Anti gun nuts fail to stop 2nd amendment marching forward in Idaho

Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Ben Franklin
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Ben Franklin

I agree. Where were you with that quote when the patriot act was being rushed through.
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Ben Franklin

I agree. Where were you with that quote when the patriot act was being rushed through.

Two questions. When exactly did they introduce the bill that would later become the patriot act ? Was it the work of a dem or repub congress ?
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Ben Franklin

I agree. Where were you with that quote when the patriot act was being rushed through.
I am against the Patriot Act as well. So what now?
Bloombeerg promised 50 million dollars to subvert the Constitution. Liberals would have seizures if an individual person used that much money on anti-abortion legislation.

And no doubt the right would have seizures if the Lef used such triumphalist language the next time there was a mass shooting to prove them right. If mass shootings actually make the news any more.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Ben Franklin

I agree. Where were you with that quote when the patriot act was being rushed through.
I am against the Patriot Act as well. So what now?
I was against and still am against the patriot act.
Legislature Ignores Bloomberg Lobbying, Advances Gun Rights Bill |

It won't stop them but its nice to see the 2nd amendment marching forward.

Just what was needed more gun rights from the republicans. As if anyone had trouble getting a gun before this legislation. Can always count on repubs to fix something that isn't broke and then tell you how much they are doing.
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
Legislature Ignores Bloomberg Lobbying, Advances Gun Rights Bill |

It won't stop them but its nice to see the 2nd amendment marching forward.

Just what was needed more gun rights from the republicans. As if anyone had trouble getting a gun before this legislation. Can always count on repubs to fix something that isn't broke and then tell you how much they are doing.
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
It was broken. ANY law that goes against in ANY WAY the 2nd amendment needs revoked and changed to the loosest laws possible. Tough for you if you don't like it.
Legislature Ignores Bloomberg Lobbying, Advances Gun Rights Bill |

It won't stop them but its nice to see the 2nd amendment marching forward.

Just what was needed more gun rights from the republicans. As if anyone had trouble getting a gun before this legislation. Can always count on repubs to fix something that isn't broke and then tell you how much they are doing.
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
It was broken. ANY law that goes against in ANY WAY the 2nd amendment needs revoked and changed to the loosest laws possible. Tough for you if you don't like it.

Yes that should make everyone's life so much better. Of course 99.999999% of people will never need a gun for anything. And if they did they could easily get one before this legislation. So yes, way better than wages or jobs or anything else that would actually make the country better. Yeah those repubs are doing a great job..
Legislature Ignores Bloomberg Lobbying, Advances Gun Rights Bill |

It won't stop them but its nice to see the 2nd amendment marching forward.

Just what was needed more gun rights from the republicans. As if anyone had trouble getting a gun before this legislation. Can always count on repubs to fix something that isn't broke and then tell you how much they are doing.
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
It was broken. ANY law that goes against in ANY WAY the 2nd amendment needs revoked and changed to the loosest laws possible. Tough for you if you don't like it.

Yes that should make everyone's life so much better. Of course 99.999999% of people will never need a gun for anything. And if they did they could easily get one before this legislation. So yes, way better than wages or jobs or anything else that would actually make the country better. Yeah those repubs are doing a great job..
Better to not need it and have it than need it and not have it.
Just what was needed more gun rights from the republicans. As if anyone had trouble getting a gun before this legislation. Can always count on repubs to fix something that isn't broke and then tell you how much they are doing.
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
It was broken. ANY law that goes against in ANY WAY the 2nd amendment needs revoked and changed to the loosest laws possible. Tough for you if you don't like it.

Yes that should make everyone's life so much better. Of course 99.999999% of people will never need a gun for anything. And if they did they could easily get one before this legislation. So yes, way better than wages or jobs or anything else that would actually make the country better. Yeah those repubs are doing a great job..
Better to not need it and have it than need it and not have it.

Everyone needs good jobs and wages. But you be easily distracted by them wasting time with more gun legislation. Pat them on the back while the real issues go ignored.
Of all the states, why would one choose Idaho to restrict guns? They are a proven state that knows how to handle guns responsibly. Has anyone seen how gun owners in Chicago handle guns? For starters, many of them are unlawful gun owners, which explains a lot.
Legislature Ignores Bloomberg Lobbying, Advances Gun Rights Bill |

It won't stop them but its nice to see the 2nd amendment marching forward.

Not sure what you think this has to do with the 2nd Amendment in the first place.

This is about carry and conceal. The NRA knows that carry and conceal is NOT protected by the 2A.

In Presser the court ruled that parading around with guns (ie, simply carry) is not protected. The Heller case upheld the Presser case.

The right to keep arms is the right to OWN guns.

The right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia.

They are there so the militia has a ready supply of weapons AND a ready supply of personnel.

They are not there so people can defend themselves. (Note, I didn't not say people could not defend themselves with the guns they have. I also did not say people could not carry guns. I also did not say that people could not carry and conceal.)
Yeah Constitutional rights are terrible.

Everyone can get a gun who wants one. The country has real problems they ignore and distract all the morons with claiming they fixed things that weren't broken.
It was broken. ANY law that goes against in ANY WAY the 2nd amendment needs revoked and changed to the loosest laws possible. Tough for you if you don't like it.

Yes that should make everyone's life so much better. Of course 99.999999% of people will never need a gun for anything. And if they did they could easily get one before this legislation. So yes, way better than wages or jobs or anything else that would actually make the country better. Yeah those repubs are doing a great job..
Better to not need it and have it than need it and not have it.

Everyone needs good jobs and wages. But you be easily distracted by them wasting time with more gun legislation. Pat them on the back while the real issues go ignored.

You might have a point if their unemployment rate wasn't 3.9%, well below the national average.

Idaho Unemployment Rate

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