Anti-maskers. Idiots or sociopaths.

That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Or, maybe just intelligent people with jobs and common sense who realize that wearing a face diaper can make you much sicker than the leftyvirus. How bout that snowflake??

Spoken like a true idiot, or sociopath. Tell me how wearing a mask makes you sicker. In case you can't come up with something, I have heard other idiots say that it raises your blood CO2. Give that BS a try if you can't come up with anything else.
You libbers sure are one way thinkers
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Moron! I think maybe you shoud be required to smoke cigarettes whenever you're in public.

I often do. But it hurts me worse than it does anybody else. As for dying from it, I have an older graph for you to look at.
View attachment 408869

Nice, the way your deceptive little graph only shows part of the story. Now let's look at the big picture from the same source...


COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 43
Masks don't work to stop the spread of an airborne viral infection. That is a fact that has been proven for decades.
You sheople will listen to any idiot if they put on a lab coat & lecture you.

So, it's to be a battle of the graphs is it? Well here is my opening shot.

That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
People who don't wear masks when requested to are being disrespectful.
People who wear masks just because they're told to when they know masks are even likely useless are simple minded FOOLS.

Yeah, that's why those highly intelligent "foolish" doctors were them. It's always interesting to see worms shout insults up to eagles.
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Do you see how successful democrats have been, this fucktard is literally ranting about "improper" mask technique!" This cretin is an excellent poster-child for eugenics, whatever its gender, he should be fixed so he may not corrupt the gene pool beyond damage his existence has already imparted to it....:omg:

If only masks stopped stupidity like yours. Instead of spewing your moronic gibberish, tell me something I said that you think isn't true.
In Europe they wear masks. Why are they locking down again?
Because “flatten the curve” was a lie. This is about permanent control over people and taking away rights. I guarantee the left will try to withhold any vaccine or useful therapy medications.

Too bad that because of idiots like you, my thread, "The coronavirus vaccine BS" was closed down to debate. I bet that you buy Trump's latest bullshit, "We're rounding the curve."
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
The CDC says wearing a mask will prevent many viral infections (esp to others). Yes, covering the nose as well as mouth is more prudent, but the mouth is a bigger spreader of the virus.

I am a Libertarian, but a sensible one who believes that others in society also have a right to liberty ... and SAFETY.
Why not wear a mask if you can help prevent at least SOME others (esp the more vulnerable people) from getting sick and maybe dying? It’s the RESPONSIBLE thing to do during this pandemic!

If you're coughing or sneezing, then the mouth is a bigger problem. But most breathing happens through your nose. Also, liberty sucks. All the anti-maskers are proof of that.
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Do you see how successful democrats have been, this fucktard is literally ranting about "improper" mask technique!" This cretin is an excellent poster-child for eugenics, whatever its gender, he should be fixed so he may not corrupt the gene pool beyond damage his existence has already imparted to it....:omg:

If only masks stopped stupidity like yours. Instead of spewing your moronic gibberish, tell me something I said that you think isn't true.
:omg: You room temperature IQ'd sub-moron, you cannot produce one single peer reviewed study, not fucking one, which shows cowering mask wearing democrats, are any more protected from wuhan fever than they would be absent the ridiculous political prop! You are an idiot, and a coward, willing to toss out any semblance of your liberty in exchange for illusion of safety, you deserve neither... :fu:
Or maybe insufferable Karens like you are servile, groveling, supplicant serfs, who would gladly march right into the boxcars if your betters told you that "the science" dictated that you do so.

So, I take it that you are an anti-masker. Well are you an idiot or a sociopath. Or are you both. The number of deaths from the coronvirus here are approaching 230,000. I take it you go along with Stalin on this number. He said, "If one person dies, it is a tragedy. If millions die, it is a statistic." Too bad that genocide seems to be your thing. Or I would ask you what is worse. An ever rising death toll or you having to wear a mask.

Why would I wear a mask if I wasn't infected? The fact of the matter is, masks do nothing to protect the wearer from the virus, and are only meant to protect other people from an infected person, or so they say.

So if I am not infected with the virus, why should I wear one?

Your entire premise is flawed and you've done nothing but waste system resources, bandwidth and other people's time.

You wear it just in case you got infected but haven't developed symptoms yet. Also, the protection goes both ways. It helps stop virus' from going in or out.
I've been to hundreds of garages sales, yard sales, estate sales, convenience stores, grocery stores, several Walmarts, several gun shows and one Trump rally. Most of the places I went were packed with people, and I seldom ever wore a mask, except in places that required it.

Now think about that mask you're wearing: Who made it? Where did it come from? What's the material made of? Does the material have dyes, synthetic fibers, or other compounds you're breathing into your lungs? Are you constantly breathing in the same shit you're breathing into your mask?

Your mask will probably kill you long before the Shanghai Shivers does.

Spoken like a true trumptard.

Ok, asshole. What is the purpose of wearing a mask?

You can't be so stupid as to not know that. They also had a doctor on the news recently. He may have even been the head of the CDC. Despite being appointed to that position by Trump, even he said that wearing a mask would go farther in stopping the spread of the coronavirus than a vaccine would.
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Moron! I think maybe you shoud be required to smoke cigarettes whenever you're in public.

I often do. But it hurts me worse than it does anybody else. As for dying from it, I have an older graph for you to look at.
View attachment 408869

Nice, the way your deceptive little graph only shows part of the story. Now let's look at the big picture from the same source...


COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 43
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Moron! I think maybe you shoud be required to smoke cigarettes whenever you're in public.

I often do. But it hurts me worse than it does anybody else. As for dying from it, I have an older graph for you to look at.
View attachment 408869

Nice, the way your deceptive little graph only shows part of the story. Now let's look at the big picture from the same source...


COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 43

I wouldn't believe the CDC anymore if they said the sky was blue.
Or maybe insufferable Karens like you are servile, groveling, supplicant serfs, who would gladly march right into the boxcars if your betters told you that "the science" dictated that you do so.

So, I take it that you are an anti-masker. Well are you an idiot or a sociopath. Or are you both. The number of deaths from the coronvirus here are approaching 230,000. I take it you go along with Stalin on this number. He said, "If one person dies, it is a tragedy. If millions die, it is a statistic." Too bad that genocide seems to be your thing. Or I would ask you what is worse. An ever rising death toll or you having to wear a mask.

Why would I wear a mask if I wasn't infected? The fact of the matter is, masks do nothing to protect the wearer from the virus, and are only meant to protect other people from an infected person, or so they say.

So if I am not infected with the virus, why should I wear one?

Your entire premise is flawed and you've done nothing but waste system resources, bandwidth and other people's time.

You wear it just in case you got infected but haven't developed symptoms yet. Also, the protection goes both ways. It helps stop virus' from going in or out.

Wrong. That diaper on your face doesn't filter out biological agents like COVID-19, and unless you're wearing a hospital-grade N95 mask, neither does it protect others.

Now another question: What makes you think I have the disease? You mean I'm supposed to wear one "just in case"?

I've carried a concealed loaded, cocked, and locked Glock 19 pistol plus two spare 15-round magazines on me every day for the last 11 years. So why would you liberals have an issue with my "preventive measure", and force your "just in case" on me, when I know I'm no infection threat to you?
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Moron! I think maybe you shoud be required to smoke cigarettes whenever you're in public.

I often do. But it hurts me worse than it does anybody else. As for dying from it, I have an older graph for you to look at.
View attachment 408869

Nice, the way your deceptive little graph only shows part of the story. Now let's look at the big picture from the same source...


COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 43

I wouldn't believe the CDC anymore if they said the sky was blue.

So you wouldn't believe the CDC, and yet you posted an image on page two, that was credited to the CDC?

Are you confused or something?

That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
People who don't wear masks when requested to are being disrespectful.
No, they are not. Not any more than people being asked to give up their guns refusing to do so.

Besides, it is NOT a request when it is at the end of a barrel.

I think that "dark wind" came out of your ass and you are breathing too much of it. No sane person could compare being asked to wear a mask to being asked to give up their guns.
Dear OP: The only 100% effective mask that will filter out biological agents, is a USGI M40 or equivalent, of which I keep two handy. Yet another benefit of going to yard sales...

You can pick them up on Ebay for $100-$150 and the C2A1 filters run about $30-$50 apiece. Avoid the older C2 filters and most foreign military-issue masks and filters, unless you like Hexavalent Chromium poisoning and breathing asbestos fibers. Also avoid the older US Army M-17 masks with the filters in the cheeks. They are out of date and leak asbestos fibers.

The newer-manufacture Israeli masks are good, though. I was prepping when prepping wasn't cool.

I wonder how often I have to say it is. A mask works better than no mask. Also, the head of the CDC, Robert Redfield was appointed to the post by Trump. You know, that disgusting example of a president who at one time called the coronavirus a hoax? Even this Trump appointee said that wearing a mask is more effective at stopping the coronavirus than a vaccine would be. I guess there is too much intelligent doctor in him for him to play along with Trump's game of downplaying the virus. Like you and many other idiots-sociopaths around here do.
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Or, maybe just intelligent people with jobs and common sense who realize that wearing a face diaper can make you much sicker than the leftyvirus. How bout that snowflake??

Spoken like a true idiot, or sociopath. Tell me how wearing a mask makes you sicker. In case you can't come up with something, I have heard other idiots say that it raises your blood CO2. Give that BS a try if you can't come up with anything else.
Bacteria from breathing your own infected air Poindexter...check it out.

If you are infected, you can't get any more infected. And even "if" it did, what you shouldn't do is make other people sick too.
Dear OP: The only 100% effective mask that will filter out biological agents, is a USGI M40 or equivalent, of which I keep two handy. Yet another benefit of going to yard sales...

You can pick them up on Ebay for $100-$150 and the C2A1 filters run about $30-$50 apiece. Avoid the older C2 filters and most foreign military-issue masks and filters, unless you like Hexavalent Chromium poisoning and breathing asbestos fibers. Also avoid the older US Army M-17 masks with the filters in the cheeks. They are out of date and leak asbestos fibers.

The newer-manufacture Israeli masks are good, though. I was prepping when prepping wasn't cool.

I wonder how often I have to say it is. A mask works better than no mask. Also, the head of the CDC, Robert Redfield was appointed to the post by Trump. You know, that disgusting example of a president who at one time called the coronavirus a hoax? Even this Trump appointee said that wearing a mask is more effective at stopping the coronavirus than a vaccine would be. I guess there is too much intelligent doctor in him for him to play along with Trump's game of downplaying the virus. Like you and many other idiots-sociopaths around here do.

How do you know that "a mask works better then no mask at all"? Is this like some pseudo-scientific fact you verified through reams of data, or just something you just pulled out of your ass?

Oh, wait: Someone said something you agreed with, so you automatically accepted it as the truth, right?
That is a difficult call to make. Maybe they are a little of both. Many anti-maskers from what I hear consider it an infringement of their freedom to be required to wear a mask if they go into some business. But nobody should have the freedom to endanger other people. Also, even an idiot should know that the cases of infection are rising. And that masks help stop the spread of a virus. There are idiots out there who say that a mask does no good. But that goes contrary to what doctors say. That aside, even an idiot should know that a mask works better than no mask at all.

Also, with over 225,000 people already having died from coronavirus so far, only a sociopath wouldn't be concerned by those deaths. I wonder how many of them would actually like to see an older person in their family to die from it. After all, at one time in Italy they had "Inheritance powder" that was going around. Where they would poison somebody with money so they could inherit it.

As for those who do wear masks, how about doing it right. I see many people wearing a mask who don't cover their noses. But your nose and mouth are just two different openings to the same hole. Maybe they are anti-maskers in disguise. Unless you are the type who runs around with your mouth hanging open, you do the vast majority of your breathing through your nose. Maybe they need to pass a law saying the obvious. That your nose must be covered.
Moron! I think maybe you shoud be required to smoke cigarettes whenever you're in public.

I often do. But it hurts me worse than it does anybody else. As for dying from it, I have an older graph for you to look at.
View attachment 408869

Nice, the way your deceptive little graph only shows part of the story. Now let's look at the big picture from the same source...


COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 43

I wouldn't believe the CDC anymore if they said the sky was blue.

So you wouldn't believe the CDC, and yet you posted an image on page two, that was credited to the CDC?

Are you confused or something?


The CDC was just one of the listed sources. But not everything the CDC says can be bullshit. Though they have done enough to make me distrustful of them. Even then, the head of the CDC was appointed by Trump. They try to do as much as they can in going along with Trump's plan of downplaying the coronavirus. So when even they had a hand in making a graph like this, you should take it seriously.

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