democrats decided to just withdraw completely from Vietnam. Condemning not only many Vietnamese to death but MANY Cambodians.

Whether you agree with Vietham or not, Vietnam left us with one very important historical lesson.

You can't just withdraw militarily from a country whether you agree with that war or not. To do so condemns not just hundreds but MILLIONS to their deaths.

Now Obama seeks to repeat that horrible lesson in history for no other reason than to shore up his base for an election that (right now) he is likely to lose.

President Obama’s decision to pull all U.S. forces out of Iraq by Dec. 31 is an “absolute disaster” that puts the burgeoning Arab democracy at risk of an Iranian “strangling,” said an architect of the 2007 troop surge that turned around a losing war.

Retired ArmyGen. John M. Keane was at the forefront of persuading President George W. Bush to scuttle a static counterinsurgency strategy and replace it with 30,000 reinforcements and a more activist, street-by-street counterterrorism tactic.

Today, even with that strategy producing a huge drop in daily attacks, Gen. Keane bluntly told The Washington Times that the United States again is losing.

“I think it’s an absolute disaster,” said Gen. Keane, who advised Gen. David H. Petraeus when he was top Iraq commander. “We won the war in Iraq, and we’re now losing the peace.”

“Forty-four hundred lives lost,” Gen. Keane said. “Tens of thousands of troops wounded. Over a couple hundred thousand Iraqis killed. We liberated 25 million people. There is only one Arab Muslim country that elects its own government, and that is Iraq.

“We should be staying there to strengthen that democracy, to let them get the kind of political gains they need to get and keep the Iranians away from strangling that country. That should be our objective, and we are walking away from that objective.”

Key general calls Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times

There is a reason why the Democrats didn't gain politically after pulling out of Vietnam. It's because too many Americans saw the attrocities in tht aftermath.

That's one of the reasons Kerry lost in 2008. Too many people remember Kerry's hand in us just pulling out of Vietnam

Does Obama care how many people have died in Iraq?

Does he care that every Iraqi who risked their lives to help our military hunt down terrorists will be condemned to possibile imprisonment, torture and death?

Does he care that every Iraqi that ignored danger to vote in those elections will now have their lives and their children's lives in danger?

Does he care, Iraq will probably be taken over by another tyrant like Hussein?

Oh hell no, he doesn't care. All he cares about is winning an election.

The IDIOTS who think this is a good thing, Obama just withdrawing.

How many times must this happen before LIBERAL MORONS crack open a history book and learn from our past mistakes?

Remember this in 2012.

Remember and VOTE.
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I find it interesting no liberal wants to discuss this.

Gee . . . I wonder why . . . .:eusa_whistle:
i heard of the killing fields.

i heard of the bombing of cambodia, also.

i know why the rural population hated the city-dwellers and why the KR emptied pnomh penh within days after the capture.

i know who ended the KR regime.

i know who installed lon nol.

i know who was in charge from 1968-1975 in the US.

i know that you, teabaggerspamury, are not to be taken seriously.
Also, in terms of full disclosure, we had a bit to do with that.

We overthrew the monarchy of NOrodom Sihanouk in favor of the Khmer Republic of Lon Nol, who turned out to be completely incapable of running the country. Then we bombed the snot out of the Eastern part of the country (trying to shut down the "ho chi Mihn Trail"), creating millions of refugees and making them ripe for recruitment by the Khmer Rogue and Pol Pot. The killing fields, as they say, where the rural people of the east avenging themselves on the Urban people in the west of the country.

Whenever people want to complain about some slaughter perpertrated by 'communists', they usually leave out that there were years of war preceeding these incidents that had dehumanized and bruatlized the people involved. Russia had a decade of war before the Stalin Purges. China had two decades of war before Mao did his shit. Life becomes cheap and bad things follow.

We are never that far from the savage, as much as we like to tell ourselves otherwise.
Kerry said that there would only be 10,000 people killed if we pulled out...oopsies.

Vietnam was a war won for the Communists by the LMSM


And now Obama seeks to do the same with Iraq.

It doesn't really matter whether you agree with either war.

The results of just pulling out is quite clear.

It is the ultimate betrayal of people who risked their lives to help the US who will get nothing out of it but torture and death.

Not only will it be a disaster in the short run, in the long run it will send a CLEAR message that you should NEVER help the US catch terrorists, because they US won't have your back if you do.

It is the ultimate in short-sighted thinking. Obama is doing it for NOTHING but short-term political gain.

ANY gain we had hoped to have fighting terrorism in the ME, will be lost for GENERATIONS because of Obama's electorial narcissism.

It's crime against humanity.

It makes me as sick (no, sicker) as when Bush 41 just pulled out of Iraq after Gulf War I and left the Kurds to freeze and die in the mud.

One of the reaons I didn't vote for Bush 41 in '92.

I'm heart sick over the human suffering he has condemned so many people to in Iraq over this. I'm really am heart sick over it.

God help those people, because Obama sure won't.
After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.

Thankfully, I lived to see the destruction of the LMSM media monopoly.
So getting another another 50,000 Americans killed turning Cambodia into another Vietnam would have been a good thing?

How would that have worked, exactly?

Don't you get it??????????

What am I saying, of course you don't.

It doesn't matter whether you agree with Vietnam.

The fact was WE WERE THERE!

You can't just pull out and leave millions of people defenseless!

I mean we STILL have people in Germany.

I'm not saying that's right or wrong. I'M SAYING THAT'S THE REALITY!

That's the way foreign policy works, whether you like it or not (and trust me I don't)

It's just reality.

You can't just pull out.

It's not only a military disaster, it's a public relations disaster, it's a foreign policy disaster.

It's human casualty disaster.

Do you get or even CARE how many people are going to die, just to make you happy over your hatred for Bush?????????

I not only think you don't know how many people will die, I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU WOULD CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD DIE EVEN IF YOU DID KNOW.

All you freaking care about is your hatred for Bush.

You left disgust me to my very heart. You disgust me so, it even sickens my heart more.

How can we learn such horrible lessons in history as the killing fields of Cambodia JUST TO REPEAT IT AGAIN, because the left is too selfish and arrogant to learn from any of it's own mistakes???????
ANY gain we had hoped to have fighting terrorism in the ME, will be lost for GENERATIONS because of Obama's electorial narcissism.

It's crime against humanity.

It makes me as sick (no, sicker) as when Bush 41 just pulled out of Iraq after Gulf War I and left the Kurds to freeze and die in the mud.

One of the reaons I didn't vote for Bush 41 in '92.

I'm heart sick over the human suffering he has condemned so many people to in Iraq over this. I'm really am heart sick over it.

God help those people, because Obama sure won't.

But at the end of that day, is that really our problem? Would you send someone you love to die to keep the Kurds and Shi'ites from killing each other for another week? I wouldn't.

If these people are that determined to kill each other because Umar stole Omar's goat 100 years ago, there just ain't that much we can do about it, and we shouldn't get involved. It isn't worth American lives, which should be the first lives we should be concerned about.

If it were a natural disaster, yeah, send people in to help, absolutely.

But if the cultural dynamic is the problem and we can't change it, then we need a much better strategic reason for doing so.

Besides, it's all a moot point. They TOLD us to leave, and it's their country.

The Khmer Rouge got started thanks to Nixon's secret bombing of Cambodia. And he initially supported them because they were against the North Vietnamese. Who, by the way, wound up taking them out.

Good job Tricky Dick. Good Job. :clap:

Wasn't Tricky Dick your hero Teapartysamurai?
The atrocities of Pol Pot will pale beside what is going to happen in the middle east. The bloodbath now brewing in so many countries will make the Khymer Rouge a footnote.

It doesn't have anything to do with our pulling out either. We refuse to recognize the threat.
i heard of the killing fields.

i heard of the bombing of cambodia, also.

i know why the rural population hated the city-dwellers and why the KR emptied pnomh penh within days after the capture.

i know who ended the KR regime.

i know who installed lon nol.

i know who was in charge from 1968-1975 in the US.

i know that you, teabaggerspamury, are not to be taken seriously.

I think I can see who is not to be taken seriously when what you reiterated does NOTHING to refute what I said!

The FACT is, the Pol Pot regime marched in and took over Cambodia AFTER the US withdrew in 1975.

That's NOT a coincidence.

Although, I don't expect it beneath you on the left to argue it is.

Be my guest and try.

I wouldn't be a BIT surprised if you did.
The atrocities of Pol Pot will pale beside what is going to happen in the middle east. The bloodbath now brewing in so many countries will make the Khymer Rouge a footnote.

But FDR's heroes Mao and Uncle Joe will probably still hold the #1 and 2 spots for history's greatest mass murderers
After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.

Thankfully, I lived to see the destruction of the LMSM media monopoly.


The Vietnamese fought the Chinese, Japanese, French and just about everyone else that tried to make them a colony.

They were never going to accept foreign rule.

How finally ended Pol Pot's regime, TPS?

Do you know?

What has how Pol Pot ended have to do with what let him EVER come to power in the first place?

That's just an attempt to deflect from the central point because you lefties know you really can't argue it did happen JUST as I said it did.

But keep trying lefties.

You are just making it clear how unable you are to really argue around this chilling reality.
So getting another another 50,000 Americans killed turning Cambodia into another Vietnam would have been a good thing?

How would that have worked, exactly?

Don't you get it??????????

What am I saying, of course you don't.

It doesn't matter whether you agree with Vietnam.

The fact was WE WERE THERE!

You can't just pull out and leave millions of people defenseless!

I mean we STILL have people in Germany.

I'm not saying that's right or wrong. I'M SAYING THAT'S THE REALITY!

That's the way foreign policy works, whether you like it or not (and trust me I don't)

It's just reality.

You can't just pull out.

It's not only a military disaster, it's a public relations disaster, it's a foreign policy disaster.

It's human casualty disaster.

Do you get or even CARE how many people are going to die, just to make you happy over your hatred for Bush?????????

I not only think you don't know how many people will die, I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU WOULD CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD DIE EVEN IF YOU DID KNOW.

All you freaking care about is your hatred for Bush.

You left disgust me to my very heart. You disgust me so, it even sickens my heart more.

How can we learn such horrible lessons in history as the killing fields of Cambodia JUST TO REPEAT IT AGAIN, because the left is too selfish and arrogant to learn from any of it's own mistakes???????

1. Do you understand that wars cost American lives and billions of dollars? Anyone ever mention that to you?

2. Why ARE we still in Germany and Japan, at great expense?

3. Barack Obama is carrying out the Bush plan for withdrawal from Iraq.

4. Nixon got us out of Vietnam. Take it up with his corpse if you think that was wrong.
Whether you agree with Vietham or not, Vietnam left us with one very important historical lesson.

You can't just withdraw militarily from a country whether you agree with that war or not. To do so condemns not just hundreds but MILLIONS to their deaths.

Whether you agree with Steve Jobs or not , he left us with one very important historical lesson

The pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs was discovered in 2004 when he was being checked for kidney stones. Biographer Walter Isaacson tells Steve Kroft that Jobs postponed a potentially life-saving operation--a decision he later regretted.

So cancerous tumors must be removed immediately if not sooner

After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.

Thankfully, I lived to see the destruction of the LMSM media monopoly.

Why were we there in the first place? What was the justification, in terms of vital national security interests, for us to ever be in Vietnam?

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