Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Yet you think they have a right to block my way?
Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.
You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
Sure he does. He was distracted and did not realize they were under his tires.

Or he was confused by the yelling screaming feral morons and did not know that the idiot had fallen under his car.

Or the poor driver was terrified and he suffered a moment of irrational fear and simply gunned the car to get out from among these raging criminals who were yelling that they were going to kill him.

Sure he can run over the filthy animals.
You don't have the authority to personally do anything about it beyond calling the cops. You don't get to run them over Mr. Wallace.

Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

Yeah, amazingly enough, you didn't say a fucking thing that equaled, "So I should be able to run him over!"
WHAT wasn't reported? That he was being escorted out by the cops? Yes, it was.

And no, it is NOT reality that two wrongs make a right, nor that it's okay for people to try to make it be so. I find it hard to be blase about "It's wrong, but people are just going to act like wild animals. Oh, well."

In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.

You know that the penalty for criminal activity in a civilized society - like the one America used to be - is being arrested and prosecuted through the courts, not summarily assaulted by psychotic mobs, right? I don't recall a new law being passed, authorizing private citizens to dispense "justice" via physical violence, but perhaps I just missed it.

America used to actually prosecute them instead of slapping them on the wrist.

You're absolutely right. So what the hell, we should just run 'em down like stray dogs!
liberals, including the rep establishment pushing cruz are quick to defend peaceful islam after they rip up people, but they are horrified when a cruz/sanders supporter dressed up like a KKK thug gets his ass kicked.

You might want to tell your therapist that the insanity is progressing at an alarming rate.
Not quite...protesting and disturbing the peace is not a felony

Assault however, still is

There are laws pertaining to incitement. You can be arrested and prosecuted for inciting riots and violence. Wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in supporters' faces, could be considered incitement.

Free speech

Protesting Trumps endorsement of the KKK and support from racist groups is protected speech
Beating up those with other views is not
Trump rented the place he holds his rallies, so any protesters, violent or otherwise, are an unwelcome intrusion of the event. They can be charged. If they're fighting they can be locked up.

Yes, but if his supporters feel they "have" to assault the protesters, rather than allowing the cops to handle it as civilized human beings would do, THEY can and will be locked up, as well.
I'm sure they will. But kicking these fuckers asses has a special satisfaction attached to it.

Spoken like someone who should be ashamed of what he's become.
That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.

Yes, and that STILL doesn't make it okay to run them down. It just means they get a much stiffer charge and sentence in court.

Let me help you out and save some time. Whatever you're going to say next? I mean, literally, ANY scenario you are going to dream up? STILL does not and will not justify you running people down with your car. Unless they're zombies. If they're any form of undead, THEN it's okay. Otherwise, no. So don't even bother asking.
You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
Sure he does. He was distracted and did not realize they were under his tires.

Or he was confused by the yelling screaming feral morons and did not know that the idiot had fallen under his car.

Or the poor driver was terrified and he suffered a moment of irrational fear and simply gunned the car to get out from among these raging criminals who were yelling that they were going to kill him.

Sure he can run over the filthy animals.

I don't know about your state, but in Arizona, every single thing you described is called "not maintaining full control of your vehicle", and makes you completely liable for vehicular assault and/or manslaughter, and puts your ass in prison.

Saying such things makes YOU the filthy animal. Just so you know.
That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Yet you think they have a right to block my way?

Learn the difference between "doesn't have a right to block the road" and "so I have a right to kill him".

Or just get some meds for the incipient psychopathy, Charles Manson. Whatever works.
There are laws pertaining to incitement. You can be arrested and prosecuted for inciting riots and violence. Wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in supporters' faces, could be considered incitement.

Free speech

Protesting Trumps endorsement of the KKK and support from racist groups is protected speech
Beating up those with other views is not
Trump rented the place he holds his rallies, so any protesters, violent or otherwise, are an unwelcome intrusion of the event. They can be charged. If they're fighting they can be locked up.

Yes, but if his supporters feel they "have" to assault the protesters, rather than allowing the cops to handle it as civilized human beings would do, THEY can and will be locked up, as well.
I'm sure they will. But kicking these fuckers asses has a special satisfaction attached to it.

Spoken like someone who should be ashamed of what he's become.
A rational American who loves his country?
Guilty as charged.
As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Yet you think they have a right to block my way?

Learn the difference between "doesn't have a right to block the road" and "so I have a right to kill him".

Or just get some meds for the incipient psychopathy, Charles Manson. Whatever works.

Learn that someone exercising their rights doesn't mean they can violate mine in the process.
As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.

Yes, and that STILL doesn't make it okay to run them down. It just means they get a much stiffer charge and sentence in court.

Let me help you out and save some time. Whatever you're going to say next? I mean, literally, ANY scenario you are going to dream up? STILL does not and will not justify you running people down with your car. Unless they're zombies. If they're any form of undead, THEN it's okay. Otherwise, no. So don't even bother asking.

In other words, you believe they can block the way of an ambulance even if it means someone's life but their pitiful life is worth more. It's easy to see where morons like you have your priorities.

Let me make it easy on you. Don't be stupid enough to get in front of my car.
In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.

You know that the penalty for criminal activity in a civilized society - like the one America used to be - is being arrested and prosecuted through the courts, not summarily assaulted by psychotic mobs, right? I don't recall a new law being passed, authorizing private citizens to dispense "justice" via physical violence, but perhaps I just missed it.

America used to actually prosecute them instead of slapping them on the wrist.

You're absolutely right. So what the hell, we should just run 'em down like stray dogs!
A stray dog serves more of a purpose and has more value than someone who thinks what they support and why they protest is more important than what I have to do.
Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

Yeah, amazingly enough, you didn't say a fucking thing that equaled, "So I should be able to run him over!"

Sure I did. Those blocking the PUBLIC roadways are telling those they block their protest is more important than what those traveling have to do. Not the case.
In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.

You know that the penalty for criminal activity in a civilized society - like the one America used to be - is being arrested and prosecuted through the courts, not summarily assaulted by psychotic mobs, right? I don't recall a new law being passed, authorizing private citizens to dispense "justice" via physical violence, but perhaps I just missed it.

America used to actually prosecute them instead of slapping them on the wrist.

You're absolutely right. So what the hell, we should just run 'em down like stray dogs!

There you go again, trying to twist words but only making yourself look the fool. No surprise.
Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.

Yes, and that STILL doesn't make it okay to run them down. It just means they get a much stiffer charge and sentence in court.

Let me help you out and save some time. Whatever you're going to say next? I mean, literally, ANY scenario you are going to dream up? STILL does not and will not justify you running people down with your car. Unless they're zombies. If they're any form of undead, THEN it's okay. Otherwise, no. So don't even bother asking.

In other words, you believe they can block the way of an ambulance even if it means someone's life but their pitiful life is worth more. It's easy to see where morons like you have your priorities.

Let me make it easy on you. Don't be stupid enough to get in front of my car.

Let me make it easy for you...

Don't hit anyone with your car and you won't go to jail. Hit them, regardless of whether they were laying down in front of your car or not, and you will.
A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.

Yes, and that STILL doesn't make it okay to run them down. It just means they get a much stiffer charge and sentence in court.

Let me help you out and save some time. Whatever you're going to say next? I mean, literally, ANY scenario you are going to dream up? STILL does not and will not justify you running people down with your car. Unless they're zombies. If they're any form of undead, THEN it's okay. Otherwise, no. So don't even bother asking.

In other words, you believe they can block the way of an ambulance even if it means someone's life but their pitiful life is worth more. It's easy to see where morons like you have your priorities.

Let me make it easy on you. Don't be stupid enough to get in front of my car.

Let me make it easy for you...

Don't hit anyone with your car and you won't go to jail. Hit them, regardless of whether they were laying down in front of your car or not, and you will.

Let me make it easy for you. If you get in front of my car and stop me from using my right to freely travel, my state's laws say otherwise.

My State's laws extend the Castle Doctrine to include an occupied vehicle and says that I have a right to be in those places unmolested. Someone that would get in my way because they think their cause is more worthy than my time is doing just that. Those laws say it is proper for law abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families with deadly force when the person presumes to have a fear of being harmed.
You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.
You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

Can their protest involve blocking the way of a fire truck or an ambulance? Slowing those down can mean the difference between life and death.

Yes, and that STILL doesn't make it okay to run them down. It just means they get a much stiffer charge and sentence in court.

Let me help you out and save some time. Whatever you're going to say next? I mean, literally, ANY scenario you are going to dream up? STILL does not and will not justify you running people down with your car. Unless they're zombies. If they're any form of undead, THEN it's okay. Otherwise, no. So don't even bother asking.

In other words, you believe they can block the way of an ambulance even if it means someone's life but their pitiful life is worth more. It's easy to see where morons like you have your priorities.

Let me make it easy on you. Don't be stupid enough to get in front of my car.

Let me make it easy for you...

Don't hit anyone with your car and you won't go to jail. Hit them, regardless of whether they were laying down in front of your car or not, and you will.

Let me make it easy for you. If you get in front of my car and stop me from using my right to freely travel, my state's laws say otherwise.

My State's laws extend the Castle Doctrine to include an occupied vehicle and says that I have a right to be in those places unmolested. Someone that would get in my way because they think their cause is more worthy than my time is doing just that. Those laws say it is proper for law abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families with deadly force when the person presumes to have a fear of being harmed.

No state law allows you to run a protester over with your car.

No worries, you'll do fine in prison.
Free speech

Protesting Trumps endorsement of the KKK and support from racist groups is protected speech
Beating up those with other views is not
Trump rented the place he holds his rallies, so any protesters, violent or otherwise, are an unwelcome intrusion of the event. They can be charged. If they're fighting they can be locked up.

Yes, but if his supporters feel they "have" to assault the protesters, rather than allowing the cops to handle it as civilized human beings would do, THEY can and will be locked up, as well.
I'm sure they will. But kicking these fuckers asses has a special satisfaction attached to it.

Spoken like someone who should be ashamed of what he's become.
A rational American who loves his country?
Guilty as charged.

A blithering kneejerk lunatic who thinks "I'm angry" justifies putting his brain on autopilot and endangering the country he claims to love in service of his national temper tantrum.

You sold out to libthink. I'm embarrassed for you every time you post.

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