Anti-racism--The church of the damned


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Charges of racism have become so common that even some democrats are beginning to see how destructive this red herring has become.

White guilt is still around but white folks are waking up to how ridiculous and devisive the obsession with the Negroes alleged mistreatment has become. What we are witness to is an oppression by a minority of the majority population via the proxy of white liberalism using that minority's supposed mistreatment as a political weapon against the majority population.

'Anti-racism is a church with no salvation. To be white is to be counted among the damned, no matter what you do. To be “colorblind” was once the goal of anti-racism, but today colorblindness is just another form of racism. And any white who resents being accused of racism is displaying “white fragility;” a host of professors, bureaucrats, and diversity experts will explain to him why he is racist, no matter what. These people profit from the sinner’s torment, like a corrupt clergy. A Renaissance pope would at least sell an indulgence if the price were right, but white “racists” get no mercy, regardless of how much they grovel or pay. There is only one way out of the cult of anti-racism: a strong white identity.'

Anti-Racism: The Church of the Damned - American Renaissance

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