Antifa militant who shot first at American hero Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to 3 years over Kenosha robbery

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is what you call justice being served. Patriotic American hero Kyle Rittenhouse came very close to losing his blessed life on that night of terror perpetrated by the leftist anarchists. Let this be a lesson for Antifa and BLM from now on, don't mess with White American patriots who are pro-2nd Amendment advocates. And don't rob from innocent people who work for their possessions.

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This is what you call justice being served. Patriotic American hero Kyle Rittenhouse came very close to losing his blessed life on that night of terror perpetrated by the leftist anarchists. Let this be a lesson for Antifa and BLM from now on, don't mess with White American patriots who are pro-2nd Amendment advocates.

you had me right up until you said white americans,,,

we dont want or need people that think like that in this country,,
They could have extorted $50 million from a corrupt "ally" with no jail time.... are they fucking stupid or what?

kyle the view.jpg
not taking away from his calmness and gun handling skills,,

you people do know he was there to support BLM and the protests as well as protect the buildings,,

its been scrubbed but theres a video out there I saw twice that was kyle and about ten of the other people he was with standing behind the car dealer he was protecting and he said that no lives matter unless black lives matter,,,

so no where is kyle a hero or anything but lucky,,

he of course seems to have switched sides when he saw how fast they turned against him,,
not taking away from his calmness and gun handling skills,,

you people do know he was there to support BLM and the protests as well as protect the buildings,,

The fat little fuck said nothing of the sort. He was there to kill black people. Even got caught on video wanting to kill black people.

its been scrubbed but theres a video out there I saw twice that was kyle and about ten of the other people he was with standing behind the car dealer he was protecting and he said that no lives matter unless black lives matter,,,

so no where is kyle a hero or anything but lucky,,

Nope. He's a little shit who went looking for trouble, found it, and our justice system failed to hold him to account.
The fat little fuck said nothing of the sort. He was there to kill black people. Even got caught on video wanting to kill black people.

Nope. He's a little shit who went looking for trouble, found it, and our justice system failed to hold him to account.

Our justice system worked perfectly you racist faggot

No such video exists and you know it LIAR

He acted in self defense and that is proven fact you lying racist PIG
The fat little fuck said nothing of the sort. He was there to kill black people. Even got caught on video wanting to kill black people.

Nope. He's a little shit who went looking for trouble, found it, and our justice system failed to hold him to account.
Where is the video you speak of where he lays out his intentions on Black People at the event?
The fat little fuck said nothing of the sort. He was there to kill black people. Even got caught on video wanting to kill black people.

Nope. He's a little shit who went looking for trouble, found it, and our justice system failed to hold him to account.
If he wanted to kill black people then why didn't he?
Why are you adding stipulations.

He was caught on tape wanting to murder black people.

Not once did he say anything about race or black people.

You are a liar

But we knew that from endless other threads where you dream up lies as you do
The fat little fuck said nothing of the sort. He was there to kill black people. Even got caught on video wanting to kill black people.

Nope. He's a little shit who went looking for trouble, found it, and our justice system failed to hold him to account.
You said "X", so probably the opposite is true. 999x out of 1000, moron.
If he wanted to kill black people then why didn't he?
Probably because the black guy that kicked him in the face hauled ass and wasn't there when he brought the rifle around.

That guy fuckin' skated. I ain't even seen the motherfuckerfucker mentioned.

Okay, here's what I saw happened. They threw a flaming bag of Circle K at him, that missed,
then a white dude attacked him and and landed some blows, next came a black dude that kicked him in the face, grabbed for his gun,

and said "get his gun, y'all", and ran off, and then the next two motherfuckers paid the price. They got shot.

Yeah. That's what I saw, and I got a damn good memory. I can remember back to when I was 2 in diapers n shit.

Where's this fuckin' black dude "get his gun, y'all" motherfucker? He gets off Scott free? What's going on here?
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Antifa militant who shot first at American hero Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to 3 years over Kenosha robbery
This is what you call justice being served. Patriotic American hero Kyle Rittenhouse came very close to losing his blessed life on that night of terror perpetrated by the leftist anarchists. Let this be a lesson for Antifa and BLM from now on, don't mess with White American patriots who are pro-2nd Amendment advocates. And don't rob from innocent people who work for their possessions.

Going through the ShTwitter post to the actual article cited; it does not claim, other than in the headline itself, that the man in question ever shot at Mr. Rittenhouse. The headline appears to be in error.

The text of the article says…

In the heat of the 2020 riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Joshua Ziminski fired a "warning shot" just before Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men in self-defense. …
During the riots, Joshua Ziminski was captured on video firing his gun into the air just before Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum in what was ultimately ruled as self-defense.

Nothing about any interaction between Mr. Rittenhouse and subhuman criminal piece of shit Ziminski. Just that shortly before Mr, Rittenhouse put down the subhuman childfucker that attacked him, subhuman criminal piece of shit Ziminski, in no way connected with that, fired a shot into the air. Mr. Rittenhouse and subhuman criminal piece of shit ZIminski probably weren't even near enough one another for Mr. Rittenhouse to have heard subhuman criminal piece of shit Ziminski's shot.


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