ANTIFA Supporters...... Defend this

Both conservatives and liberals should call out any groups that are extreme. There is no excuse for not doing so. Why would anyone want their ideology to be warped by some fringe group.

Gawd... Do you really not see what's going on? Trump found fine people walking alongside folks with Nazi flags. There is no equivalent to that on the left. No one on the left wants to have anything to do with antifa, or their ideology, for that matter. All the while, the alt right with Bannon, Miller, Bolton, Pompeo and Trump as spearhead, is taking over the GOP.

That's why the nitwits on the right try to create the appearance of an equivalence. They know they are filthy like swine, and that won't change. So, the only way out is to smear the other side until everyone appears equally filthy, in the hope that no one notices. Wake up already!

Not for anything, but I never said they were equivalent. However, it does not change the fact that Antifa should be called out for their actions just like the Proud Boys and other right wing supremacists should be called out for theirs. One side winning the abhorrent pissing contest and leading in the homicide category doesn’t make the other side immune from criticism.
If identified, he needs to be arrested and charged with assault. How's that for a defense?

Not enough.

Say, dummy, how often did you fall on your head? Roughly - the order of magnitude would suffice.

According to your own link, Portland is investigating police brutality while dispersing the crowds. So much for doing nothing. No one supports antifa. Literally, no one of any stature, and not a single poster on here, does.

I know, I know, you silly rightarded geezers cannot possibly let go of a single opportunity to generate your usual spluttering apoplexy, but really... All that clickbait, and the hyperventilation over it, sure left you effectively brain-dead.




DFL State Rep Compares D-Day Veterans to Antifa - The Minnesota Sun
‘The Atlantic’ Editor Compares Antifa To WWII Allies. Um, No.
Anti-fascism won WWII for America. Now Trump calls it ‘domestic terrorism.’ What the...? | Will Bunch
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Not for anything, but I never said they were equivalent. However, it does not change the fact that Antifa should be called out for their actions just like the Proud Boys and other right wing supremacists should be called out for theirs. One side winning the abhorrent pissing contest and leading in the homicide category doesn’t make the other side immune from criticism.

Let me remind you: "Both conservatives and liberals should ..." That implies equivalence.

Again, since you completely failed to take in my argument. This thread is most emphatically not about calling out antifa. It's about smearing the left with the antifa brush, while the left outside of antifa itself wants nothing to do with antifa - and antifa wants nothing to do with the Democrats either. This is nothing other than pretend guilt by forced (non-existent) association. You unwittingly touted that horn - disappointing as it is. All the while the fascist, racist, xenophobic, nativist alt right gloats and cheers over the Trumpification of the (once) GOP.

There is no equivalence here, and using the term "both", in this context, is either ignorant or a lie.
I rest my case. Dozens of insults but not a single link of support. When you guys start a narrative it NEVER has facts to support it. Antifa hasn’t killed anyone (unlike the alt right which was responsible for EVERY SINGLE extremest death in 2018). Beyond that, the Democrats don’t blow dog whistles of support or talk about good people being in that group.

Not for anything, but I never said they were equivalent. However, it does not change the fact that Antifa should be called out for their actions just like the Proud Boys and other right wing supremacists should be called out for theirs. One side winning the abhorrent pissing contest and leading in the homicide category doesn’t make the other side immune from criticism.

Let me remind you: "Both conservatives and liberals should ..." That implies equivalence.

Again, since you completely failed to take in my argument. This thread is most emphatically not about calling out antifa. It's about smearing the left with the antifa brush, while the left outside of antifa itself wants nothing to do with antifa - and antifa wants nothing to do with the Democrats either. This is nothing other than pretend guilt by forced (non-existent) association. You unwittingly touted that horn - disappointing as it is. All the while the fascist, racist, xenophobic, nativist alt right gloats and cheers over the Trumpification of the (once) GOP.

There is no equivalence here, and using the term "both", in this context, is either ignorant or a lie.

And we are going to disagree on this.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.

Yeah, they "fight fascist pigs" by acting exactly like the "fascist pigs".

Personally I wish both sides of that "fight" would do the world a favor and just finish up murdering one another.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!

and another counter attempt to deflect the passive support for ANTIFA.
You support the El Paso shooter! You support the Tree of Life massacre! You mourn the death of Tim McVeigh! Racist violence is a tent pole issue for your brand of toxic politics!
There are a lot of Nazis on this forum.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.

Yeah, they "fight fascist pigs" by acting exactly like the "fascist pigs".

Personally I wish both sides of that "fight" would do the world a favor and just finish up murdering one another.
Antifa has been fighting fascists since WWII.
I rest my case. Dozens of insults but not a single link of support. When you guys start a narrative it NEVER has facts to support it. Antifa hasn’t killed anyone (unlike the alt right which was responsible for EVERY SINGLE extremest death in 2018). Beyond that, the Democrats don’t blow dog whistles of support or talk about good people being in that group.

just call the anti-fa what they are - the alt-left. and they were trying to send $ and guns to mexico to kill ICE agents so you honestly have no idea what they have or have not done.
Antifa: Scope and Tactics:

Today's antifa argue they are the on-the-ground defense against individuals they believe are promoting fascism in the United States. However, antifa, who have many anti-police anarchists in their ranks, can also target law enforcement with both verbal and physical assaults because they believe the police are providing cover for white supremacists. They will sometimes chant against fascism and against law enforcement in the same breath.

While some antifa use their fists, other violent tactics include throwing projectiles, including bricks, crowbars, homemade slingshots, metal chains, water bottles, and balloons filled with urine and feces. They have deployed noxious gases, pushed through police barricades, and attempted to exploit any perceived weakness in law enforcement presence.

Away from rallies, they also engage in “doxxing,” exposing their adversaries’ identities, addresses, jobs and other private information. This can lead to their opponents being harassed or losing their jobs, among other consequences. Members of the alt right and other right wing extremists have responded with their own doxxing campaigns, and by perpetuating hateful and violent narratives using fake “antifa” social media accounts.

Because there is no unifying body for antifa, it is impossible to know how many “members” are currently active. Different localities have antifa populations of different strengths, but antifa are also sometimes willing to travel hundreds of miles to oppose a white supremacist event.

Who are Antifa?
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.

Yeah, they "fight fascist pigs" by acting exactly like the "fascist pigs".

Personally I wish both sides of that "fight" would do the world a favor and just finish up murdering one another.
Antifa has been fighting fascists since WWII.


They are OWS children
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.

Yeah, they "fight fascist pigs" by acting exactly like the "fascist pigs".

Personally I wish both sides of that "fight" would do the world a favor and just finish up murdering one another.
Antifa has been fighting fascists since WWII.
LOL, perhaps they need to find another adversary then because they have become what they claim to oppose.

"We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Walt Kelly
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.


You think, the U.S is being safeguarded against sliding into fascism by a few street brawls here and there? To answer the question, beating up a few pin-headed skinheads will accomplish nothing whatsoever. Except, perhaps, providing an opportunity to smear "the left". In the greater scheme of things, the fascists to fear are not the ones running around with tiki torches bawling at the top of their voices over their replacement. Rather, it's the goons in pinstripes, systematically undermining every last aspect of the enlightened experiment in self-government and infusing into the mainstream some thinly veiled Nazi Fuehrer cult, and their billion-dollar backers.

Keep that in mind, and it might dawn on you how profoundly incommensurate antifa actually is.

Moreover, dummy, upstream every reasonable liberal made the argument that there's no liberal supporting antifa in any way. Then you show up.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is a bunch of young, spoiled kids who don't want their mommies to see them breaking things so they wear a hood or a mask. Their aren't anyone's military wing, that's absurd.
Antifa is necessary to fight fascist pigs.
Antifa are a bunch of spoiled kids, most of whom need to go on a diet.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
White Nationalists are fine people-I am one. We believe in America first and the constitution. We accept ALL people willing to pull their weight and support soldiers and law enforcement. White Supremists are not good and cause trouble-just like Antifas.

I would like to hear from Black descent nationalists, and Hispanic descent Nationalists, And Asian descent Nationalists who love America as much as Caucasian Nationalists. White is such a racist term don't you think!:FIREdevil:
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
White Nationalists are fine people-I am one. We believe in America first and the constitution. We accept ALL people willing to pull their weight and support soldiers and law enforcement. White Supremists are not good and cause trouble-just like Antifas.

I would like to hear from Black descent nationalists, and Hispanic descent Nationalists, And Asian descent Nationalists who love America as much as Caucasian Nationalists. White is such a racist term don't you think!:FIREdevil:
Good point.
If identified, he needs to be arrested and charged with assault. How's that for a defense?

Not enough.

Say, dummy, how often did you fall on your head? Roughly - the order of magnitude would suffice.

According to your own link, Portland is investigating police brutality while dispersing the crowds. So much for doing nothing. No one supports antifa. Literally, no one of any stature, and not a single poster on here, does.

I know, I know, you silly rightarded geezers cannot possibly let go of a single opportunity to generate your usual spluttering apoplexy, but really... All that clickbait, and the hyperventilation over it, sure left you effectively brain-dead.
No one with a mind believes the bullshit you say on this forum.

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