ANTIFA Supporters...... Defend this

Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

Trump and the GOP condemn and disavow "white supremacists" just about every goddamn day. When is the last time a democrat condemned Antifa?

Pelosi has in the last year condemned ANTIFA. That said, rarely, if ever, do you see Democrats condemn them. They sit passive, quiet and enjoy the disruption and violence.
Didn't you see that Nancy Blinkie Pelosi from San Fransicko is a racist?
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!


Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!
Why was it that ANTIFA knew that the gay reported worked for a conservative web sight and beat the shit out of him, with no response of condemnation against that beating by the Democrats? You fuckers on the right, even when it is one of your own shooting up a Country Western Event want every republican to go out and say how bad it is. You set the rules, now you have to play by those rules.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

Go ahead, dumbass. You loons tie everything to Trump anyway.

Not a thread on here you loons don't try to deflect to Orange Man bad

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.
You support the El Paso shooter! You support the Tree of Life massacre! You mourn the death of Tim McVeigh! Racist violence is a tent pole issue for your brand of toxic politics!

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.

You forgot failed.
If identified, he needs to be arrested and charged with assault. How's that for a defense?

Not enough.

Say, dummy, how often did you fall on your head? Roughly - the order of magnitude would suffice.

According to your own link, Portland is investigating police brutality while dispersing the crowds. So much for doing nothing. No one supports antifa. Literally, no one of any stature, and not a single poster on here, does.

I know, I know, you silly rightarded geezers cannot possibly let go of a single opportunity to generate your usual spluttering apoplexy, but really... All that clickbait, and the hyperventilation over it, sure left you effectively brain-dead.
Both conservatives and liberals should call out any groups that are extreme. There is no excuse for not doing so. Why would anyone want their ideology to be warped by some fringe group.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
Anifta is a Democrat group of terrorist. Yet not one Democrat is outraged about them. So yes, your kind supports them.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!
Lol, one of the shooters did what he did because of his belief in global warming. Not a Republican for sure.
Both conservatives and liberals should call out any groups that are extreme. There is no excuse for not doing so. Why would anyone want their ideology to be warped by some fringe group.
those on the extreme on both sides need to sit the fuck down and chill out.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.
You support the El Paso shooter! You support the Tree of Life massacre! You mourn the death of Tim McVeigh! Racist violence is a tent pole issue for your brand of toxic politics!
Got to go back over 20 years, huh? Lol

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!
and the KKK is not the poster child for the right as the left loves to pitch.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.
You support the El Paso shooter! You support the Tree of Life massacre! You mourn the death of Tim McVeigh! Racist violence is a tent pole issue for your brand of toxic politics!

Your deflection is feeble at best. Go crawl back in the basement with your fellow brownshirts.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!
and the KKK is not the poster child for the right as the left loves to pitch.

The KKK is tired old dying relics that spew their hate yet I can’t recall them assaulting and terrorizing Obama supporters or smashing windows and lighting cars on fire during Obama’s Inaugration.
Both conservatives and liberals should call out any groups that are extreme. There is no excuse for not doing so. Why would anyone want their ideology to be warped by some fringe group.

Gawd... Do you really not see what's going on? Trump found fine people walking alongside folks with Nazi flags. There is no equivalent to that on the left. No one on the left wants to have anything to do with antifa, or their ideology, for that matter. All the while, the alt right with Bannon, Miller, Bolton, Pompeo and Trump as spearhead, is taking over the GOP.

That's why the nitwits on the right try to create the appearance of an equivalence. They know they are filthy like swine, and that won't change. So, the only way out is to smear the other side until everyone appears equally filthy, in the hope that no one notices. Wake up already!
Both conservatives and liberals should call out any groups that are extreme. There is no excuse for not doing so. Why would anyone want their ideology to be warped by some fringe group.

Gawd... Do you really not see what's going on? Trump found fine people walking alongside folks with Nazi flags. There is no equivalent to that on the left. No one on the left wants to have anything to do with antifa, or their ideology, for that matter. All the while, the alt right with Bannon, Miller, Bolton, Pompeo and Trump as spearhead, is taking over the GOP.

That's why the nitwits on the right try to create the appearance of an equivalence. They know they are filthy like swine, and that won't change. So, the only way out is to smear the other side until everyone appears equally filthy, in the hope that no one notices. Wake up already!

ANTIFA conducts the physical violence for the Left.

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