Anti-Vax Catholic Cardinal Placed On Ventilator After Contracting COVID


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Cardinal Raymond Burke, a staunch conservative in the US Catholic church who has emerged as a leading critic of Pope Francis and a vaccine skeptic, was placed on a ventilator just days after testing positive for Covid-19. Various tweets say that doctors are encouraged by his progress and that followers are praying the rosary for him. Last year, the cardinal delivered a homily at a Wisconsin church promulgating a conspiracy theory that the virus was part of a plot “by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda.”

I think this is a great reminder that as long as you have faith in God and the power of prayer; you should have nothing to absolutely proves there is no reason to get a vaccine and worry about COVID (unless it's illegal alien COVID) -- as the story cites; the cardinal is doing well after receiving the best medical care from the best Christian doctors...

Nothing like these Satanic doctors who reside inside of their ivory tower hospitals; the same so-called doctors who created COVID and the vaccine to advance their evil agenda. Too many people are tricked into going to these hospitals whenever they get sick or whenever they are in need of some life saving medical care; when they should be going to church doctors instead. As the bishop rightfully said;
"doctors/medicines are not the ultimate provider of health. God is."

It is unclear whether Burke has received the vaccine, but speaking at the May 2020 Rome Life Forum, Burke said that "vaccination itself cannot be imposed, in a totalitarian manner, on citizens." He also quoted groups that suggested that COVID-19 vaccines inject "a kind of microchip" that allow citizens to "be controlled by the state regarding health and about other matters which we can only imagine."

The cardinal also said that "it is never morally justified to develop a vaccine through the use of the cell lines of aborted fetuses," adding that the state "is not the ultimate provider of health. God is."
Why the hell are they still putting folks on ventilators?

I suppose they gave them those drugs Fauxi is pushing that kill people too?
That was my first thought too but could not recall the name of it and the antibiotic they were giving that kills kidneys.
Another one that will be no loss. He has a moral duty to help protect people. He failed.
No he didn't. He is absolutely correct about aborted babies and animals pieces and parts in vaccines. Any teacher of God's Word first duty is to tell the truth and use the Word of God to back it up in order to help people survive decently without wholly damaging their Spirit with ungodly crap skyence. Life is in the blood therefore one should keep it clean, it is an abomination to mix species or send babes into a fire and then consume them whether by injection or mouth.
That was my first thought too but could not recall the name of it and the antibiotic they were giving that kills kidneys.
Of course. . . they have to push that death count up of the "UN-vaccinated."

Make folks believe this plague is what is killing the folks, and the only thing that will save the nation is this experimental jab.

No he didn't. He is absolutely correct about aborted babies and animals pieces and parts in vaccines. Any teacher of God's Word first duty is to tell the truth and use the Word of God to back it up in order to help people survive decently without wholly damaging their Spirit with ungodly crap skyence. Life is in the blood therefore one should keep it clean, it is an abomination to mix species or send babes into a fire and then consume them whether by injection or mouth.
You are crazy. He should stick to buggering choir boys and let competent clerics advise the flocks.
If he isnt an abuser then he is probably one of those who covered up abuse. That is self evident.
Again provide some proof. Just because some Muslims use boys in place of girls does that mean all the others cover up for them? We could go on and on down that path.
Again provide some proof. Just because some Muslims use boys in place of girls does that mean all the others cover up for them? We could go on and on down that path.
We really couldnt. Some trashy <uzzie taxi drivers does not compare to the actions of high ranking Catholic bishops. Why do you deflect for these pervs ?
So you are saying that its not worth taking a jab because they may need a booster after a while ? Why are you allowed to teach kids ?

What month, Tommy? Was it the sad Astra-Zeneca? Pfizer? If it's not Moderna it's already losing effectiveness. You're already among the Great Unwashed Unvaccinated
We really couldnt. Some trashy <uzzie taxi drivers does not compare to the actions of high ranking Catholic bishops. Why do you deflect for these pervs ?
Not a deflection but looking for facts. Hell, the Mormon church has perv bishops and some really nasty peeps in it too but that doesn't say that every one of them is. All walks have pervs was my point. Still though one needs to make sure the individuals they are laying a claim on has some basis to it all. We can't just fry them all based on some or can we; I mean that is what they are attempting to do with the jab after all.
Not a deflection but looking for facts. Hell, the Mormon church has perv bishops and some really nasty peeps in it too but that doesn't say that every one of them is. All walks have pervs was my point. Still though one needs to make sure the individuals they are laying a claim on has some basis to it all. We can't just fry them all based on some or can we; I mean that is what they are attempting to do with the jab after all.
I do agree to a large extent. I cant think of a Church that has not had issues. I suspect that it has always been the case for centuries but we were just unaware of it. My point was that given the numbers of pervs it is unlikely that any senior priest has not been a part of the cover up.
It becomes systemic.
Centuries ago, doctors were probably seen as heretics by the church, at least ones that were extremely good at their jobs using actual medicine. Not much has changed. Fortunately, the church no longer runs whole countries. Hopefully this cardinal finds a warm spot in hell to rest in if he should die.

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